Nice to see the usual open minds being applied to what I consider a really cool video. I get that Ian Bell rubbed people up the wrong way but at least he fronted up to the public how many other devs do that? (EA?). SMS sorted a lot of stuff out very quickly and actually engaged through the forums with the punters to prioritise the most serious issues (XBOne controller issues anyone?), the bans came when people just became openly abusive, and try to remember that at the time they were a very small team having made the game on a tight budget, there are 2 sides to every story. If you had put your heart and soul into something for 4 years and people just came and slagged it off without offering anything useful or specific for you to sort out I think you'd get a bit annoyed too, "it feels crap" is not useful feedback.
Whether you call it it simcade or arcade it doesn't matter, every racing game is just that, a game. They're all simulating racing, they all feel different, unless you stick your bum in a real race car on a regular basis it's difficult to judge how realistic it is. It's a great time to be a sim racer with lots of brilliant games about. It would be nice if all the ******** could be put aside and just celebrate that.