Relationships and Gaming

Speaking of obsolete things, does anyone find they watch less TV or don't watch it at all since the internet can bring you news instantly and tv shows/movies are on demand?

I watch as much TV now as I have in the past 15 years; I checked Sky+ the other day and there was at least a dozen weekly shows that I watch, not counting live sport (it does vary however, as a few months ago before a lot of series returned I only had a couple of shows in there).

Around 1998-2006ish i.e. after getting internet but before I moved in with my wife I did watch a lot less TV however due to spending a lot of time playing Quakeworld. Worth noting that my internet speed is a lot worse than it was in 2006... :(

The Living room / TV is very much the hub of our home and although I don't watch as much as my wife it is still the #1 pastime (in terms of time) that we engage in together.
Relationships and gaming? Didn't some ugly women sell her body for in game cash, so she could buy a mount in World of Warcraft...? :( lol
Ive got 4 kids and manage to game Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays from 7:30pm - 1am ish most of the time its earlier cos im just too knackered. My lass hates me gaming really but its what i enjoy and ill prob never stop. Having set days on when i game has definately eased the arguments.
I have been gaming for like forever but i did stop for the past year and just have not known what else to do as a hobby. I tried to get into reading books and watching tv more, but when it comes down to it i get a buzz from ordering a new system and setting it up the way i like it and pushing every last ounce out of it. Then gaming is of course a must.
Now my wife said the other week why dont you buy another system as you enjoy it :D I was like well i dont want it to take over as i can get very addicted. She said but its something you enjoy, happy me. She also bought me a new radio controlled car as i had an interest in it, even though i have never owned one before (stampede 4x4 vxl does around 45 mph at the minute).

I feel guilty for playing when she is sat alone on the sofa watching her soaps occasionally (pc is in the same room as the tv etc), but she says its fine and so its more me feeling bad than my wife minding. I make sure we do loads together as she is simply the best thing that ever happened to me and gave me 2 beautiful boys now aged 5 and 3.
i got my own man cave for gaming,wife has corrie emmerdale eastenders and all the celebrity nonsense reality shows,perfect marriage talk to her for 1 hr when i get home then its my time all night till bedtime :) if i aint in the room she cant moan or nag :)( your missus rage dg lol never )
My Right wrist usually complains after long session but by this time it's usually stuck to my mouse so it understands.

Theres a friend at work who is mad on gaming (and im not talking the stereotypical girl gamer) but she's married. I've always joked with her if her marriage goes south to come see me cos i'll snap her up in an instant!
I'll probably give up MMO's when I move in with my girlfriend, but that's because it's a huge time sink...

The XBOX shall remain!
Lol @ thread.

I think it's a matter of balance, we do a lot together, trips, out most weekends with kids. We have small children, often we're just so busy with looking after the kids and everything else that if we get 5 mins during the day or at the end of the day when the kids are in bed, we're both happy to just chill out and do what each of us enjoys. She likes soaps, I do like some TV and watch somt together, Dexter, Walking dead, True Blood etc and I like gaming / reading on PC. Works out well because it allows us to have space while still being together. Separate interests are healthy imho.
I play usually 3 - 4 days a week, after my sons in bed.

My GF often tries to get me to come sit with her to watch tv, when i do, she doesn't say anything and is usually watching some mind numbing crap.

She likes to use the trick, we can play the xbox together, but when i do it usually last about 10 minutes before she's bored.

She is pretty crazy though sometimes, she tells me i can't look at anything on my phone game related when im not playing the pc, or i can't use my pc for normal things.

I usually tell her to do one.
I was like the OP then decided that I would rather spend the night with my wife and sleep at a reasonable hour.

can honestly say I prefer it now gaming can be very addictive and being rude to your wife and staying up all hours of the night is not good for your health or relationship.

Switch off the PC and get out there.
Born and bread gamer, always will be! The misses HATES it and we've had a good few arugments but its literally the only thing I do on my own. I work 50hours a week (25 hours day shift, 25hours night shift) I cook, I clean and all that jazz, I've also got 2 kids which take a lot of my time plus the misses who needs time to! If I ever need to find out what my whole family has done the past 24hours in a short space of time I simply try and go for a poo in peace and BOOM everyone needs to tell me something!

I try to fit gaming around them but sometimes everyone gets sent out my way so I can relax lol! I'm really looking forward to steams game straming, currently I stream Hearthstone to a kindle using splashtop. Very little latency and its perfect for touch devices its ideal for bed! It'll be perfect if I can stream games to a laptop with low latency so Im not fixed to the TV/Desk.

Overall shes accepted I'll always be this way I've even said the words "**** it sell my pc/xbox/multitude of other devices then!" and her exact words are "Are you joking? My life wouldnt be worth living!" :P She's a keeper!
My missus doesn't like gaming or the idea of it, not sure why really, but when we first moved in together she quickly realised i liked to sit and game...lots of arguments about it over the course of 3-4 years if i get carried away (lets be honest, it's very easy to lose a whole evening when it only feels like an hour or two)

We've pretty much got an agreement these days that so long as I'm off the computer when my son is up and about (obviously) she doesn't mind me gaming almost every evening....just eat tea with her, stay away from it until my sons in bed, and occasionally spend some evenings off the computer.

Lately with borefactor and I'm a **** get me out of here she's been well occupied every evening with TV, so i've got nicely stuck in to state of decay whic his an awesome game for the money :D
Damn, I thought I was the only one that couldn't stand the absolute rubbish box and dribble that comes out of it.

I don't have a hump with the TV, but I do with the media in the country. There is no way I will watch ITV news again unless my coffin has a glass front window and is tilted up in front of the screen!

Haha - *rant over

My missus is extremely understanding when it comes to my gaming. We have a near 10 month old little girl now and I've easily accepted that I can't, say play WoW and raid now or do massive binges until the early hours.

If we don't have anything planned after work I'll get home around 6pm, start the dinner for us and we eat together until around 7.15/30. I'll then go on the PC, watch a stream, play some BF4 or SC2 at the moment and we'll meet upstairs around 9 to 10pm.

So instead of the living with parents, 5pm until 11pm gaming, its now around 2 hours max an evening. Weekend mornings I'll maybe play 2 or 3 as I'm always up at 5 to 5.30.

I can honestly say though, there really aren't many games that hook my attention for 2 to 3+ hours anymore.
My other half doesn't mind, but I do try to sit with her a wee bit. Usually on the pc 3 hours a night, unless she wants to watch a movie. She usually watches strictly come dancing or I'm a celeb so that keeps her occupied. I do tell her if she gets too bored to come and tell me abd we can watch something.
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