Rebel Moon | Netflix

Would've been nice if there were something more to it but it was very much a brain off moment to admire the sci fi action rollercoaster.
Watched this tonight , honestly didn’t feel it is as bad as some of the reviews on here have been written.

It reminded me a lot of Star Wars .

I would give it 7/10, great visuals and some dialogue, looking forward to the second part .
I thought it was relatively entertaining. Not mind blowing or anything, but a half decent sci-fi film. I'll watch part two.

Djimon Hounsou playing a banished imperial general who ends up being a gladiator in a colleseum was a little on the nose :p
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I thought it was relatively entertaining. Not mind blowing or anything, but a half decent sci-fi film. I'll watch part two.

Djimon Hounsou playing a banished imperial general who ends up being a gladiator in a colleseum was a little on the nose :p

Same it wasnt nearly as bad as what some of the negative reviews made out.
I liked the laser fire in this with it being more like lava splodges from the weapons

They were cool, but I didn't get what they were supposed to be. At first I thought they were molten metal from the target, but the robot had barely a mark on it afterwards. I think probably the guns themselves were supposed to be firing molten metal "bullets"? Kinda like bolt guns in 40k.
Aesthetically/thematically, it really seemed like a mash up of Star Wars and Warhammer 40k which was kind of cool.

The Dreadnaughts are very battlefleet Gothic, and the imperial army uniforms/armour are very imperial guard. The story is very Star Wars what with the Empire/Rebels etc.
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I was hoping the robot

Would do more. Sounded like he could have taken the whole garrison at the start single handed if he wanted or his programming would allow.
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Nearly watched this last night. Should have done considering the other rubbish I ended up attempting to watch. Having read the recent comments has peaked my interest again.
Nearly watched this last night. Should have done considering the other rubbish I ended up attempting to watch. Having read the recent comments has peaked my interest again.

I was the same and ended up watching it last night, thought it was decent & looking forward to part 2.
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A distinctly Ok film 6/10, almost turned it off during the opening generic and bad narration.

It could have easily been almost 10 minutes shorter without all the slow motion. Some nice visuals at times, the early shot of the gas planet in the background (less said about the foreground shadowed figures)

Will watch the next part since it comes out in only 4 months.
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