Post your mobile phone desktop!

Like your new layout Nexus.

Do you not find Google Now drains your battery though? Or is that just a standard search bar?

I like eye in the sky too with those icons, but I find it doesn't always update properly.
Like your new layout Nexus.

Do you not find Google Now drains your battery though? Or is that just a standard search bar?

I like eye in the sky too with those icons, but I find it doesn't always update properly.

Thanks :)

Yup that is just the google now/search bar (it is actually very handy having it when I want to search for something quickly or convert from a certain unit to another unit etc.!).

And yup again :p, find that google now does drain the battery pretty quickly so it is switched of, don't really need it anyway :p

Can't say I have noticed that problem yet....mine is set to update every 3 hours and I usually open the app every few hours to check anyway so it updates automatically when opened. Preferred snowstorm in the way it presented all the info neatly in the widget as well as the way it displayed the weather but as said, due to it not being as accurate any more for some reason, have to use this one and the eye in the sky suits that layout better anyway. I found that snowstorm didn't always update automatically, times it would go for 8 hours without being updated, worked fine when manually updating, however, there were times when it would get stuck on the searching for location, GPS would cut out before it located where I was.
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I'm back in the fold! iPhone was doing my head in lately because of a few bugs. I'm not too happy with the MetOffice weather widget, which is a nice transparent 4x1 widget I can use instead?

I might change the colour of the dates on the calendar now as before I had a dark screen and it didn't look right.

*forever fiddling*

Can't wait to have some fun on the Nexus 4 soon though !!
If it where me:

- keep the dates white
- change the events to a light grey
- change the weather icons to symbolicons (assuming that is eye in the sky?) or however, they are spelled :p :o
- move the bar to the top

Will be a huge upgrade from the desire! :cool:
I'm using ADW Launcher and the actual widget area is too low for putting the google search at the very top, it's about the same distance from the top as it is from the bottom (like it is currently)

I could have the ADW Actionbar at the very top but I don't like it having the google search, voice activation and app drawer launcher in the same design. I don't see the point in the ADW actionbar having the app drawer in the top right corner as well as in the task bar at the bottom. If you get what I mean. (screenie attached)

Ah, if you are running a V4+ android ROM and haven't tried nova launcher yet, get it installed! :p There is an option which allows you to place that search bar at the very top as shown in my last homescreen SS (can change it to either the JB or ICS style)

I quite like it personally, means you can place another app shortcut in the dock rather than having the app drawer there.
With the setup you just posted you can just remove the Google search at the bottom entirely as you also have a search at the top no?

Yeah but in my previous post I said I didn't like the app drawer shortcut in the top right corner as well as on my task tray at the bottom. Seems pointless having 2.

Nexus18, I am only running MildWild v4.3 as for some reason anything 4.+ would not work.

I have a cheap Sandisk 16gb SD Card and it's very flakey, I have to do file system repairs every few days :(

Hopefully no issues when the Nexus arrives
Well some of the stuff will apply to other phones i.e. turn google now of, if auto brightness isn't any good, manually control it, use wifi instead of mobile signal, use GSM only instead of WCDMA only even if you have wifi on, don't have weather etc. syncing often, set to something like 3 hours.

The main thing that needs to be done with the nexus 4 is this:

You can't do this on other handsets afaik.....
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