Racing Simulators

Just bought iRacing. Name's Sean Leighton, probably wont know what the Hell is going on for a while. Just managed a test run around Laguna Seca in the MX5 anyway :p
Well, let's try and keep it in here, just paste the below and add your name to the bottom of the list. I've started it:

ScarySquirrel - Nicholas Benson
Lyon85 - Stephen Lyon
Wynthorpe - Simon D Roberts
Borrish - Shane Pateman
Aman - Andrew Grant
GTAMADDOG - Sean Leighton
ScarySquirrel - Nicholas Benson
Lyon85 - Stephen Lyon
Wynthorpe - Simon D Roberts
Borrish - Shane Pateman
Aman - Andrew Grant
GTAMADDOG - Sean Leighton
disco Stu - Stuart Craven
SKILL - Joshua Harley
ScarySquirrel - Nicholas Benson
Lyon85 - Stephen Lyon
Wynthorpe - Simon D Roberts
Borrish - Shane Pateman
Aman - Andrew Grant
GTAMADDOG - Sean Leighton
disco Stu - Stuart Craven
SKILL - Joshua Harley
Bean0 - Stuart Baker
That's essentially it now, seeing when they're online and if they're in (and possibly registered for) a session you see that and it makes it easier to join/watch them,

It used to be that if a 'friend' was in the same race then that would tweak the splits system to try to place the two (or more) of you in the same split, problem being that lead to n00bs being put in high SOF races and quick drivers placed in n00b fields, so people complained and they changed it.

imo it was never that big a problem and it was fun to know someone else in the same race, I've had it a few times since just by fluke but it would be nice to happen more often.
Not that I know of, easiest way (and something I do anyway) is to primarily drive with the 'F3' screen visible (eg press F3 to show/hide it), this lists the drivers around you with name and number, generally it's then either easy to see who they are, or if it's a tight bunch you can usually see a car number somewhere on the back of the car so you can work it out from that...
ScarySquirrel - Nicholas Benson
Lyon85 - Stephen Lyon
Wynthorpe - Simon D Roberts
Borrish - Shane Pateman
Aman - Andrew Grant
GTAMADDOG - Sean Leighton
disco Stu - Stuart Craven
SKILL - Joshua Harley
Bean0 - Stuart Baker
CatMangler - Paul Tibbetts

I have some of you added already but I'll stick the rest in later.... I have friends :)
I'm still a bit confused by all of the licensing and cars and stuff. Is there a definitive list of licenses, which cars/tracks are available at each level, and which cars/tracks you have to buy?
ScarySquirrel - Nicholas Benson
Lyon85 - Stephen Lyon
Wynthorpe - Simon D Roberts
Borrish - Shane Pateman
Aman - Andrew Grant
GTAMADDOG - Sean Leighton
disco Stu - Stuart Craven
SKILL - Joshua Harley
Bean0 - Stuart Baker
CatMangler - Paul Tibbetts
unKn0wn - JW Cook
olivercamos - Oliver Amos
I'm still a bit confused by all of the licensing and cars and stuff. Is there a definitive list of licenses, which cars/tracks are available at each level, and which cars/tracks you have to buy?

Ok I'm by no means an expert so I'll juts throw out what I know and others can add to it

When you start - rookie you have an R license. Once you acquire points for safe driving this adds to your SR rating. Once our SR rating improves to 3.0 or above your are eligible for a license promotion. Promotions coincide with the end of a calender month or if your SR rating reaches 4.0. You then are fast tracked to the next license level.

Licenses available are R, D, C, B, A, P.

After each license promotion your SR rating resets back to 2.5. i.e. if your have been promoted from R to D, your new SR rating would be D2.5. And so on through to P. However its harder to progress as a small number of incidents will cause a larger penalty the higher the license you hold.
Ok I'm by no means an expert so I'll juts throw out what I know and others can add to it

When you start - rookie you have an R license. Once you acquire points for safe driving this adds to your SR rating. Once our SR rating improves to 3.0 or above your are eligible for a license promotion. Promotions coincide with the end of a calender month or if your SR rating reaches 4.0. You then are fast tracked to the next license level.

Licenses available are R, D, C, B, A, P.

After each license promotion your SR rating resets back to 2.5. i.e. if your have been promoted from R to D, your new SR rating would be D2.5. And so on through to P. However its harder to progress as a small number of incidents will cause a larger penalty the higher the license you hold.

Ok thanks for the explanation. What cars are available at each level?
I'm still a bit confused by all of the licensing and cars and stuff. Is there a definitive list of licenses, which cars/tracks are available at each level, and which cars/tracks you have to buy?

The best bit is to go to this page:

That lists all series, sorted by class (pressing the class icon at the top will jump to that class, likewise road/oval/multiclass will filter the results)

For a particular series press the + icon to expand that which will give the schedule on the left, content required on the right, any content you don't have will have the price by it.

The free cars are:
Legends and Streetstock on the ovals
Mazda-MX5, Solstice and SRF on the roads

Tracks aren't restricted by class but the free ones are (off the top of my head):
Summit Point, Lime Rock Park, Laguna Seca, Lowes/Charlotte Motor Speedway, South Boston, Lanier and I believe Oxford Plains as well.

Probably missed a couple but once you've got an item whether free or not it just doesn't list a price, so can't tell as I've got it all :p

EDIT: Didn't realise you didn't know the licence progression, what CatMangler said is pretty much correct, one thing though is that your SR isn't automatically reduced to 2.5 when promoted, it is effectively just calculated on the new 'rules' for the new licence (each time you go up a licence more corners are looked at to create your SR, and the criteria of 'corners per incident' also gets harsher) usually that ends up being around a 1.0 drop for every licence level but that varies quite a bit.

Have you read the sporting code yet? might be worth a go as I'm fairly sure it covers bits like this, it's in the reference section of the website...
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