Oh dear!!!!!!
Before I finished off the build and began the cable tidy I thought I had better give it a quick boot to see all is well.
Like most builders, booting for the first time can be a moment of dread but huraahh! It booted first time with no issues whatsoever

Thats as good as this update gets as there is doom and gloom to follow. After having a quick scour through the BIOS and inputting the 'easy' 4ghz settings I rebooted. The fans flickered slightly but no reboot. Strange I thought.
Must be a bad overclock or a setting I missed somewhere, however despite my best attempts (clearing CMOS etc) the damn thing refused to boot back into life. In a last ditch attempt I removed the power cord, cmos battery and left it for 20 mins or so.
Upon my return, it booted straight back up again - yay! This time I just loaded up the optimised defaults and the thing wouldn't boot again (cue CMOS clear and 10 minute wait).
At first I assumed there might have somehow damaged the psu so I tested it in another system and it work flawlessly - strange. Looking around on the net however, there appears to be a compatability issue with the enermax+85 psu and gigabyte UD5

Regardless and not willing to accept defeat I booted the PC with a redundant PSU I had as a back up and it worked first time, no issues with reboot either so deffo a PSU problem

. I've heard all the horror stories about cold booting issues with this board, despite not having any previously so in desparation I updated the BIOS to F12, replugged the enermax psu and crossed my fingers.

So my options:
1. Keep the enermax PSU as a redundant supply to power everything (inc the 2xGTX280's) apart from the mainboard. It seems a shame not to, being as I have a second empty PSU slot in the case

This however means braiding up and spraying the second PSU (an OCZ 750w modxtream iirc) - more time and ballache that I really care to go through!
2. By a new single PSU and rebraid/spray that? Time, money AND expense!
3, Throw the lot in the bin and go for a beer to console myself
4. Kick enermax and Gigabyte in the balls for their compatability issues!!!