Don't mention your sex toys here.
Psh! all my favourite toys on show!! No postie today yet
Don't mention your sex toys here.
had to do a double take lol
thought you had my cat in your photo
The cat's adorable! And the valve is a lovely piece of engineering..
What 3D printer did you get? I guess that's not part of the build cost? I keep toying with the idea of getting one but I feel like they're still a bit finnicky. Was attending a 3D printing lecture and I was just overwhelmed by the sheer amount of varying factors that come into play which can impact the quality of your print.
So now I usually just get a mate to print jobs for me instead .
You sure owe that guy in China a few beers
Looking forward to it! Does it come with the 3D printing material as well? You're going to have loads of fun with that methinks!
3d print something nice to go on the psu shroud ~nice font whurple for example
You good with cad?
Tried it a few times anything but a cube etc was my limit lol
Swear it's the softwares fault though lol
Shout out to Director, may she rest in peace. My bread and butter for almost a decade.
MAX has a native STL export so you should be fine. I recommend Cura for slicing the STL for printing. Holler if you need a hand setting anything up when it arrives.
Shout out to Director, may she rest in peace. My bread and butter for almost a decade.
MAX has a native STL export so you should be fine. I recommend Cura for slicing the STL for printing. Holler if you need a hand setting anything up when it arrives.
Lol not used cd/dvd in years
But keep an external dvd drive just in case
Can't you download the instructions?
Instructions were probably in mandarin or something anyway
Do real men read instructions
Well done mate
And holy **** for the cost I was expecting to see a really small bit of machinery
Crikey, that's a lot of printer for £75! My Ender 3 Pro was £180 and is only single z-axis drive, although my frame is all aluminium extrusions rather than tubes.
The big trick I see here is no instructions means no immediate way of telling what firmware you have on the control board, and as a result no idea what to tell your slicer (e.g. I set my Cura to use Marlin for its gcode).
if it comes with Cura then it's probably Marlin
Now get it trammed! (I refuse to use the common parlance term "levelling" because it's just not correct )
Enjoy, the most addictive nightmare of your life has just begun, welcome to the club