I just had a hilarious moment that may be one of my favourite personal moments in gaming. I can't see how it could be scripted...i was hunting the legendary Buck. I was taking ages. I put one shot in its head with the rifle, but it got back up and ran away. I spent the next 5 minutes searching for its tracks and then finally found them. Then just as I was crouching down looking through my rifle again, like something straight out of a movie, I looked around to the right, then I looked to the left through the scope and as I turned back it was 5 feet away charging at me... Trampled all over me and took about 3/4 of my health off!
Didn't kill me though, I got back up and took it out as it was running off.
Absolutely brilliant moment!
Didn't kill me though, I got back up and took it out as it was running off.
Absolutely brilliant moment!