Prepare for Imminant Spider Invasion

My seven legged housemate:

I don't mind spiders, it's wasps and hornets that I hate.

Last week I put the light on in my home gym (which is an old barn) and started lifting weights when a hornet flew into the light right above my head and started going crazy around me - not a good time to have a hornet attack you when lifting weights alone!

...they are only aggressive toward weightlifters:D..this beauty was in my living room.
Noticed this over the last couple of days. Ton's of daddy long legs in our area, if a window is open with a room light on at night for less than 2 mins, guaranteed we have at least 3 daddy long legs invading our walls and bulbs!

And I am one of those pansys!


can't be scared of daddy long legs these aren't spiders.

I'm getting loads of the spiders with their legs included they just about fit inside an old pint glass they are quite wide but the bodies aren't that big also they canc climb up the inside of the glass and are the fastest things on the planet relative to their size hehe
Have actually noted loads of spiders and daddy long legs this year, a lot more than usual. Bloody spider webs popping up everywhere
I've killed 4 of those ones in Skyfall's picture in the past week. Bloody big beasts they are too, far too un-natural for this country's climate. I'm moving to Antarctica!
ugh i hate these threads. they draw me in and i keep looking even though i hate spiders with a passion and they scare me :(
Eh? I've seen hardly any Daddy long legs this year compared with previous years. :confused:

i havnt seena single daddy long legs either, i think the spiders are wiping them out, the spiders are starting to learn the art of battle tactics, slowely making there way up the food chain.

one day we will be in the real life version of eight legged freaks, i guarantee

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