Relationships and Gaming

not one of my exes were interested in gaming....not one... :( one even tried to stop me watching football by sitting on my lap in front of the tv when the world cup was on... (sadly not in the GOOD way....)

yeah i'm doing it wrong :(
not one of my exes were interested in gaming....not one... :( one even tried to stop me watching football by sitting on my lap in front of the tv when the world cup was on... (sadly not in the GOOD way....)

yeah i'm doing it wrong :(

You aren't doing anything wrong. If they can't accept you for who you are and actually try to PREVENT you from doing what you enjoy in life then they are absolutely without a doubt no good for you.
not one of my exes were interested in gaming....not one... :( one even tried to stop me watching football by sitting on my lap in front of the tv when the world cup was on... (sadly not in the GOOD way....)

yeah i'm doing it wrong :(

A Falcon Punch or three should sort that out. Beeeeeatch!
My ex was a casual gamer but a gamer nonetheless. Before we started going out back in early 2010 she just played Bully and San Andreas on PS2. I introduced her to GTA4 as that was right up her street. After a while I gradually exposed her to more and more games and I let her have my X360 (which she still has, but I never used it I bought a spare off my mate for pittance). She didn't care in the slightest that I gamed as she did too, but she did find some of things I played extremely nerdy (SC II, LoL).

The girl I'm dating now used to play CS 1.6 at high school and she's heard of Quake, but admitted it wasn't for her. She likes racing games and such now, but doesn't really play games these days as she doesn't own a console or have a PC good enough for it.

I get up at 6:30 three mornings and 5:45 the other two mornings to go running. The latest I game until now is 1am, but at 44 it getting harder.

I get up at 6am for work and couldn't do that even at 23... I have no problem gaming until silly hours in the morning if I don't need to get up early the next day, but I just wake up in the afternoon to make up for it :p
Been with my now wife of 6 months for over 10 years. She knows the score. I tend to have 1 maybe 2 nights dedicated to gaming per week. I play a crazy balancing game between gaming, MMA, BJJ, playing football, my season ticket at the Etihad and time with her. Guess which gives in first.

She has a rant from time to time and I rein in the gaming for a while to appease her, but I always revert to type after a few weeks. Sometimes she just wants some space and to mess about on her guitar or watch some bobbins tv show. When that's the case I escape to my pc room.


End of.

My missus left me, after a couple of days I noticed she'd gone and had to do a bit of grovelling to get her back.

Still together tho
My ex hated me gaming and used to moan about it a lot, My current girlfriend (sorta still sorting it out but we alreet) loves games! She has me playing all the scary ones to see if i will jump or she can try scare me. Bought her l4d2 and laughed my head off when we was playing it, She cant get the hang of it. She prefers bioshock infinite
I'm glad to hear all these tales of people who have continued to game. Most of the time I hear of men becoming boyfriend/husband-bots and abandoning everything of their past that made them, them.

I really don't understand partners who demand their other halves give up something that matters to them in that way - if they really loved them, they'd be happy to accept and compromise (male and female)

I'm lucky my SO is a big gamer (even though most of the time he is a console gamer), so he completely understands (and I understand him). When together our compromise is laptops. I've given him my old one so he plays World of Tanks or browses on the internet and I play TF2 or Starcraft or whatever I'm playing at the moment while we watch Syfy channel or the Horror Channel...neither of us are into reality tv type nonsense or soaps. Also we don't play with the speakers up or headphones on when together. The only time I do is for my TF2 clan night on Fridays. It makes him laugh anyway listening to me.

I left my previous partner because he wasn't a gamer. I could only ever be with a fellow gamer. Couldn't/wouldn't look at a man who wasn't (though irrelevant now)
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The wife and I were talking about this tonight and although I am the gamer she actually games more than I do as she plays Facebook games on her phone. In fact I cant remember the last time we actually watched a tv show or movie without her been glued to her smart phone playing games.

The kids are going to bed shortly so I watching movie with her tonight but I would rather play Dead Rising 3!
Been with the wife for nearly 22 years now. We played Sonic and Ecco The Dolphin together on the Megadrive when we first met..she introduced me to the joys of Populous and Megalomania. We competed with each other on Athlete Kings on the Saturn where I could never beat her pole vault world record, we knocked seven colours of pooh out of each other on Tekken on the Playstation, I learnt to hate her Tanya attacks on C&C on our first his n' hers Pentium PCs. We went to our first LAN party and duked it out on Total Annihilation and Quake 3 Arena where I flash tank rushed her and she head-shotted me far, far too much. We joined the same WoW guild with me as her tank and her as my healer; then to change it up a bit she tanked and I healed. We tried GuildWars 2 but didn't like it all that much. We now play Borderlands 2 together, she's my Siren and I am her Mechromancer.

We've managed to have 3 well adjusted children throughout all of this who value going outside as well as the benefit of playing with mouse sensitivity settings. My eldest 2 sons (18 and 20) both play Borderlands with us and we have occasional fun with 4 player Delta Force BHD when my eldest comes home from Uni.

In short, my relationship is as strong as ever and I can't describe how awesome it is to have a gamer chick as my wife :D
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I'm sorry but I've failed as a bloke by not upholding this sacred area of gaming.

I hardly get a chance to game these days - I used to game for an hour or so every day after work and Friday nights at mates LAN event but now I'm lucky if I get an hour a month.

I can't really blame the missus entirely though (*checks over shoulder*) as my daughter takes up a lot of time these days. I'm also ashamed to say the PS3 was sold earlier in the year to buy a food processor.

My advice to anyone happy in their relationship or married is to stay strong and don't give in or you'll be made to watch Peter Andre: Next Chapter and Quints By Surprise (some US baby program, apparently).

Thank goodness for my tablet so I can at least browse these forums to see what I'm missing out on :/

I hear you bro, in the same place..since having kids I dont get time to game. I hear all these new games, PS4, etc and just think..what point wont be able to play!

Im waiting for the kids to become independant then I will resume my gaming :D

Note: they are 1 and 2, how many years do I need to wait...oh lord how many games I missing :mad:
Compromise. Do you enjoy gaming more than pasty?

Depends what the game is :)

Maybe I should set out my stall clearly with my next gf; that I like a daily gaming 'hit' of at least 30 mins to an hour per day if possible and a couple of 2 hour gaming sessions per week. Maybe on the weekend or a day off work I'll game for a morning or afternoon.

What I usually do is keep my gaming habits under wraps until we are staying round each other's houses and then start with a 30 min gaming session to see how she reacts; usually the reaction is rather negative :(
Wifes allways been fine with me playing games tho in the last 18 months I tend to only play football manager handheld on my phone
I asked the wife of 19yrs how she feels about me gaming considering ive never asked how she really feels about it, although she never complains apart from now n again if shes wanna go out somewhere when not working, but to my joy she replied you enjoy gaming which i don't mind as you deserve it as you work hard for it & ive got my entertainment the t.v... cant complain :D

Although when it comes to upgrade time i say nowt as thats when the other half just isn't a happy bunny :)
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