Nicotine isn't harmful. So even if you did exhale nicotine, it's not a problem.
Err... In sufficient doses, it will
kill you outright. That's why there are little 'Poison' symbols on all the bottles and why mix-your-own kits don't contain more than 75% pure nictotine.
In lower doses, it is a vasoconstrictor that can result in quite a few problems.
It's mostly harmless in the smaller (3-36mg/ml) doses that e-liquids come in, but you will still start getting headaches and things if you take in too much at any one time.
Most juices are tested. At least the big brands, big retailers, etc.
With one exception - ViP. They're on the high street now and are one of the best known public brands, thanks to a lot of marketing money... Their products are utter ******* ***** though and they did have an incident where they didn't test some liquids, only to be found out and heavily fined.
I had one when I gave up but I am pleased to say it failed after a few weeks so I just used patches until I didn't need them any more, about 4 months of patch therapy was the answer for me.
That works for you, vaping works for others.
What's the problem?
Substances that are normally non harmful can quite easily become harmful when they're taken in a way that has never been done before such as heating and inhaling rather than ingesting.
You do realise these things have been around for decades?
This has been done before.
Inhaling vapourised polylene glycol, for example - Most asthma sufferers will have done this, because it's used in their inhalers.
For me I enjoy not feeling the urge and getting on with my life.
Why is it ex-smokers are always the preachy ones...?
I wonder if ex-murderers are the same...
Also you have the stress on your body of that the nicotine rushing through your system within seconds of taking. Not enough research has been done into the effects of it.
Glad you're not the one doing the research, as nicotine does not rush through the body. It constricts the veins, which raises the blood pressure and makes you think there's a rush.
Same as caffeine...
Since I stopped I have not had a day off sick in three years.
Smoked 25-30 a day for 24 years and not had a single, actual sick day from anything smoking-related. Took a couple days after an RTA and played truant to go be with the Mrs a few times, but that's it.
I drink fruit juices and water.
Wow... so you have the stress on your body of all that sugar rushing through your system?
Plus your teeth will rot out and you remain addicted...
All the repeated headlines and newspaper catchphrases like "not enough research" - We're still learning about the dangers of orange juice and sugar, for flip's sake... By the time there *has* been enough research to satisfy everyone, we will have colonised Saturn!!
So in the meantime, I'mma go vape the heck out of something - That can be your research!!!