so whats that 21:45 uk time?
Yes, although they have just updated it to say 22:00 UK / 17:00 EST.
so whats that 21:45 uk time?
10.15pm race start but the count down timer says 25 mins so thats going to be a 10.30pm start 646 signed up so far
979 people with about 10 minutes to go but the amount isn't going up any more so assume there are issues as others have said. Pretty sure clicking on anything now will give server down message.
Thank you for the help.
We have collected data associated with the QA event.
Everyone who has registered for the event will get credit.
Andrew I read your 'Dear returning member' post on the forum, thats a lot of work you put in there !
How do you manage to get a free 3 month sub as a returning member ?