I don't mind spiders, it's wasps and hornets that I hate.
Last week I put the light on in my home gym (which is an old barn) and started lifting weights when a hornet flew into the light right above my head and started going crazy around me - not a good time to have a hornet attack you when lifting weights alone!
Noticed this over the last couple of days. Ton's of daddy long legs in our area, if a window is open with a room light on at night for less than 2 mins, guaranteed we have at least 3 daddy long legs invading our walls and bulbs!
And I am one of those pansys!
We have a ridiculous amount of THESE around our place recently.
They have been weaving some amazing webs strung from trees, fences, people's doors, and other places.
As long as they don't end up like this!!! Other wise they will look at my cat as free food!!
so this could happen?
please tell me thats a shop. i cant tell from teh pixels
Due to the Excellent breeding conditions last year you can expect Untold Spiders & Daddy long legs this year.
Eh? I've seen hardly any Daddy long legs this year compared with previous years.