Project: Angel

Looking at the Mountain Mods Pinnacle 24 or the
Ascension CYO not sure what finish to get black wrinkle looks good or just brushed and sort out the colour this side of the pond.

I went for a horizontal fitting with the MM Ascension case but for all intents and purposes, the motherboard tray looks exactly the same as one which would be fitted vertical:


I dunno which way to have the fan yet as there are two more 120mm fans on the case roof so for now ignore the fan orientation:



Fitting both GTX's in situ was a bit of a pain as MM have a nasty habit of placing a pop rivet directly in line with the PCI backplates making it tricky to fit the cards into the 16x PCIe slots at the same time. A little bit of 'jiggling' (technical term) and they slotted right in.
With the pumps sitting directly below the mobo tray, routing the tubing neatly was always going to be difficult so to cut down on the amount of tubing used, I made use of a couple of Bitspower 90 degree connectors:


I'm still not totally sold on them as I generally hate 90 degree bends in any loop, let alone one with 2 rads which is going to be restrictive enough. However I'm also a bit of a magpie when it comes to shiny stuff so I'll give them a go. I restriction is too much then I can easily swap them out.

Here's where I have hit a little snag:


You cant really tell that much from the photo but there is a severe slant on the motherboard tray courtesy of all that copper on the mobo and the fact I have not fitted the supporting strut from MM. The problem with the supplied strut is that it sits directly infront of the window which would dull the effect off the lush engraving there so I am determined not to use that. I plainly do need to use some sort of support though as I can't leave all that weight just hanging there. One to poner while I do a few mock ups of the tubing....
Loop one:

18wDDC -> PA120.3-> PA120.3 -> CPU -> GPU1 -> GPU2

Loop two:

18wDDC -> PA120.3-> PA120.3 -> MOSFET1 -> MOSFET2 -> NB


This is the best way I found to route the tubing, whether or not it is the best regarding heatload is doubtfull as I would prefer to have the GPU's split between the two loops but that is inpractical with this rig really. We'll see how it fairs when its up and running.

Heres a close up of the business end of the loops:


The only real difficulty in routing the tubing was with the MOSFET blocks:


Note that one section of tubing appears flattened. It is slightly flatter but still fairly rounded and certainly not as bad as the photo suggests.

I was quite impressed how easily and painless it all went tbh. With quite a lot of tubing left over I can easily re-dux the loops should it be necessary.
Good to see it finally getting some hardware in there!! See what you mean about the mobo tray though, could definately do with some sort of support under it.

Do you have any angled bitspower fittings left? Most of the loops look good, but just thinking you could get the U shaped piece between the 2 front rads looking a bit tidier, its the only bit which is letting it down in my opinion. Other than that its looking stunning! :D
Good to see it finally getting some hardware in there!! See what you mean about the mobo tray though, could definately do with some sort of support under it.

Do you have any angled bitspower fittings left? Most of the loops look good, but just thinking you could get the U shaped piece between the 2 front rads looking a bit tidier, its the only bit which is letting it down in my opinion. Other than that its looking stunning! :D

I got an idea for the support ;)

Dunno if they do that size angle as the PA's use 3/8 BSP not G1/4.:(
Still looking great :)

Small favour, please :D

Can you measure the clearance between motherboard and tray, i want the height of the standoffs ?


Webbo I would remove the cpu from the gpu loop, as these cards heat up the water very quickly.
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