Road Cycling Essentials

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22 Sep 2008
Was informed that my normal tyre will be okay to start off with,

will look at getting a spare wheel/tyre setup when I swap my cassette out.

Thanks for the reply's :)

Just to be clear on FrenchTarts point, in case you haven't realised (I apologise if you already know this!), but you actually need a completely different type of tyre that is hard wearing but has no grip for the road (therefore the spare wheel option is a good idea).
31 Oct 2004
Weight loss (19st) and fitness (struggling big time on hills) :(

I think I'm trying to run b4 I can walk - so to speak :D

Cheers, will have a look at those after work.

Was informed that my normal tyre will be okay to start off with,

will look at getting a spare wheel/tyre setup when I swap my cassette out.

Thanks for the reply's :)

How many miles a day/week did you usually do before the trainer?
28 Oct 2006
Just to be clear on FrenchTarts point, in case you haven't realised (I apologise if you already know this!), but you actually need a completely different type of tyre that is hard wearing but has no grip for the road (therefore the spare wheel option is a good idea).

You dont need a specific turbo tyre (but it does help).
You just need a different tyre: dont use the same tyre on the turbo that you do for the road.
You can just use an old road tyre if you dont have a proper turbo tyre.
3 Oct 2010
Noob question time :o

Just got a turbo trainer.

Used for the 1st time last nite - god my legs are killing me when starting out

As I'm new to this, is there a max time/frequency of use.

Or is it just common sense?

The correct answer is of course

As much as you can without going out of your mind with boredom. Turbo can give you some fantastic work outs but unstructured its boring as hell. As recommended above consider Trainer Road and/or sufferfest to aid the motivation.

Yesterday the weather wasnt great, I had limited time but I still preferred to go out and do hill repeats on a local 10% lump vs going on the turbo!

That said, I could do with the extra sessions as my form is falling off a cliff at the moment.
10 Apr 2013
Hey guys

How do Helly Hansens come out size wise ? Looking at some base layer tops as they have excellent write ups for quality. Anyone use them regularly and can advise on sizing.

I'm 6'2 and 14st with 43" chest (not a racing snake but not too chubby :D)

Man of Honour
16 May 2005
Yeah. I get freaked out by strong side-gusts when commuting :eek:

Saturday weather doesn't look too bad here. I suspect my riding buddy for the weekend is only really free on Sunday though, damn.

...unless I bring forward my ride to Newcastle. That would involve getting up at 6am on Saturday morning though. Ugh.
18 Oct 2002
Anywhere recommend somewhere other than eBay to sell my CAAD8? Ive not had it long but ive been offered a different bike at a good price so need to ship the CAAD out sharpish really! :\

eBay bike prices have always been higher than anywhere else - if you can be bothered with the cut they take (and Paypals!). But as mentioned - Bikeradar or your LBS will always buy a Cannondale as they can be sure of shifting it. What size is it and any pics? Although I've been looking at CAAD10's and X's for my next years purchase... I'm a devil for a bargain! ;)

I'm pretty much doing a turbo session a week at the moment, like half an hour or 40 minutes. It is boring, but I do think it's helping with my cadence and intervals are helping with my recovery.
Boring? Get some Sufferfest videos! You'll be too busy suffering to get bored.

^^^ as mentioned, try some Sufferfest videos, Trainerroad is a website you'd need to subscribe to. I think Strava has some training videos too?! My trainer came with a free month of Trainerroad and my HRM had one for Strava premium but I'm 'saving' them for December when I'll have more time over the Winter/NY break.

If you have friends into cycling see if you can borrow Sufferfest DVD's from them (like I've done). You can then figure out if they're your thing before buying more.

As for how much to ride... It really depends what you want to achieve. I cycle ~40 miles per week commuting so I got my trainer to work up my stamina as the longest ride on the road I've done was 14 miles. I've only had a couple of big 'sessions' on my trainer but feel I could do 20 miles in the road already... :D

I'm hoping to get a good session done tomorrow as I'm off work and have my turbo tyre & rider block to fit to my spare hybrid (which I'm intending on using as my trainer bike so I don't need to buy cassette/wheel/tyre for my road bike).

Yeah. I get freaked out by strong side-gusts when commuting :eek:

Wind I find far worse than any rain/cold weather, it chills me more! I tend to ride much slower in strong winds (safety), but couple them with rain and I'm doing a fraction of my normal speeds! :(
6 May 2012
As you get fitter you will see yourself improving up the hills. But losing weight will also help getting up the hills too!

A long road ahead then :D

Hills don't get easier, you just get faster.

A healthy does of patience, dedication and perseverance and you'll get out what you put in. Best of luck.


Just to be clear on FrenchTarts point, in case you haven't realised (I apologise if you already know this!), but you actually need a completely different type of tyre that is hard wearing but has no grip for the road (therefore the spare wheel option is a good idea).

No apologies needed, any and all advice greatfully recieved :)

How many miles a day/week did you usually do before the trainer?

Around about 50 miles per week,
20ish of those over the weekend which I aim to keep doing and hopefully improve upon

^^^ as mentioned, try some Sufferfest videos, Trainerroad is a website you'd need to subscribe to. I think Strava has some training videos too?! My trainer came with a free month of Trainerroad and my HRM had one for Strava premium but I'm 'saving' them for December when I'll have more time over the Winter/NY break.

If you have friends into cycling see if you can borrow Sufferfest DVD's from them (like I've done). You can then figure out if they're your thing before buying more.

As for how much to ride... It really depends what you want to achieve. I cycle ~40 miles per week commuting so I got my trainer to work up my stamina as the longest ride on the road I've done was 14 miles. I've only had a couple of big 'sessions' on my trainer but feel I could do 20 miles in the road already... :D

I'm hoping to get a good session done tomorrow as I'm off work and have my turbo tyre & rider block to fit to my spare hybrid (which I'm intending on using as my trainer bike so I don't need to buy cassette/wheel/tyre for my road bike).

Got a free Dvd with the trainer, will have a look at the others :)

Thanks for all the replies.
1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Noob question time :o

Just got a turbo trainer.

Used for the 1st time last nite - god my legs are killing me when starting out

As I'm new to this, is there a max time/frequency of use.

Or is it just common sense?

I've been on my turbo a few times and normally fire up youtube on my tv and watch this :-


There are other ones on the Global Cycle Network stretching up to 1hr 45 min sessions.


This arrived today :)

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