My two boys wanted a RC Monster Truck each for Christmas and I've spent last couple of weeks doing some research. My brother and I used to have Tamiya RC Cars when we were teenagers my first one was a Holiday Buggy. So I do have some experience. I also used to work in Hamleys years ago when one of the high street brands to go for was Nikko RTR but Tamiya were still in the main kit type to get.
As I see it RC Cars fall into two camps. I`m just looking at Electric for the moment. Those that are considered as Toys and you can buy them in Argos, Toys R Us. RTR. Mostly have one speed (not proportional) and often are pretty rubbish. The other type are the "proper" RC Cars. Proportional steering, often built from kits, speed controllers, crystal receivers etc.
I've also found a bit of a cross between the two. Neither look like toys or completely RC Cars but do have the full suspension etc. There is one particular generic series doing the rounds consisting of buggy's and Monster Trucks, you can spot them easily as they have a feature where the doors open by remote. They look pretty good but my Dad ordered one and they are utter rubbish. One speed, slow, poor steering.
So my choices. Do I keep searching amongst the "toys" till I find one that is pretty decent for under £70 or do I dig deep and get one of the proper RC Cars around £100+. Basically just wondering if there is anybody on here with some recommendations. I have been looking on the bay plus Hobbyking, Modelsport and a few other sites.
Our Current crop of RC delights, mostly toys includes
Mickey Mouse RC Buggy
Spiderman Monster Truck
Nikko Off Road Motorbike (always wanted one of this its quite old)
Lightning McQueen RC with missile firing sidepods never sold in the UK still in its box.
1:10 scale Ferrari F1 car
Nikko Velocitrax x 2 on there way from Santa
so nothing spectacular but seriously considering getting a couple of decent RC Cars.
Finally can anyone tell me why o why do most RC Cars now come with the trigger type steering wheel controller. I HATE THEM !!!! This is also seriously hampened my quest for two RC Monster Trucks. I just can't understand why these are popular. I prefer the two stick type controllers, call me old school, but so do the kids plus with arthritis creeping in they are easier for me. This is also why I`m starting to lean towards RC Kits because at least I can choose the radio gear.
Any comments or advice most appreciated or just tell me to go away back into my box...........