Red arrow incident

More rumours that the pilot ejected but the parachute failed to open. Who knows.

Is the chute meant to open automatically or does pilot trigger it? I'm guessing it should be automatic.
Does the canopy normally look like that after ejection? would have thought it who us of split along the seams. Where that it looks like it has bits of smashed plastic on the seams.

Hope he's ok, but it doesn't sound good.
Pssshhhhhhh, Bad times. :(

"Red Arrows pilot is killed after he is ejected from his aircraft while on the ground at RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire, the RAF said"
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Some techie info about the pics above - The Main Gun fired (the big pole in the front cockpit) and the canopy MDC fired shattering the canopy and the scorch marks are from the Rocket pack igniting as the seat cleared the Main Gun Rail. It's a single pin safety system so if the reports of "No Chute" are true then something went wrong in the drogue chute deployment as this is automatically fired at the top of the seats ejection height to pull the main chute out of the top box (some different seats have separate safety pins which stop the drogue from firing i.e Harriers).

No-one like to see aircrew hurt.
Ah bugger :(

I know this is pure speculation, but IIRC Pilots are trained to brace ready for the extreme force of an ejection, so being unprepared for it could cause you major harm in itself?
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Damn :( I could see that statement coming but sad to hear nonetheless. With these two separate incidents I can see them being grounded whilst some investigation goes ahead on the safety side for sure.

RIP to pilot, and thoughts to family
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