Retro console and games thread


These worth anything ?

be-ing as I have no amiga anymore, and still don't know when (if ever) im going to get back to retro computers

thought id get rid of them

Not sure on value tbh mate. Look pretty cool tho
Question for you retro buyers..

Does anyone ever feel guilty over a purchase when the weeks have passed? I've got an Amiga 1200 and i spent nearly £200 and starting to wonder why I did as I've got tons of games emulated.

Sigh maybe ill feel better when the 128meg is here, but using a 14" screen sucks too for it
the key is to buy smart and not for retro love :p done it myself and you have just done it with the amiga.

just wait for bargins and then buy they are out there unless you buying mega rear stuff which 99.9 percent of us wont anyway . so many things posted on here for eg are commonly found for reasonable prices in second hand shops / boot sales and ebay.

learn the real prices and save yourself the heartache :p

just cause its on ebay for 120 quid buy it now doesn't mean its worth that :D.
Question for you retro buyers..

Does anyone ever feel guilty over a purchase when the weeks have passed? I've got an Amiga 1200 and i spent nearly £200 and starting to wonder why I did as I've got tons of games emulated.

Sigh maybe ill feel better when the 128meg is here, but using a 14" screen sucks too for it

I know what you mean, I have just bought an SLG3000 scan-line generator for my Dreamcast VGA setup. I'm awaiting delivery and all the reviews are saying its awesome but its freaking expensive to just show lines on an LCD TV lol. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered but I'm curious to see the effect with my own eyes.

Looking on eBay prices of retro games have rocketed over the years. I remember maybe 3-5 years ago looking at snes, PS1, and DC stuff and today a lot of the games, not even rare ones are fetching 15-20 quid easily.

These are the lines I'm getting with my Amiga 1200 Scart RGB, they are far more obvious on a massive 42" screen, on the smaller screen they cause a shimmering in workbench. This was not seen when I took the Amiga to Steve's place to have the CF fitted and I was not using the RGB/SCART from AmigaKit that I am now

Bit Gutted really :(
Its been an expensive weekend for me... Ignoring the fact I went out for a meal on Friday night and beer last night, this what I've been nursing my hang over with..


PS2 - £50
3x Memory cards - £6
Time Splitters 2 & 007: Night fire - £4.50

Finally got my NTSC Final Fantasy Tactics working...



Rayman - £2.50
Midway/SSX3/R2R boxing 2 - 3 for £5

Gone a tad crazy on the old flebay too..

Just looking for ff 4/5/6 and that's me done for a while as I'm currently playing Tombi!
Really tempted to get all the Final Fantasy Tactics games now after playing Fire Emblem. Luckily they all seem to be fairly cheap seeing how the PS1 version can be had for around 6.99 through the PSP remake.
Really tempted to get all the Final Fantasy Tactics games now after playing Fire Emblem. Luckily they all seem to be fairly cheap seeing how the PS1 version can be had for around 6.99 through the PSP remake.

As far as I know, there's four versions Final Fantasy Tactics games with a fifth planned for release soon for mobile phones/tablets. Its been a while since I've played the ps1 version but I think they are their own games and not actual remakes of each other.

Disgaea is another series that's a tactical rpg.. stunk too many hours in it and I don't even dare start the 3rd one.
As far as I know, there's four versions Final Fantasy Tactics games with a fifth planned for release soon for mobile phones/tablets. Its been a while since I've played the ps1 version but I think they are their own games and not actual remakes of each other.

Disgaea is another series that's a tactical rpg.. stunk too many hours in it and I don't even dare start the 3rd one.

The PSP game is a remake/update of the first game :). I've been looking at Disgaea too as well as Advance Wars, they looks awesome. TRPGs are a brand new genre for me so it's pretty exciting looking at all the different series!
if you want a snes junior just go on usa ebay loads and not to bad priced.

Problem is, there were a lot of fake/knock off versions done by 3rd party companies which made it onto the market. At least being in the shop I was in I know everything there is authentic due to being quality tested. If not then they are clearly labelled as "Junk" or "no warranty"

If I had enough room and was coming straight back the to Uk then I would have snapped one up.
Actually been looking at getting a Mega drive my most memorable console from my childhood! I had the second version but thinking purely because it looks amazing going for a first gen of course and doing the RCA mod to it.

Aside from the ones I remember ie Sonic 1 and 2, revenge of shinobi and streets of rage can anyone recomend me any games to grab?

Been looking at game boys too might hold out for a black original though they look amazing, some nice stuff here guys :)

Are you aware that the Tekken 3 Collectors Edition is a Demo disk? I only say this because I have a copy of that as well, I got it with the Official Playstation Magazine back in the day :)

Very nice price on "Bust A Groove" it's one of the best rhythm games on the Playstation 1 in my opinion :D
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