Prepare for Imminant Spider Invasion

Has anyone tried these plug in gizmo's that send an electromagnetic pulse through your electrical wiring to supposedly keep them at bay?? (or more importantly - will they intefere with my homeplugs!?!?!?! :eek:)

Yes, that is old technology and is currently obsolite, as they (spiders) have now learned to harvest it, and give themselves superpowers!
Definitely more spiders and things this year.

Last week my parents used my car to take some garden rubbish to the tip. Later that night I was driving and thought I could feel something on my neck so I stopped and checked but couldn't see anything. I countinued driving and then noticed one on the dash and then another hanging from the roof lining which then proceeded to fall into the footwell. Closest I have come to crashing in a long time. I found about 7 in the end under the seats and what not (and I wouldn't say they were small).

One of the least enjoyable experiences I have had. It's not fun being 'trapped' inside something, miles from home knowing they are running about by your ankles. I hate the bloody things lol
Definately more daddy long legs (crane flies). I can't stand them. I won't go to sleep in the same room as one, I have to kill it first.
A mate was working in Israel on building sites whikle he lived on a kibbutz for a while, on the building sites they would catch certain spiders, put them in jars and get paid for them by someone. It was not the spiders that worried anyone over there it was the hornets.
I welcome the spider over lords, at least they eat these bloody fly's we seem to get a allot of.


That one looks like he's heading for a YMCA-themed fancy dress party!
There was half a dozen tiny spiders on the bathroom wall yesterday - my other half noticed them while she was in the bath. Absolutely tiny, like 1mm across. She was beside herself so I told her not to worry as they wouldn't like bubble bath. She was in there for ages :D
Had to rescue the missus from a huge garden spider earlier this morning. It did tickle as it ran up my arm when I relocated it to the garden. Cheeky bugger should no his place and he got a "no lodgers" speech before I sent him off into the wild.
We always get a lot of spiders in our house but this past month there have been a hell of a lot. Fortunately i like spiders (yes you read that correctly:D ) although my brother doesn't, words can not describe how funny it is to throw spiders at him :D

That one looks like he's heading for a YMCA-themed fancy dress party!

Exactly what i thought before reading that! :p
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A friend of mine currently has 23 spiders in various tanks and tubs. Tarantulas, Goliath Bird Eating spiders etc.

She was telling me that she once had a Goliath (i think) that discovered it could push the lid of her tank off and escape. Apparently this happened one day and the window was open in the bedroom.

From Google (I guess this is almost fully grown)..


I was missing for a couple of days and one day my friend was sat in her living room when she heard a little girl outside ask her mum "Is it real?" - instantly realised it was probably the spider and managed to run outside and grab it. Unfortunately it died a month later!
A friend of mine currently has 23 spiders in various tanks and tubs. Tarantulas, Goliath Bird Eating spiders etc.

She was telling me that she once had a Goliath (i think) that discovered it could push the lid of her tank off and escape. Apparently this happened one day and the window was open in the bedroom.

From Google (I guess this is almost fully grown)..

I was missing for a couple of days and one day my friend was sat in her living room when she heard a little girl outside ask her mum "Is it real?" - instantly realised it was probably the spider and managed to run outside and grab it. Unfortunately it died a month later!

poor lil' beggar probably caught something outside/got mites :(

I've always wanted a Goliath Bird Eating spider, the males get much bigger than males and can get to the size of an A4 page!
We have a ridiculous amount of THESE around our place recently.

They have been weaving some amazing webs strung from trees, fences, people's doors, and other places.
We have a ridiculous amount of THESE around our place recently.

They have been weaving some amazing webs strung from trees, fences, people's doors, and other places.

These managed to block access down the allyway at the side of my house as there was loads of them!!!
(I say "BLOCK" i was too scared to walk down there :p)
I don't mind spiders, it's wasps and hornets that I hate.

Last week I put the light on in my home gym (which is an old barn) and started lifting weights when a hornet flew into the light right above my head and started going crazy around me - not a good time to have a hornet attack you when lifting weights alone!
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