Red Dead Redemption 2

That's the one I tried, it loads the game menu, settings etc but trying to play story/benchmark/online = infinite loading screen.
This is probably a very long shoot and most likely will miss the target but hey, if you willing to try it can't hurt ? I think. :p

Go to your Document folder, then Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Settings and then open your system.xml file. For me when I started the game first time the API was set to Vulcan, like this, under <advancedGraphics>: <API>kSettingAPI_Vulkan</API> you could try and change that setting to <API>kSettingAPI_DX12</API> instead. Since it seem to default to Vulcan when starting the first time.

I also add the full settings that I use for now in the spoiler below. Don't seem to be an easy way to change the fullscreen to borderless windows though, since I changed that to but it's not mentioned in my now 2 system.xml files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <version value="35" />
    <anisotropicFiltering value="2" />
    <fxaaEnabled value="false" />
    <msaa value="0" />
    <graphicsQualityPreset value="0.500000" />
    <locked value="false" />
    <asyncComputeEnabled value="false" />
    <transferQueuesEnabled value="true" />
    <motionBlur value="true" />
    <motionBlurLimit value="16.000000" />
    <waterReflectionSSR value="true" />
    <waterSimulationQuality value="2" />
    <maxTexUpgradesPerFrame value="5" />
    <shadowParticleShadows value="true" />
    <shadowLongShadows value="true" />
    <directionalShadowsAlpha value="false" />
    <worldHeightShadowQuality value="0.000000" />
    <directionalScreenSpaceShadowQuality value="0.000000" />
    <ambientMaskVolumesHighPrecision value="false" />
    <volumetricsRaymarchResolutionUnclamped value="false" />
    <damageModelsDisabled value="false" />
    <ssaoFullScreenEnabled value="false" />
    <ssaoType value="0" />
    <ssdoSampleCount value="4" />
    <ssdoUseDualRadii value="false" />
    <ssdoTAABlendEnabled value="true" />
    <ssroSampleCount value="2" />
    <snowGlints value="true" />
    <probeRelightEveryFrame value="false" />
    <reflectionMSAA value="0" />
    <lodScale value="1.000000" />
    <grassLod value="1.500000" />
    <pedLodBias value="0.000000" />
    <vehicleLodBias value="0.000000" />
    <sharpenIntensity value="1.000000" />
    <adapterIndex value="0" />
    <outputIndex value="0" />
    <resolutionIndex value="12" />
    <screenWidth value="3440" />
    <screenHeight value="1440" />
    <refreshRateIndex value="3" />
    <refreshRateNumerator value="100" />
    <refreshRateDenominator value="1" />
    <windowed value="0" />
    <vSync value="1" />
    <tripleBuffered value="true" />
    <pauseOnFocusLoss value="false" />
    <constrainMousePointer value="false" />
  <videoCardDescription>AMD Radeon RX Vega</videoCardDescription>

Also, although I doubt it should be a concern but it seems the fullscreen isn't a true fullscreen according to these two reddit posts:

No true fullscreen for RDR2 on PC

Cant get the game to fun in fullscreen

So maybe worth looking at your graphic settings, although seem to concern mostly Nvidia users, not sure what you have for GPU though. Just thought I throw that out as well, incase it helps.
Some Pics at 49 Widescreen



Choose load image in new tab - been a while since i linked photos
My game is running fine now since I updated the GPU drivers, no stutters or anything. Get about 50 fps.
My mouse pointer seems intent on staying on screen now though. Hard to track your crosshair when the pointer is flying around the screen :)
Guess Ill have to live with it for now.

I get it occasionally but not all the time, tends to pop up on the right but then go again as I move it about a bit more.

I was watching Shroud last night on Mixer and he had this issue, he fixed it by rolling back to the previous NVIDIA driver release

AMD here, I'm not on the latest driver, scared to update while the game at least works!
Just spent 10 mins trecking to a mission only for the game to crash, had enough for now. Gonna wait for an update.
The benchmark has frozen on me twice both times when using DX12. Managed to complete a run using Vulkan tho.

But might hold off playing this for a bit for them to patch it up.
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Is this the second update Rockstar has pushed? 1 on the launcher 1 for the actual game and still no confirmed fixes. Wow rockstar just wow :confused:
Eh yeh, that's not right mate. You are only halfing the horizontal, but the vertical also gets halved so its 0.25 of 4k is 1080p and ~50% is 1440p.

Think of it in mega pixels
1080p =2mp
4k= 8mp
All rounded up

So you are saying the scale is total pixel count?

I totally understand resolution, mp etc.

in ACC and Wildlands I get slightly worse performance than 1440p with 4K downscaled to 70%. This equates to 2688x1512 using the way I believe it works. 4K total pixels is more than double 1440p total pixels.

it’s much more intuitive to base it on horizontal res but I guess you are saying RDR2 scaler works on total pixel count with 50% of 4K being slightly more demanding than 1440p.
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