Quit smoking. Vape good or bad.

Surely it's just swapping one addiction for another? Not enough research in to the long term effects yet, to make me happy to be around someone vaping.
How do you know the stuff which they use to make a massive variety of tasty flavours doesn't break down into similarly harmful stuff when heated up as it is?

Some of them do (to the user at least). Diketones etc.
A lot of juice/concentrate manufacturers have taken steps to provide independent certificates of analysis and/or reformulated their ranges to show that their products are free of these.

Does this apply to every juice on the market? No.
I enjoy vaping though. So that's one argument of yours gone. Plenty of things out there people pay for that give them no pleasure also...

LOL the vaping brigade are out in force. I'm pleased for you that you think sating your urges for nicotine is a pleasure. For me I enjoy not feeling the urge and getting on with my life.

Also you have the stress on your body of that the nicotine rushing through your system within seconds of taking. Not enough research has been done into the effects of it.
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Considering cancer research uk have agreed that they are 95% better for you than smoking i take that as a pretty good sign. Most of the people ive came across who hate on ecigs are usually the uninformed or smokers who are probably jealous they cant stop smoking.
LOL the vaping brigade are out in force. I'm pleased for you that you think sating your urges for nicotine is a pleasure. For me I enjoy not feeling the urge and getting on with my life.

Good for you. Pat on the back

Honestly... :rolleyes:

Surely it's just swapping one addiction for another? Not enough research in to the long term effects yet, to make me happy to be around someone vaping.

Do you or anyone else that keeps saying this actually think that anyone who vapes juices with nicotine in them is under the delusion that they've beaten their nicotine addiction?

Like I said, most people are fine with it and simply enjoy a good 'smoke' without the negatives of cigs.
LOL the vaping brigade are out in force. I'm pleased for you that you think sating your urges for nicotine is a pleasure. For me I enjoy not feeling the urge and getting on with my life.

Where is the crying with laughter face when you need it.

I enjoy the vaping experience. Much like someone who likes a good cigar enjoys the experience. Probably no different to enjoying a nice wine, or a nice meal. Who are you to judge?

Yes my life is on hold over vaping. I do nothing with my life apart from vape... :rolleyes: my life is on hold :rolleyes:

Enjoy getting on with your life so far as coming into a thread that you have nothing in common with and judging others. Great life you have sir. :D ;)

** Personal attacks will not be tolerated ***
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LOL the vaping brigade are out in force. I'm pleased for you that you think sating your urges for nicotine is a pleasure. For me I enjoy not feeling the urge and getting on with my life.

Also you have the stress on your body of that the nicotine rushing through your system within seconds of taking. Not enough research has been done into the effects of it.

So you don't consume caffeine then?

It's also not the vaping brigade. If you want to talk about brigades, it's the Anti BS and Ignorance Brigade.
6 months off the fags and vaping. |Every time i make a new batch of juice i reduce the nicotine so eventually i will be off that as well.

Tried various times in the past with Champix, patches, gum, cold turkey and failed every time.

This time i dont even want a fag and cant stand the smell now :)

Also when vaping in pubs I stealth vape ;) No vapour to be seen
Good for you.

It sure is, you are right. When I smoked I was regularly getting ill with colds and chest infections. Since I stopped I have not had a day off sick in three years. So yes, it's very good for me. Thanks!

So you don't consume caffeine then?

It's also not the vaping brigade. If you want to talk about brigades, it's the Anti BS and Ignorance Brigade.

I drink fruit juices and water. I'm not a fan of tea or coffee. I'm not a health freak either, I just keep myself as fit as possible so I don't die young like my parents both did from smoking.
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I have not smoked for more than 10 years and recently started vaping a little, I had urges to smoke again and decided vaping was a better and nicer alternative, also the liquid I use is nicotine free.
It sure is, you are right. When I smoked I was regularly getting ill with colds and chest infections. Since I stopped I have not had a day off sick in three years. So yes, it's very good for me. Thanks

So I guess this has imbued you with that wonderful sense of judgemental self-righteousness that plagues ex smokers the world over.

Happy for ya, bro :)
Knew it would turn into this.

Hyperbole arguments. If your work allows e-cigs in the office take it up wit hthem if your afraid of dropping dead due to passive vaping. (to help you out, you won't.)

Yes maybe the bloke next to you is getting his stuff from a dodgy bloke. You can then use that with anything in the world.

There is a plethora of information on the internet.

If you want are interested in vaping take yourself to the vaping lounge. Plenty of people there can assist you.

If you are concerned for your well being do some research. It's healther than smoking and many researchers (NHS, Cancer research, etc.) have stated this.

It's not as healthy as not doing anything at all.

Beyond that I am out.

