** Resident Evil Village Thread **

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Hmm was not impressed with the demo at all. Comprehensive set of graphics options and even though I was getting 60fps with all the RT stuff on at 3440x1440, the frames randomly dropped to 15fps the moment you alt tab the window which opens in a standard window when loading the game btw so have to ALT+ENTER to full screen it. Doesn't seem to be an exclusive fullscreen mode, only windowed mode.

Even with RT on, the village part looked dull and lifeless versus other snowy outdoor games like Metro Exodus which was superb.

Janky mouse/kb controls too with an obvious reliance on a console controller as the main focus and mouse look just does not feel natural at all.
No alt tab issues here, exclusive full screen works fine for me too. Definitely looks a step up from RE7, castle area looked superb. This type of game is designed for controller as all Resident Evil's are, no issues there either. I am hyped for release. Loved RE7 so I am sure I will love this too, really got a feeling of "wow" while playing, which I rarely get these days gaming :)
The indoor areas look quite impressive & it runs well on AMD cards even with RT set to high.

Gameplay feels off though in my opinion.
I enjoyed the demo though it really has gone so far from the Resident Evil storyline that they could really call it something else now. Res Evil 7 and this demo actually remind me a lot more of something like the Gabriel Knight series, where its more about general supernatural things. Enjoyed the demo though, will play through Res Evil 7 again before getting this one
I'm avoiding the demo also, as I did for RE7. I like to know as little as possible going in to the game. All I know is that there is large vampire lady, some of the levels are a hat tip to RE4 and that Ethan and Chris feature. Roll on Friday...
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