Project; Turbo GSXR Slingshot

Ooo, got some pics from Stuart at WSR, looking very nice!

This is the plenum they made up for me a while ago, now has injectors fitted and the fuel rail made.





More pics, get your tissues ready!!

Plenum, injectors and fuel rail fitted.


Stuart has mounted the air bottle in the swing arm, dont know what I was expecting but this looks amazing!!
There's a cap to go on the space in the swing arm where the water tank will be.




And the rad mounted.



They're gods I tell ya!!

More WSR awesomeness!!

The filler cap welded on to the water tank.


The fuel tank has had a bit cut off the bottom so it clears the fuel pump and regulator.


Fuel pump and reg have been mounted onto a low profile breather that Stuart has made.


Then all mounted in place.


Will be picking the bike up Saturday and I cant wait!!

Well it came home last weekend, some amazing work by WSR!

Had a little time on it, finished the oil cooler mounts off, made another list of things I need before I start the loom as well, things like the compressor for the air shifter, oil cooler fans, few temp sensors etc, never ending!

Please, PLEASE can I have a go on it?

I will supply beers and pie! For the discussion after the ride obviously :P
Not been greatly busy on this lately, gathering monies again and the GSXR has kept me busy too!!

Got the compressor sorted though, this was the smallest one I could find that does over 120psi!

Also got a pressure switch, on at 90psi and off at 120 psi.


Took a lot of getting in there but it fits, just!

Had to take a little out the subframe and a little off the oil cooler mount, plus alter the bracket for the compressor!



Just ordered an adjustable regulator as I'm looking at pressurising the water injection tank using the compressor, will mean I can get higher pressure than boost levels and pressurising the water tank wont affect my boost level at all.
We have pressure!!

Tiny regulator for pressurising the water tank, fits in real nice!



Drilled and tapped the swing arm, one at the top for pressurising and 2 at the bottom for the outlets, one on either side of the swinger.


Sort of finished the solenoids, managed to break the switch on the air kill assembly so bought another one to find out the thread is now different!


Oh, the blue hose isn't staying, it was just on the shelf so will get used for the set up build!
My swing arm has a tiny leak too :(

Bought a complete engine this week as well, ill drop in a spacer gasket and run that at 6 psi to set everything up and have a play, saves setting up on a freshly built motor!
Im crap at updating this thread! :rolleyes:

I have an engine in the bike now, standard 1100 W with a 1.5mm spacer plate under the barrels, if my math is correct it should take the comp ratio to 9.1:1.

The engine is supposed to be a good low milage one but there are signs that its dropped a valve at some point probably farily recently, dinks in the piston top and head etc, the bore looks ok and the valves look ok too but im not holding out much hope of this one lasting that long!

Should get me up and running though and be suitable to test if my set up works or not.

So im starting to build the bike up to a stage where it'll run, current issue is fitting the plenum, with the injectors in I now can't put a bolt through the top holes as you can see here


I'll have to put studs in the head, if I do that though I cant fit the plenum on with the fuel rail attatched so I have to take it off, but it wont fit on with the plenum in place as the frame is in the way!

I may have to slot the top holes so the whole assembly will slide on sideways.
I also need to skim the flanges on the plenum as they've warped quite a bit with all the welding, times like these is when Im glad there's a mill in the shed!

I need to have a look in to stick coils, Ive recently fitted one to the DR and its solved quite a few starting problems, it also likes the wet better now!
There isn't a lot of room above cylinder 1 and 4 as the frame goes over them but if I can find something to fit in then it could save a few problems down the line.

Once Ive sorted that problem im getting real close to making the loom, I have a load of cable here ready and a massive wedge of paper on how to wire the ECU etc!

Hopefully I may get this running in the new year!
Got my up pipe finished off tonight


Also finished the exhaust from the turbo, got the lambda sensor nicely tucked away around the back!


I'll take these down the local fabricators in the morning to be tigged up.

Got a list together of all the fuel line fittings and coolant hoses etc so I should get them ordered tomorrow.

Its getting there! Seems to go for ages with very little change then I make some big decisions/purchases and make a lot of progress in a short space!

Ordered many pounds worth of coolant and boost hoses and nearly everything for the fuel lines, they came on friday.


Got some ally for spacers etc and a few fittings to start the oil lines.

Missed out on picking the exhaust stuff up friday so I'll get it monday.

Should be some good progress in the next week or so.

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Exhaust fitted, looks immense!


Some shiney an6 fittings for the fuel line, managed to get 3 matt 90's in my order, not sure how it happened but they'll be going back to be changed.


And this is just about my fuel line layout (without pipes yet), some things haven't gone as I'd expected due to a serious lack of room but it'll all fit in, just need to sort a fuel tap out!


More progress!

Been making up a few fuel lines, quick guide if you fancy having a go,

Buy some vice jaws, £15 but worth every penny!
Clamp the nut in there and push the hose in untill it hits the threaded part of the nut, if you've taped it and cut it cleanly it'll go in easily

Put a little oil on the thread of the fitting

Wind the fitting onto the nut making sure the hose doesn't push out the back of the nut

Tighten with a spanner, I stopped when the flats lined up cause it looks so much better

And you have a nice fitting thats never going anywhere!

Made up all the hoses I can, got a filter and check valve coming tomorrow so should be able to do a few more.

Made up a tee to join the pipes coming off the head (you can see in the bottom left of the above pic) as I cant find anyone that does an aluminium 19mm tee!

Changed it!

Was getting to a point where I was fast running out of room and I couldn't figure out a neat way to connect the flow and return to the tank, so I pulled everything out and moved the pump and regulator!

As I'm going with stick coils then I'll no longer need as much room in the front of the frame so I dropped the fuel pump in front of the engine, the regulator will sit on the breather but further forward.
Also gives me space to put a filter between the fuel pump and the fuel rail, just got to alter a few pipes!


Got the return from the rad sorted too.

Got a heat shield made up tonight, will space the pump and reg off the engine.


Mounted the reg too, worked out a nice pipe route


A couple of people on OSS have expressed a concern that the pump might get a little too hot where its now mounted, I may look into other places to mount it if they can convince me but im struggling to see how it could make that much difference. :confused:
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