Don't like vaping? Fine. But who has the right to judge someone just because they chose to vape?
As a non-smoker, I can't understand the push to ban vaping. It doesn't affect me in the slightest. Compared to real smoke from cigarettes, which is impossible for non-smokers to completely avoid, and ruins clothes, furniture, etc - in comparison it's brilliant.
As a non-smoker, I can't understand the push to ban vaping. It doesn't affect me in the slightest. Compared to real smoke from cigarettes, which is impossible for non-smokers to completely avoid, and ruins clothes, furniture, etc - in comparison it's brilliant.

tobacco lobby most likey
Interesting how worked up people get over this issue. Safe to say I'm a little wiser over this issue of electronic cigarettes and I'm assured I'll never inhale any form of cigarette, bung, joint or any drug or device again. Where's my vanilla coca cola and marmite crisps. I love them. ttfn
Nicotine isn't harmful. So even if you did exhale nicotine, it's not a problem.
Err... In sufficient doses, it will kill you outright. That's why there are little 'Poison' symbols on all the bottles and why mix-your-own kits don't contain more than 75% pure nictotine.
In lower doses, it is a vasoconstrictor that can result in quite a few problems.
It's mostly harmless in the smaller (3-36mg/ml) doses that e-liquids come in, but you will still start getting headaches and things if you take in too much at any one time.

Most juices are tested. At least the big brands, big retailers, etc.
With one exception - ViP. They're on the high street now and are one of the best known public brands, thanks to a lot of marketing money... Their products are utter ******* ***** though and they did have an incident where they didn't test some liquids, only to be found out and heavily fined.

I had one when I gave up but I am pleased to say it failed after a few weeks so I just used patches until I didn't need them any more, about 4 months of patch therapy was the answer for me.
That works for you, vaping works for others.
What's the problem?

Substances that are normally non harmful can quite easily become harmful when they're taken in a way that has never been done before such as heating and inhaling rather than ingesting.
You do realise these things have been around for decades?
This has been done before.
Inhaling vapourised polylene glycol, for example - Most asthma sufferers will have done this, because it's used in their inhalers.

For me I enjoy not feeling the urge and getting on with my life.
Why is it ex-smokers are always the preachy ones...?
I wonder if ex-murderers are the same...

Also you have the stress on your body of that the nicotine rushing through your system within seconds of taking. Not enough research has been done into the effects of it.
Glad you're not the one doing the research, as nicotine does not rush through the body. It constricts the veins, which raises the blood pressure and makes you think there's a rush.
Same as caffeine...

Since I stopped I have not had a day off sick in three years.
Smoked 25-30 a day for 24 years and not had a single, actual sick day from anything smoking-related. Took a couple days after an RTA and played truant to go be with the Mrs a few times, but that's it.

I drink fruit juices and water.
Wow... so you have the stress on your body of all that sugar rushing through your system?
Plus your teeth will rot out and you remain addicted... :D

All the repeated headlines and newspaper catchphrases like "not enough research" - We're still learning about the dangers of orange juice and sugar, for flip's sake... By the time there *has* been enough research to satisfy everyone, we will have colonised Saturn!!

So in the meantime, I'mma go vape the heck out of something - That can be your research!!!
I've been quit 4 years now smoking tobacco cigarettes (smoked for 25 years) and I never thought I'd be able to do it years back. People I met said it was hardest thing to do and many who'd quit said many years after {upto 15} they could murder a cigarette. Me at this point never get it a thought till just now. I'm extremely proud of myself for achieving it cold turkey and to this day all I see now is people not quitting and on these 'electronic' vaper things and puffing away massive clouds of smoke and no intention of ever stopping. Is this a good or bad thing.

Champix and you'll never want to inhale anything again except air.
Nah I'm well aware nicotine in a sufficient dose will kill you. This isn't aimed at you but I was hoping for a mature debate on this subject to try and educate. When I say it is harmless I thought it would go without saying that I was referring to reasonable levels. Much like water is harmless you less you drink too much of it.

It's when I get accussed of rage quitting that I chuckle and wasting my time trying to educate. The 'this guy next to me vapes, should I be worried' when replied to by 'no it's fine' the descend into but how do you know? Where the research? How do you know it's not biased?

If you're that worried look it up yourself. Or do something about it.

Couple that with self-righteous quitters and holier than thou non-smokers and it's never going to end well.

Vaping works, as both a replacement and to quit smoking. Other people enjoy it, to some it's a hobby. It's safer than smoking. Different strokes and all that..
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What am I making up? I'm questioning the assertion there's no negative passive effect. I haven't claimed there's definitely x, y, and z negative effects, I'm asking people who are claiming there's no issue to show that.

When I say the random fluids I'm talking about the range of stuff you can get from often dodgy looking shops and websites where I'd imagine a significant proportion hasn't been tested fully, or is sold like 'legal highs' which are listed as 'research chemicals not for human consumption' and all that guff.

You have a vested interest in vaping, right? You're involved in a business which sells the stuff..?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with questioning and challenging assertions. You however seem to be either making stuff up or not actually stating what you're talking about.

As you've referenced "random" quite a number of times now and it doesn't really make sense in the context you used it in.

The good stuff doesn't use "random fluids", but you didn't actually qualify your statement. By good stuff, I don't mean the top of the range, I just mean the stuff that's produced properly, not in someone's basement. But again, unqualified statements and all that.

My point is with reference to the above, you've been making unqualified statements that come across as extremely vague.

I do product design for some of the vaping products out there. Labels, packaging, product designs, ecommerce and so on as well as other things indirectly related.

But the flip side of that is the companies I work with regular get their liquids tested and produce MSDS documentation to show what's in them as well as researching the effects of it.

There are regulations, they're being enforced quite soon.
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