Post your past or recent Chav Stories...

Well you're bound to attract abuse if you walk about in public with a Yank so you can't be sure it was just a result of their underclass chav ways.
I got told I'd get shanked the other day by a group of teenagers because I looked at them. I laughed and then got told to suck my mum, which made me laugh even more.

I'm mixed Indian and when I was living in Switzerland I got called a n***er by a bunch of Albanian kids; who then proceeded to pick on my friend who is ginger by calling him Scottish and pushing him about (it didn't end well for them).
Glanced over someone's wall once. Got shouted at for looking at his weed plants or something, then got chased by him and his fat rottweilers.

Why the chuff were you climbing someones wall to look over it? :p

My missus asked one of the girls who lives a few doors away if her baby brother goes with her and her sister when they visit their dad on a weekend.

"No, we're not sure if he's got the same dad or if his dad is our grandad."

This made me lol.

u wanna come n live where I am,its full of them

drinking cans of beer in the back garden listening to trance music,they always seem to own ugly Staffordshire bull terriers aswell

If chavs were listening to it, then I doubt it was trance. :p

I once seen a spide (Northern Irish chav) finger a dog (a springer spaniel called Jill) in exchange for 3 Regal Filter.

I so want to believe this...

I spent 4 years of my life living in Hull.

Hull. One vowel away from Hell... :D

Really? I've just looked at the top definition of a keyboard warrior on urban dictionary and I think that everyone who knows me in real life (and there are a lot of those on here) will say that I'm exactly the same here as I am in person. That description really doesn't fit me at all.

My point was that this sort of thread always brings out posters who claim to have committed massive acts of violence on other people. Nobody knows whether they're true or not and as this is generally a forum frequented by computer enthusiasts, those posts are normally taken with a massive pinch of salt and an "oh look, another keyboard warrior" sort of attitude.

To be fair, as well as the inevitable weenie nerds I think there also are ton of regular mens men on this forum who just happen to like computers... ;)
Having been brought up in Manchester - specifically Levenshulme, not far from Longsight and Gorton, for those that know it - chavs or scallies as we often call them were a daily annoyance. Now I'm living in Stockport it's not quite so bad, apart from in the town centre anyway.

One recent event that stands out though, a few days ago I was driving home through Levenshulme and some little annoying chav threw something at my car. The road was totally empty so I swiftly turned round and drove with haste towards him. He was on a bike and clearly **** himself, the look on his face was priceless. He rode off down an alley way. Saw him the next day in the same place and as I was driving in his direction he scurried off before I got there!

They can be hawt though :p
My point was that this sort of thread always brings out posters who claim to have committed massive acts of violence on other people. Nobody knows whether they're true or not and as this is generally a forum frequented by computer enthusiasts, those posts are normally taken with a massive pinch of salt and an "oh look, another keyboard warrior" sort of attitude.

yes but this is a very different computer forum, poster here are different

whenever there is a thread related to obesity/BMI lots of posters will get a bit angry while also maintaining that they're clearly super bodybuilders or elite athletes and BMI doesn't apply to them

salary related threads demonstrate that loads of posters on here earn huge sums

female celebrities get mocked sometimes for their looks, most posters on here clearly only ever date models
it is then they live next door and keep you up till 1 am

should be thrown on a bonfire

I've had occasional trouble with neighbours noise, but I also have a pdr10 sub..

A couple of bass sweeps on repeat when I know they are partied out.. They are like dogs, that have to learn how to behave if they've not been taught.
Got jumped once, just took it as it was hospitalise one of them to scare the rest off then get jail, or just let the 2 ringleaders gently stamp against the half inch of russian wool i was wearing and remain a free man.

Mate didn't get it so good though ended up with 2 cracked ribs and a broken nose, he was still livid enough i tried to hold him back from the rest of them and he tried to carry 17st of me down the street.

Do i get internet tough guy points?
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