Controller or mouse & kb? Can never decide when it's 3rd person but with shooting/aim involved. Don't like missing too many shots in RE type games as ammo is limited.
Yeah. Not bothered about what he says. Each to their own and all that.Mac half the time just crys about anything tbh
Loved the demo, whoever said about the collecting 3 medallion part is going against what resident evil was is wrong, you had puzzles like this in the first games. I for one can not wait to play this, 2 weeks can't come quick enough. I know what I'm doing that weekend!
Surely there will be an option to turn of markers in options in the full game? Should not be a problem.You had puzzles like that in the first games, but in the first games you would have to think for yourself that you needed to collect 3 medallions. In this game it puts it as an objective. The hand holding is the only thing I don't like. Part of the fun in the first ones was working things out on your own and not being able to find things unless you looked for them etc (the slight sparkle was a nice touch). This remake gives you objectives, it puts a marker over everything of relevance in a room. Things like that do bug me about it.
However... I loved the demo. It didn't feel like old school Resi Evil but in a way I'm glad because I think it's mainly nostalgia that's holding it above all others. I loved them back in the day and did the speed play throughs etc. However, when I played the Resi Evil 1 remake recently I realised how dated it felt, even though I played through the remake on the Gamecube when it was released. If they had simply done an HD Remaster the mechanics would have felt dated and I don't think I would have enjoyed it. This however is just different enough for it to feel fresh and still hold onto some of that nostalgia.
Fingers crossed that they include an option that turns off objectives and and target markers hanging above items of interest. This would be perfect!!
Fingers crossed that they include an option that turns off objectives and and target markers hanging above items of interest. This would be perfect!!
Stopped watching this pillock ages ago, he said in that video he hasn't really played any of the previous titles, I for one love the franchise so any of the points he's made in that video are irrelevant. The knife problem? you hold space to get the knife out quickly and let go to sheath it again, like in RE4 when you wanted to slash boxes. The complaining about crawling under door and it being a cutscene, I mean really? for **** sake... he is so pedantic and petulant about the stupidest things.
The bloke plays the hate character because it works for him but I think he's a total prat.