Noticed you in the MM, Rich.
Is the Angel preparing to fly again ?
Aye, finally got personal life sorted, hence my absence from the forums, so getting back into the groove so to speak. I guess some of the equipment is a little out of date now though (2xgtx280's for a start), but hey, not as though any gpu killing games have been released that 2x280s shouldnt be ablke to so with so I'll be sticking to the spec for now.
I sorted the motherboard tray, managed to get a curtain pole from IKEA of all places, powdercoated white as it happens so once cut to size should be ideal for what I need.
I wheeled the Angel from it's storage space and it was covered in dust, its been that long since I messed with it - the shame. So sorry for the extreme delays and lack of updates.
Had a bit of a nightmare regarding the waterloops, did a dummy run, plumbed it all up only to realise that d-tek high flow barbs (my fave) don't like bits power rotarys and leave a big enough gap on the thread to cause a very slight leak - gutted. Anyway, I've got a good few bitspower barbs now which should sort that out. I could have ptfe the d-teks but looking at them they looked a little odd.
I'm still undecided on the loops, whether to do two separate or bung them all together. Anyway, I intend to get a bit more done asap so I'll post up progress as I go, thanks for the patience gents!