Project car boot

You've just given me the idea of making an orange perspex replacement top part for the tuniq...

Must resist....urge to mod further...

Do have the urge however to mod LEDs into every thing that moves.

Q. if I connect in series will they become progressivly dimmer? and yes 470ohm res's

Q if I had 4 0r 5 in series would I still need a res? (as I only have 470 ohm ones
The 470 ohm is there to drop the voltage on one LED.

You could connect 100 like the first schematic I sent you and they would all be just as bright as each other. The +12v feed remains constant all the way down the line, i.e. each resistor leg is in effect 12v, the 470 ohm resistor drops the voltage to 2.2v and allows 25mA of power to enter the LED.

If you connect more than 1 LED in series to a single resistor it will be a lot dimmer, progressively until it wont light at all.

To light them in series (cathode to anode to cathode etc) you'd need a lower resistance resistor. For example to connect 3 of your orange in series you could wire up 2 resistors in parallel to feed your circuit. Thus:-


Resistors in parallel calculator

LED in series calculator

Connecting 3x 470 ohms in parallel drops the line resistance to 150 ohm which would power 4 LEDs. I won't do a schematic for that but it should be easy to visualise as a progression from the one above.

At 5 LEDs you'd have a voltage of 11v which is close to the 12v and you may not need a resistor at all but you run the risk of burning out your LEDs, it is good electronics to always have a resistor in line with LEDs and for the combined voltage drop of the LEDs to be less than the voltage source.

You could connect 100 like the first schematic I sent you and they would all be just as bright as each other. The +12v feed remains constant all the way down the line, i.e. each resistor leg is in effect 12v, the 470 ohm resistor drops the voltage to 2.2v and allows 25mA of power to enter the LED.

Clear perspex orange tinted? Should react well to the light below, and the ambient light from your cathodes. Should glow nicely. I wonder if a slightly irregular shape would refract the light better, perhaps a curved top to the perspex? Is that even possible?
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Parallel it is then.

Just been puting the HDDs into the rack. Aim is to put them in with the wiring at the back so as not to be seen (well that should see me busy most of Sunday being as this is a £5 case from as carboot sale and doesn't particularly lend itself to...well...anything!!!!

But then that's the point.

Now what can I put some LEDs into.
Wow, looks good around the opticals now, sweet :cool:, about it around the fans, no harm in seeing if it improves the looks if you have plenty of the board left over ;) maybe even just to see if it does improve looks or not, & if your using 3mm thick, above the mesh is best else you'd have to shape the mesh.
The LED work looks great, orange perspex on the tuniq sounds a neat idea too, might be tricky to do though.

Thanks Tealc, your a good teacher :), I'll be getting into doing my own lighting for my next mods, but I'll be taking the short cut with pre-wired ones for my current one :D.
You need a bandsaw for that custom Tuniq top, either that of a very steady and patient hand with a fine coping saw and a good soft jaw vice.

A quick look on the popular auction site shows 3mm and 5mm in orange tint but thicker eg 10mm only in clear.
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Pretty much finished the custom switch box I made from an old CD ROM drive.

Not pretty but the internals will never be seen. Getting the hang of this "Electricity" thing now. As far as I can determine you need enough electricity, but not too much electricity, and it's got to be going in the right direction. It's especially bad if "electicity" meets other "electricty" coming in the opposite direction.

I've put plugs onto the back to make it easier to install and remove.

Wired up to my 12v power unit to test eeverything works ok (no fires = good)

Desk looking a bit of a mess now.

Idiots guide to wiring LEDs (yes i'm really that dim).

The drips from the glue gun reminded me of something I can't quite put my finger on. Suggestions on a postcard...

Gonna get me one of them glue guns, would have been so handy the other night when sticking LEDs to a fan. Thought they were expensive so never thought about them before but I can't resist for £6.

I can think of a few uses to stick things down in my case too. Then if I decide to move something you just pry the glue blob off.
Mounted HDDs in rack.

Laptop (from dead laptop) drive using elastic weave

1TB data drive from one of my old Skelly builds (plan to use this PC as file server/downloader/mule, when it's done so needed decent HDD capacity)

Hiding the wiring or even getting it to all fit in is going to be a challenge.

That is flippin' sweet!! That bungee method is brilliant! I have at least 3 laptop drives floating around the place and I have never been arsed to buy brackets to fit them in my tower. Nice work!
The orange sata cables look alright too.
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