This is why I keep saying you should sort yourself out a poxy assistant!
Seriously, having been an assitant several times now I really do find it hard to imagine a Wedding tog doing the whole day solely on his own.
When I work with Mark the benefits it adds (in his eyes)
A) The wedding is covered by 2 different angles and gives far more coverage overall
B) The assistant could very well get the shot that you miss & vice versa
C) The assistant can organise the group shots whilst you compose the shots, this is a MASSIVE plus especially on the big group shot
D) Even if its something simple as asking them to change a lens whilst you setup the couple for a formal, it's all something less you have to do.
I shot a wedding a week ago today and it was the first one where I was the main photographer, and Scary Squirrel was my assisting - He did a fantastic job, and was able to capture LOTS I wasn't able to as I was with the bride when she was getting ready etc. Overall it's added fantastic amounts to what will be the final product. I honestly wouldn't do a Wedding without one.
(Thanks again btw Nick!)