Project: Angel

Have the GPU's on a loop on there own and put the cpu in with the chipset/mosfets? Don't forget there are two pa120.3's per loop!
That's the way I'd run it aswell, the components kicking out the most heat will be the GPUs and the CPU, so one loop will have a lot more heat to deal with than the other loop.

Also it might limit how far you can overclock it. :P
Beefy system w3bbo :cool:.
But get something to support the motherboard tray m8, can't see it just hanging there being good for it, even a piece of wood cut to size temporary until you get something better for it.
Personally I would order some aluminium angle bar & solid square bar & fix it in properly, only need a hacksaw & drill tool wise, a few nuts & bolts & it'd be great & sturdy.
Noticed you in the MM, Rich.

Is the Angel preparing to fly again ?


Aye, finally got personal life sorted, hence my absence from the forums, so getting back into the groove so to speak. I guess some of the equipment is a little out of date now though (2xgtx280's for a start), but hey, not as though any gpu killing games have been released that 2x280s shouldnt be ablke to so with so I'll be sticking to the spec for now.

I sorted the motherboard tray, managed to get a curtain pole from IKEA of all places, powdercoated white as it happens so once cut to size should be ideal for what I need.

I wheeled the Angel from it's storage space and it was covered in dust, its been that long since I messed with it - the shame. So sorry for the extreme delays and lack of updates.

Had a bit of a nightmare regarding the waterloops, did a dummy run, plumbed it all up only to realise that d-tek high flow barbs (my fave) don't like bits power rotarys and leave a big enough gap on the thread to cause a very slight leak - gutted. Anyway, I've got a good few bitspower barbs now which should sort that out. I could have ptfe the d-teks but looking at them they looked a little odd.

I'm still undecided on the loops, whether to do two separate or bung them all together. Anyway, I intend to get a bit more done asap so I'll post up progress as I go, thanks for the patience gents!
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Rich, good to see you you back, glad your personal life stuff sorted (i have half an idea) and things underway

Best of luck dude :)
Aye, finally got personal life sorted, hence my absence from the forums, so getting back into the groove so to speak.
Good stuff :cool:.

I sorted the motherboard tray, managed to get a curtain pole from IKEA of all places, powdercoated white as it happens so once cut to size should be ideal for what I need.
Perfect fix :D, looked like it was dipping pretty badly :eek:.

I just had a refresh look through the log, the mountain mods case looks crazy (good crazy) with the 9 fan mounts on the front, the dimensions must be massive lol.
Got the new barbs this week - bitspower diamond silver:


Hopefully they will solve the leak I had from using the d=tek ones which were a little too long on the thread. On inspection the thread of the d-teks seemed long enough but when everything was plumbed in there were minor leaks on all fittings :(.

Heres a shot of the d-teks:


More to come later this weekend :D
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