It's not a pointless argument when DLSS on its own is sharpening the end result while native is being violated by blurry TAA and with no added sharpness filter to fix said blurriness. What's funny is that many of us are saying that DLSS 2.0 looks pretty good but is taking issue with how it's presented. Makes me wonder why you are having an issue with the request for a proper and even comparison. Afraid the DLSS wow factor will vanish or be lessened?
It is a pointless argument. DLSS offers roughly the same AA as FXAA/TAA without the soft look of those methods. That's why it's been compared in screenshots to those methods. They don't use Sharpening because that isn't an in game setting, it's a filter that's applied outside of game settings. DLSS, FXAA,TAA are all in game settings.
You say to be fair and even, it has to be TAA/FXAA with an external filter(sharpening) applied? Who decides what level of sharpening to use? There are a whole list of other filters in Nvidia Freestyle that you can apply and people swear they improve image quality, maybe we should apply them to? Who picks the filter? What if they pick a filter that you don't like or use a level of sharpening you don't like, are you going to say it's unfair still?
Isn't it fairest to have the same in game settings and no external filters applied?
Why do you have a problem with screenshots showing the comparison of the two AA methods? TAA/FXAA vs DLSS? Why have to a problem with Screenshots showing that DLSS has achieved what it setout to do, provide a performance increase in games that use it, while giving better image quality than using FXAA/TAA. It's also better than native with no AA applied because of the reduction in jaggies.
DLSS 2.0 will still have the wow factor even if you do compare it to a game using FXAA/TAA with sharpening because it has the performance increase too.
DLSS isn't perfect, not even close, but it's getting better with each iteration as DLSS 2.0 has shown.