Prometheus 2 aka Alien: Paradise Lost

I wasn't interested in it because it's Blomkamp though. I just want an Alien film that has Hicks and Ripley.

Same as, I like the idea of what Blomkamp wants to do, just not sure he's the guy for the job. I don't think there is a director out there who can rescue the Alien franchise.
Agree with both of the above posts, though I think there probably are directors out there who could smash it out of the park if left to do it their way without studio interference.

Can I name anyone? Er, no :p Cameron is the obvious choice that springs to mind, but I think that even if he had the free schedule, he's probably smart enough to leave it alone and retain his legacy in this series.
Well the first one was so utterly terrible, I guess they had to try and change the name for a sequel.

Terrible, utterly terrible film.
Yeah, sorry, one of the worst film put out there, the plot make no sense and even that plot has huge gaping sinkholes in it.
It is rubbish, and the fact that it lays claims to be connected to Alien, one of the best films ever, only draws that into sharper relief.
I think with Prometheus it had the potential to be pant wettingly good. The set design and look of the film was absolutely top notch.
The script however seemed to have been mauled repeatedly. Half the cast were rubbish red shirts who do one stupid thing after another (hello beautiful alien snake creature, says the ships resident coward). Aliens had the ensemble crew perfect. Even the annoying characters had redeeming traits and weren't all 1 dimensional morons.

That said I still kind of liked it.
For those hating it (and I was one of the biggest haters at first) read the link, it's the post for the same guy ignore the other guff

Reading that then watching it again the film is so much better. It is still farcical you have to do so much reading to understand, the film should have captured this stuff a lot better and found a way to portray it, but it turns a steaming pile into a good film.
Well the first one was so utterly terrible, I guess they had to try and change the name for a sequel.

Terrible, utterly terrible film.

I very much doubt the name change was because Prometheus was "terrible". While financial success has no bearing on a film's quality; for the studios, financial success is all that counts. It made a decent amount at the box office. I would guess if the studio had their way, it would have just been called Prometheus 2.

Just seen now, that there have been suggestions that Scott was not too happy with the idea of Blomkamp making an Alien film. First he insisted Prometheus 2 should be made first, and now the title change from 'Prometheus' to 'Alien', is possibly some attempt to dissuade Fox from letting Blomkamp's film happen. Not only that, but he (Scott) is intending to release more films, that will almost certainly carry the 'Alien' title.

I hate to say it, but I think Blomkamp's film might well be shelved.
I very much doubt the name change was because Prometheus was "terrible". While financial success has no bearing on a film's quality; for the studios, financial success is all that counts. It made a decent amount at the box office. I would guess if the studio had their way, it would have just been called Prometheus 2.

Just seen now, that there have been suggestions that Scott was not too happy with the idea of Blomkamp making an Alien film. First he insisted Prometheus 2 should be made first, and now the title change from 'Prometheus' to 'Alien', is possibly some attempt to dissuade Fox from letting Blomkamp's film happen. Not only that, but he (Scott) is intending to release more films, that will almost certainly carry the 'Alien' title.

I hate to say it, but I think Blomkamp's film might well be shelved.

You don't change a title on a well perceived film to something that bares no reference to the first one, this is obviously a way to move away from what people DID pay for in the first one..left the cinema thinking ( well that was rubbish) and would have no intention paying for a second film with more of the same with script writers on this one even worse than the first.
It made about 405 million in the box office which would be a large reason as to why they made a second one, I don't think a title particularly matters, the fact the first was called Prometheus and not alien......... Is the stranger part.
i think i would give them money not to :D

first one was absolute garbage.looked pretty everything else was garbage.
Good video about Prometheus:

It's worth getting hold of the deleted scenes, but this video goes to some way to explaining why Prometheus is only a good movie when considered on it's own, away from the Alien Quadrilogy. As much as people say it was crap, I really enjoyed Prometheus.

It is rubbish, and the fact that it lays claims to be connected to Alien, one of the best films ever, only draws that into sharper relief.

For those hating it (and I was one of the biggest haters at first) read the link, it's the post for the same guy ignore the other guff

Reading that then watching it again the film is so much better. It is still farcical you have to do so much reading to understand, the film should have captured this stuff a lot better and found a way to portray it, but it turns a steaming pile into a good film.

This is the point, this is what makes it such a terrible film.
Take, for the sake of argument, that all this reading, this scripted responses, this backstory was created after the films launch, none of it was available before launch. It simply means they explained away the awfulness after by using whatever helpful fanfiction they could to piecemeal fix the terrible crafting.

It is a truly awful film.
It will always be a truly awful film.
Some minor changes and various scripting changes could have dramatically improved it. The film made piles of money, and helped continue to ruin a franchise.
For those hating it (and I was one of the biggest haters at first) read the link, it's the post for the same guy ignore the other guff

Reading that then watching it again the film is so much better. It is still farcical you have to do so much reading to understand, the film should have captured this stuff a lot better and found a way to portray it, but it turns a steaming pile into a good film.

I've just read that and whilst it is interesting none of it transforms Prometheus from an utterly terrible film into anything else.
Watch it with that in mind and it really makes more sense and as such is more enjoyable, that's my opinion anyway :) as I say I don't like the film but I kind of have hope it can now go places.

We'll see :) looking forward to more info coming available.
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