** Resident Evil 4 Remake Thread **

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I kept wondering why I couldn't stack the other grenades when I had a stack of 4 of them already, then I realised I'm an idiot :p

Same happened to me :cry:

Hair Strands off
Ray Tracing off
Screen-space reflections off
High Volumetric Lighting
High Shadow Quality
Shadow Cache ON
High Texture Quality (8 GB). However If Ray Tracing is on "High (2 GB) for 8 GB GPU, "High (3 GB) for 10 GB GPU
I am running:
First handgun fully maxed out those 5x crit hits are awesome
Almost fully maxed striker 48 shots of pure destruction
Stinger with High Power Scope with decent upgrades great for long range
MP5(or whatever it’s called in the game) with bio scope got a few upgrades but my got this is great for the Regenerator/Iron Maiden.

I just realised… They removed the U3 section.

I kept wondering why I couldn't stack the other grenades when I had a stack of 4 of them already, then I realised I'm an idiot :p

Nude mod out for Ashley already lol

I just realised… They removed the U3 section.

Yeah I was pretty gutted about that, one of the best fights in RE4 OG.

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I just read a few posts online saying it is not as good as original. Too much recoil etc. can’t remember the original as was so long ago but I did play it multiple times. I just remember the magnum being a gun to get. I am levelling up the Punisher for some reason.
I'm nearly done, pretty much on the final chapter after the chopper segment. It's been stellar so far, way beyond what my expectations of a remake could be for this game.

I ended up saving nearly all my cash early on and not buying many new weapons aside form the Rifle and TMP. Then when I found it I started pumping upgrades into the Red 9 and TMP as soon as I could. I bought the Stingray and Riot Gun at the castle which carried me through.

I then went fully upgraded Red 9 and TMP with exclusives, bought the striker and used the exclusive token for the massive capacity and have slowly upgraded it since, picking up the Killer 7 along the way. Red 9 carries hard but I always have a good backup to switch to in bad situations/bosses.

Yeah I was pretty gutted about that, one of the best fights in RE4 OG.

I think a lot of those points on the list are so minor and unnecessary tbh that the additions/changes they have made far outweigh them. Some I would argue are still in the game anyway?
Been busy and not played for quite a few days. Still on chapter 6.

Can someone link me to the DLSS mod please. Anything else new I should try?

From what I can see no new patches.
Is this the one for DLSS? @Huxton :)

Downloaded and installed but it's crashing as soon as I want to start playing. :(

The demo worked fine, not sure why this isn't. I also can't seem to find anything online, wonder if someone here might be able to help?

