Project car boot

Thats good news G-dubs, awesome :cool:.

I haven't seen this member market bit, is it a hidden feature? I have an LED monitor I decided not to keep, only used for about a week from brand new, I prefer my expensive sammy lcd.
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I think you do it through the Trust button, fill out a few details and it's set. You'll get access to MM once someone validates your account (usually within 24 hours)
Well 3-5 day delivery and Friday is day 5 so should be with me tomorrow.

Then all being well swap them over and fire it up.

Can't wait to see it working after all the hours i've put into it.
Ahh, what a treat. Had lost this thread after following the build quite closely and come back to the eye candy all finished. And what a treat, the final product is superb dubz, i am in awe of your technical finesse. However, i can't help but feel the components don't do the final product justice.

Would love to see the case when lit up at night
Cheers matey

the build was never really about the components inside, for me it was about learning to mod and seeing what I could do without spending a fortune. That I had a working PC at the end of it was a bonus, and it is more than a bit tempting to stick an i7 set up in here as i'm pretty sure the cooling is up to a decent overclock.

Might stick it on MM in a few weeks time and move onto something else.

It's a bit of a desired taste though as maybe orange isn't to everyones taste
As you've waited so patiently i'll see if I can sort something tonight. Phones charging at the mo though. I did take a few a while back bt they lokked a bit...well...crap to be honest.

Problem with camera phones is they don't work well in the dark (unlike me of course who does some of his best work with the lights out).
Ah yes camera phones do tend to be a bit sucky, in both lighted and non-lighted conditions. Ok then maybe a Twilight money shot instead?

And oo-er to your last statement.
The dark and poor disco lighting have more than a few fog beasts to answer for.

OK had a go at a few shots. They are pretty crap though, and in some the camera makes the light look red not the rich orange it is.






I did say they were crap!!
See what you mean.

G-Dubs shopping list:-

1) A decent camera.

Is that with the Cathodes you had as well? Doesn't seem all that bright. If not then that Tuniq fan mod actually throws a fair bit of light.
Never got round to putting the ccfls in. couldnt find a good spot where they didnt make things look untidy.

i might have another go though as they will probably make it look loads better lightwise.

although the camera is crap the actual effect i get on the desk is a nice deep orange glow which lights up the whole of the inside
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