Road Cycling Essentials

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Man of Honour
16 May 2005
It's hydraulic...why bother routing it internally?

To keep it out of the way for my un-aero top tube bag :p

I agree that there's not much point but it's one of the few things that I really like on my PX XLS. No cables in the way when I lean on bits of the frame that I shouldn't do.

As I said though, that bike ticks nearly all the right boxes so I may well go that route.

Sadly I think the £500 finders fee might be a bit unlikely though, sorry :p
18 Oct 2002
Went out for 20 miles at lunch today, i done the first leg of my summer commute home up to Stokenchurch and back, well, ive onyl been on the bike twice in the last 6 weeks and boy was it hard! ok was on winter bike but its still a nice bike imo so its not really an excuse

Not sure your HR was right on that ride... Either that or are you teh Zombie?! :p:D

nice and cheap !

if that mount was better, more suited for me, I would get that one
the Ultrafire and the Lyzynes seem a good bet at the moment, leaning towards the Lezyne more due to USB re charge

Yeah the mount is ok, nothing special and to be honest for <£5 it's ideal... As my Volt100 is such a good light in comparison I'm probably going to use the cheapy for flashing/secondary/backup and the volt for primary. I had intended to use them the other way around as I know the volt flashing lasts me 4 weeks+ on a charge but ho-hum. Then again if this cheapy tears through batteries I'll go the rechargable 165 route and if I'm doing that I'll get a brighter LED'd light and replace this one anyways! :rolleyes:

I want to be doing 50 miles every time I go out :(
I hit 20 miles and my legs weren't in it at all, I had to ride another 10 miles to get home, and I struggled home, will power had to take over in the end

Might be a little mind over matter? Did you know you'd not eaten/slept properly and therefore psyched yourself out of the ride before you'd even started? I sometimes get like this towards the end of a weeks commuting, all it takes is some bad vibes - a slight cramp/stressful day/more walking than normal/headwind and I find myself 'struggling' before I've even cycled half a mile... I usually drop a gear or two, get them legs spinning, raise my heartrate and tell myself to MTFU! Other times I take an energy gel before leaving work to convince myself I have the energy for it! Because that's what energy gels are for, right? ;) :D

Call it £600 and i'll come and drill a few holes so you can have an internally routed rear brake? :p

Call it £300 and I'll come drill as many holes as you like in whatever you want! I'll even bring my own drill! ;)

How do you get in on this offer? Can't see it!

Think it's random when/if it comes up - might be due to me clicking and looking at premium costs last week and not going further, might be due to lots of Strava activity... Unsure really!
25 Feb 2004
What Sufferfest vids do you get with Strava Premium? Also, if after 30 days of the trial you forget, do they start billing you?

The 3 as touch mentioned, never used them. You pay before subscribing, just cancel straight away and then it auto expires after 30 days.

How do you get in on this offer? Can't see it!

Don't know think it is just a "our stats see you use strava and a power meter a lot, you'll definitely benefit from premium"
28 Oct 2006
Mate of mine said his free Lezyne light turned up in today's post, from that magazine subscription. I'll check my post tonight.

Mine was here waiting for me when i got home too. Still doesn't show up in my favourite magazines account and it doesn't look like there's any money out of my bank yet.
4 Mar 2007
Got my Lezyne light today, bloody brilliant freebie I shall be wrapping up for the g/f as a christmas pressie.


search for

'Lezyne LED Front Mount'

on the bay and found a £4.95 front mount for it too
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28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
D'oh, minor off for me this evening. Riding up a road that's closed to traffic due to roadworks and come to a pathway for pedestrians between those big mesh barriers that goes up the middle of the road. I ride through it and then it veers over to the right and onto the pavement. I wasn't going very quickly, but I hit the minuscule kerb and went over on my right. Landed on my hip and hand and my helmet knocked the ground by my ear but not in any meaningful impact sort of way. My chain had come off and wedged itself between the crank and the chainring, but once I got that back on everything seemed fine and it's all shifting ok. I was wearing old tights over my shorts, and they're ok apart from being very dirty and my new gloves are ok. If I'm lucky I'll get a decent bruise on my hip. Whoops, really.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
Ouch. Sounds like you lucked out (aside from the whole coming off thing) :eek:

They do say that even the most minor impact on a helmet should mean replacement but that doesn't really sound that bad.

Got my Lezyne light today, bloody brilliant freebie I shall be wrapping up for the g/f as a christmas pressie.


search for

'Lezyne LED Front Mount'

on the bay and found a £4.95 front mount for it too

I was about to say "now I have something to look out for on the road to try and identify you" but I guess not if you're giving it to your girlfriend :)

I do kind of wish I'd gone in for the magazine/light offer. I'm increasingly starting to think that I should get a light around the 200-400 lumen range to replace my SolarStorm X2 for commuting.
7 Oct 2014
To keep it out of the way for my un-aero top tube bag :p

I agree that there's not much point but it's one of the few things that I really like on my PX XLS. No cables in the way when I lean on bits of the frame that I shouldn't do.

As I said though, that bike ticks nearly all the right boxes so I may well go that route.

Sadly I think the £500 finders fee might be a bit unlikely though, sorry :p

I'll tell you what it's like when mine arrives in 3 weeks (allegedly).

I've ordered the 9.0 (rather than the 9.0s) because it's red and it comes with the funky VCLS seatpost.

I'm changing the chainrings to 52/36 and I've bought some Canyon mudguards.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
There's not a mark on it, and I wouldn't say it was any worse than setting it down heavily on a table at the cafe to be honest... Still, it only cost me £20 so maybe I'll ask for a decent one for Christmas or something. I was going to ask my parents for some torm gear, but I might let that slide for now.
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