[Steam Install Folder]
2023/03/31 11:27    <DIR>             0    .
2023/03/31 11:27    <DIR>             0    ..
2023/03/31 11:27                 0    .crash
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2023/03/24 18:24            484712    crashhandler64.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2017/06/20 06:38            124440    CSERHelper.dll (v4.50.0.0)
2012/08/21 09:26           3231696    d3dcompiler_46.dll (v9.30.960.9200)
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2023/03/31 11:28                 0    GameOverlayRenderer.log
2023/03/24 18:24           1415528    GameOverlayRenderer64.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/24 18:24            388968    GameOverlayUI.exe (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/31 11:27                 0    GameOverlayUI.exe.log
2023/03/31 11:19              1037    GameOverlayUI.exe.log.last
2021/09/09 05:53           2579656    GfnRuntimeSdk.dll (v1.7.3039.5783)
2022/06/03 21:23    <DIR>             0    graphics
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2022/12/07 17:30            592232    libavresample-4.dll
2022/12/07 17:30           1294184    libavutil-56.dll
2021/04/09 02:54            577024    libfreetype-6.dll (v2.10.4.0)
2021/04/09 02:54           1105920    libharfbuzz-0.dll
2022/12/07 17:30           1044840    libswscale-5.dll
2015/03/26 21:56            875552    libx264-142.dll.crypt
2015/03/26 21:56                32    libx264-142.dll.md5
2023/03/31 11:27    <DIR>             0    logs
2022/06/03 21:32    <DIR>             0    music
2016/07/04 22:17            266560    openvr_api.dll
2023/03/31 10:40    <DIR>             0    package
2023/03/25 14:49    <DIR>             0    public
2023/03/25 14:49    <DIR>             0    resource
2023/03/02 00:54           1268584    SDL3.dll (v3.0.0.0)
2023/01/06 05:19           1693696    SDL3_ttf.dll (v3.0.0.0)
2023/03/25 14:49    <DIR>             0    servers
2022/06/03 21:32              2048    ssfn2533837748791894046
2022/06/03 21:45              2048    ssfn38854354492633587
2022/06/03 21:23    <DIR>             0    steam
2023/03/24 18:24            504680    Steam.dll
2023/03/24 18:24           4362600    steam.exe (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/20 23:29           4361576    steam.exe.old (v7.93.32.43)
2023/03/24 18:48              3981    steam.signatures
2014/02/14 02:04           2882984    Steam2.dll (v2.0.2117.156)
2023/03/31 11:28    <DIR>             0    steamapps
2023/03/24 18:24          19072872    steamclient.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/24 18:24          22417616    steamclient64.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/24 18:24            573800    steamerrorreporter.exe (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/24 18:24            657256    steamerrorreporter64.exe (v7.94.58.87)
2022/07/13 12:18               694    SteamFossilizeVulkanLayer.json
2022/07/13 12:08               696    SteamFossilizeVulkanLayer64.json
2023/03/24 18:24            182120    SteamOverlayVulkanLayer.dll
2022/07/13 12:09               482    SteamOverlayVulkanLayer.json
2023/03/24 18:24            219496    SteamOverlayVulkanLayer64.dll
2022/07/13 12:09               484    SteamOverlayVulkanLayer64.json
2023/03/25 14:49    <DIR>             0    steamui
2023/03/24 18:24          13684072    SteamUI.dll (v7.94.58.87)
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2023/03/24 18:24           9305960    streaming_client.exe (v7.94.58.87)
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2013/12/17 00:27             25088    ThirdPartyLegalNotices.doc
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2023/03/24 18:24            345448    tier0_s.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/24 18:24            398184    tier0_s64.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2022/03/22 02:30            143104    uninstall.exe (v2.10.91.91)
2023/03/30 20:37               894    update_hosts_cached.vdf
2022/12/20 22:34    <DIR>             0    userdata
2016/09/01 01:02           4969248    v8.dll
2023/03/24 18:24           3826536    video.dll
2023/03/24 18:24            491368    VkLayer_steam_fossilize.dll
2023/03/24 18:24            590184    VkLayer_steam_fossilize64.dll
2023/03/24 18:24            542568    vstdlib_s.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2023/03/24 18:24            708968    vstdlib_s64.dll (v7.94.58.87)
2012/01/13 18:20            284456    WriteMiniDump.exe (v1.0.1255.558)
2020/12/04 21:09            103424    zlib1.dll (v1.2.11.0)

[Process Directory]
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL 4  BIOHAZARD RE4
2023/03/31 10:58    <DIR>             0    .
2023/03/31 10:58    <DIR>             0    ..
2023/03/30 23:44            197120    AkConvolutionReverb.dll
2023/03/30 23:44            166912    AkReflect.dll
2023/03/30 23:44            172032    AkSoundSeedAir.dll
2023/03/30 23:44             42496    amd_ags_x64.dll (v6.0.1.0)
2023/03/30 23:44             11776    CrashHandler.dll
2023/03/31 11:19    <DIR>             0    CrashReport
2023/03/30 23:44         151439536    CrashReport.exe (v1.0.0.0)
2023/03/30 23:44            160896    CrashReportDll.dll
2023/03/31 02:16    <DIR>             0    D3D12
2023/02/26 19:08           3786976    dxgi.dll (v5.7.0.1711)
2023/03/30 23:44           1623168    InstallerMessage.exe (v1.0.0.1)
2023/03/30 23:44               534    InstallerMessage_RunlScript.vdf
2023/03/31 11:27             18423    local_config.ini
2023/03/30 23:44               587    local_config_default.ini
2023/03/30 23:44            201728    MasteringSuite.dll
2023/03/30 23:44            128512    MSSpatial.dll
2023/03/30 23:44         526267008    re4.exe (v1.0.0.0)
2023/03/31 10:40    <DIR>             0    reshade-shaders
2023/03/31 10:41              2700    ReShade.ini
2023/03/31 11:27                 0    ReShade.log
2023/03/31 10:40                 0    ReShadePreset.ini
2023/03/30 23:44        57777147068    re_chunk_000.pak
2023/03/31 07:59          63146938    shader.cache2
2023/03/30 23:44            295336    steam_api64.dll (v6.91.21.57)
2023/03/31 11:27                 9    steam_appid.txt

