Relationships and Gaming

How do your wifes/husbands, fiancées, partners, lovers, knock offs react to your gaming needs?

I have been with my wife for about 15 years now, from day one, I told her that gaming/computers were a hobby and that was that.

"Come and sit on the sofa and watch this" - Refering to some **** mind numbing reality show or Peckham Housewives or the like.

"Erm, no. It is **** so why would I do that, I will be sat 5ft away on the computer enjoying myself talking to a load of strangers who are infinitely more interesting than you. Love you though".

Also, there was:

Midnight, 1AM, 2AM: (In a angry voice)
"Will you come to bed, I cannot sleep if your not there"
"**** off, I will come to bed when I want" (maybe not those exact words, must respect the fair lady).

After a while, the message was received and I was left to it.

This minus the swearing, tho I have now gotten her into gaming, something I dearly regret she plays MMO with us, not lots but bit, she no well known ... as a really really bad player :p ..ruined what ever dodgy reputation I had :(.

Funny thing last week she was playing minecraft with the sprog (using her MMO name) and someone commented "OMG its bobs" and logged off :D ..yeah that's a true story :) ..we still have no idea who it was :D
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Let me see, I sit there and play Assassins Creed Black Flag on the PS4, while my GF sits next to me and plays Darksiders II on the PS3 on the adjacent screen is locked in the kitchen forever making me goddamn bacon sandwiches :)


EDIT: fixed it myself :p
My better half wants to find games that we can play together. I think the best ones we have found are either Minecraft of Civ V. I guess I have got lucky in that apart from some of the costs involved with PC gaming, she is really relaxed about my hobby. I think the only real thing that annoys her is when I buy a game in the steam sales but never actually play it. Oh well! :P

My girlfriend does the exact same thing.

My girlfriend enjoys some games (Which I guess stems from her Dad, as he still plays a fair few games)

She's occasionally made me buy a few games for her ; Arkham Origins for example which she's playing through on my PC while I get relegated to the TV.
GF at the moment is into games, not so much into PC gaming at the moment, I'll hopefully change that soon. :p It kills me inside that she is better than me at Gears of War :( :p
My wife who I have been with for 3 years understands and in a strange kinda way is happy that im a gaming geek. She always brings me drinks and food when Im gaming online. She never plays games herself but shes happy because 1. Im not out getting drunk all the time. 2. Not having online affairs. 3. Not wasting money gambling etc.

I do however make sure we have quality time together - days outs / nights outs / meals / theatre shows etc.

We always make time to watch Game of thrones/ American Horror / Spartacus together and any other good shows.
I’m just starting to have problem with the gf now – same stuff, she needs me to go to bed early too (? – I cannot sleep before 1am at the earliest, she goes to bed at 10pm! I haven’t done that since I was a baby), says I spend too much time gaming, she feels lonely etc. So my only question is ‘how do I get her into gaming?’ I have secretly installed steam on her laptop and plan to stick Portal on it for starters.
Sadly my wifes gaming limits are bejeweled blitz on facebook (she actually pretty good constantly gets over 1mil points). I have tried and failed to get her interested in other game but with no luck.

Only once has gaming been an issue and that was when I became a hardcore raider on wow for one of the best guilds in the world at the time (inner sanctum). I was badly addicted and actually got withdrawal symptoms when I quit that game. I no longer play mmorpgs because of it.
My ex accepted it but I still got the occasional "it's 2am" and "I can't sleep without you in bed" speeches.

She was fine when my friends came round and we'd pull all nighters on the PS3/360 too. She'd wonder into the living room all tired looking at about 6:30am and there me and my mates would be still playing games with lots of empty cans of beer and red bull. Even made us breaky a few times :D
Very interesting thread, I've enjoyed this a lot.

As me and my last girlfriend grew apart, I used games as a way to spend less time with her. It eventually came to a head when she got the hint.

Currently? Girl's fine with it, happy to watch TV, will occasionally demand some attention... But that's not a bad thing, as sometimes we want attention too. Nothing exceeds excess.
The girlfriend of a buddy of mine forced herself to get into DOTA 2 just so that they could spend time together. Crazy idea! They've both clocked up over 2000 hours on it now though so mission successful (I guess?).

Personally though, my girlfriend doesn't mind watching TV in another room while I game. :)
My GF and I have an understanding. I'll tolerate her watching "I'm a Kardashian Celebrity, get me out of Essex's Xfactor because Britain lacks talent" for a few hours if she'll tolerate me playing PS3 games for a few hours.

Seems to work quite well, but I do need to get a new PC so we can do both at the same time :p

I think though when it gets to the point of regularly not going to bed together, there might be some issues with the relationship that aren't necessarily related to gaming ;)
My wife and I have it pretty good (or so I think), I'm pretty into WoW, so Sunday/Monday/Tuesday I'll play on the laptop while we're watching TV once our 1 year old has gone to bed. Rest of the week, we've got things on in the evening.

Then either Friday or Saturday night I'll play 7-10/11 on my PC in the office with her in the other room. Each time we requeue for Dungeons I'll go nip make her a cup of tea. I'll not do both evenings, as I want to spend time with her.

I'll not game during the weekend days, as we've got a 1 year old who takes up most of our time. But if she's sleeping and the wife is having a nap, I'll log on. Oh, actually, sometimes on a weekend I'll be up at 6:30 as I normally get up that early. So I'll grab the baby monitor and go downstairs to play till the baby wakes up. So my wife can get more sleep.
I think my wife is pretty awesome, been married for 20+ years and got quite heavily into League of Legends for the last 3 or so years. She never really commented badly about it or asked me not to play.

A couple of weeks ago I gave up LOL and now she says it is much better - she likes the fact i'm not planning for the game or trying to organise the game etc. All the peripheral aspects of online gaming that you tend to forget. Not had any urge to return at all, but I do fancy finding a strategy game I can dip in and out of - just a shame the mobile games seem to bad (unless anyone has any recommendations - probably need a separate thread for that one).
Mine encourages me to game more often, Generally because I get in the way or make a mess when i'm not :D

She's pretty cool about it though, even started playing SC2 at one point. Can't get her into WoW though!
I think I am lucky in the respect that my GF is also a gamer. So I didn't get any stick for buying an Xbox One and a new TV to go with it, oh and then spending endless hours on it. She is quite happy to sit and play FF14 on her PC or watch some SC2 matches.
Single now and have the time but no game is gripping me like Zelda/Champ Manager/Skyrim did in the past!

Had an ex who smashed every killstreak on Halo, COD & BF I had but couldn't handle the banter so I let her play as me while I stoked the fires of the other chaps online with just the headset watching her destroy anyone who dared take me/her on.

Oh how I miss her....
My mrs (see sig) enjoys games, we played an online game together for a few months and was a great laugh, her on the pc me on sofa behind her on laptop, good fun.

If i go to my man cave and play call of duty she will follow and take turns in playing, its all good!
My GF is fine, she is a gamer herself but just perfers the indie stuff what you get on 3DS, mobiles etc.

If not that she will happily watch me play mine ( or try and put me off )
I am incredibly lucky in this respect, both my Mrs and I are PC gamers. Although we do enjoy broadly the same games (FPS, RPG, racing) which makes for some great co-op, we also like some separate games. She plays The Sims 3 for example which I have no interest in, and I play a little indie combat flight sim.

There is a downside to this though.... She used to get my hardware hand me downs, but now we maintain two identically spec'ed machines which does get expensive! I also find it amusing when people post to say they have a hard time getting the Mrs to agree to an expensive upgrade, I just get egged on to buy it (x 2 of course) :D
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