Queen Elizabeth II has passed away - keep posts civil and respectful

even Aldi ... they had the juxtaposition of a somber memorial, explaining monday closure, followed by their advert for this weeks offers - on video screen near checkout,

isn't much of anything left
: UK sporting prowess brings us together ? (economic/engineering success is out the window now)

I'm just regarding it with a little bit of lack of understanding as I mentioned above.
just the variation of effort/means people are prepared to inject to show respect,
I agree the lengthy queuing has turned it into a spectacle and I'd question some of the participants motivation - a social media driven 'participation', like the instagrammers who tick off Snowdon

with the time to plan, they could have had an online booking to allocate a 1 hour slot when you could visit which would have permitted (internet aufait) older folks, especially, to attend.
(forget about the NHS app) - pity the train based procession couldn't be adopted.

The live stream of Westminster hall presents potential for people to find themselves - scratch that social media itch. (is the whole footage available , I'm sure someone is archiving it)
So, has anyone who started off being full of sorrow and mourning come around to the idea that maybe the reaction and media coverage over the last few days has been somewhat hysterical?

Anyone become a republican yet?
Back in the mid 90s my Dad saw the Queen. She opened Queens Building at De Montfort Uni in Leicester. Was returning to the car parked by the staff car park,with her lady in waiting, with no-one around. Dad was walking to the car (Mum worked at DMU so parked there when had a hospital appt at Royal Infirmary, 5 mins walk away). Queen waved and said Goodbye to my dad. Only him, chauffeur, Queen and lady in waiting about.
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