[Process Information]
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL 4  BIOHAZARD RE4\re4.exe
ExceptionPointer: 000000014D5A57A0
    ExceptionCode   : C0000005
    ExceptionFlags  : 00000000
    ExceptionAddress: 00000001548FAD01

Stack[0] : 0x00000001548fad01 ( D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL 4  BIOHAZARD RE4\re4.exe )
Stack[1] : 0x0000000144085f07 ( D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL 4  BIOHAZARD RE4\re4.exe )
Stack[2] : 0x00000001436a4025 ( D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL 4  BIOHAZARD RE4\re4.exe )
Stack[3] : 0x00007ffdb9f17614 ( C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL )
Stack[4] : 0x00007ffdbba426a1 ( C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll )

Exception Data SHA3:

Edit: fixed it. Reshade running in the background causes it.

If you still want to use Reshade you'll need to drop the dinput8.dll file from REFramework into your folder then Reshade will work as that's what i've just done.

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Yeh thats it, and download the latest dlss and bung them both in the re4 folder.

Finally got some time tonight after being busy with adult stuff and got this installed and working. Looks great running the game at 5120x2160 with DLSS Quality :D

On chapter 7 now :)
Finished the game just on standard difficulty overall, truly great game that compares favourably to the excellent original that I re-played most of just before playing the remake.

I didn't even have enough money to max out more than one gun due to my early inefficient embedding of gems, not grabbing everything and keeping my older guns for new runs rather than selling most of them, so I only maxed out the standard handgun that Leon starts with. But like the original game it's maybe the best pistol overall when fully maxed out and one of the best guns in the game.

It's a bit a like a bingo gun, nothing special it seems, but when your numbers come up, bingo. At 2 power with the x 5x crit bonus, it hits for 10 every time it crits, which it does a lot, the max power of fully upgraded Red 9 is 4.2, better reliability for guaranteed damage, but the handgun is over twice as powerful the Red9 when it crits, making it situationally the most powerful per shot handgun in the game, beating out the DLC pistol that also has the 5 x crit bonus. Also it's the only gun Leon actually brings himself, it's got the Kendo logo on it from the Kendo gun store from RE2.

Killed the first enemy in the game with the handgun, fully upgraded it was still good on the game's final boss. Well worth trying a fully upgraded handgun run, in the remake it's even more comparable to the Red 9 as it can use the red dot site which the Red 9 can't, plus it's a lot smaller without stock.

At the end I was using a TMP with stock, Striker shotgun, Stingray rifle, Killer 7 magnum and fully upgraded handgun, with only damage upgrades maxed on other guns except only 1 power upgrade on Killer 7, loads of ammo and grenades left over after final boss.

Shooting gallery rewards were interesting, got a chicken one that makes eggs fully restore health and also the Striker legendary 8% run speed increase that I didn't use yet as saving it for harder difficulties.

As for overall quality, the Remake does the original justice, but they did take quite a few things out, they simplified some boss encounters, but they added so much it more than makes up for it. The original is arguably more of a hardcore game in certain sequences, people who play the original for the first time after the Remake will get some surprises from extra bits the new game leaves out.

Though the Remake is so much better in other areas, they complement each other really well, both still worth playing independently as they are quite unique in many areas.
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