Road Cycling

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18 Oct 2002
To this



Forgot to say before Paul, but really love the look of that orange/black/white combo! Looks superb and not a combination I've seen much of before! I'd have done complete orange on the bar tape although the split colour again stands out and looks good! Impressed! :D

How tight should chainring bolts be? My torque only goes up to 13 Nm and I've done them past that... Think I'll break it if I go further, I'll use different tools to tighten further.

Tightened my chainrings as tight as I can with 2 allen keys... They're gonna be hard to get off! Heard a click or two on the way in this morning (thinking *oh great*), turns out it was my frame mounted pump moving slightly :rolleyes:

Finally decided and got myself a bike sorted!

Gave it a test ride on Saturday and loved it, gears are a bit weird considering they're SRAM, but everything I needed it had, so looking forward to giving it a ride on Tuesday!

Good choice and a fairly good setup for the money (for what little I know of SRAM). Enjoy! :)

In other news, a bloke from my cycle club has had a crash while competing in a 25 m TT. A silver Bentley pulled out of a junction right in front of him whilst he was doing 25-30 mph and he had no chance. Went straight into the side of the car door denting it and smashing the rear window. The bike is a write off and was impounded by police for evidence.

Christ! That sounds horrific! Hope he comes out ok to make a full recovery and they throw the book at that driver! :mad:

Thanks Roady. I agree... Congratulations you have completed our challenge, you are now allowed to BUY our jersey.... no thanks :p

Haha that's it, 'congratulations, now you can buy our overpriced jersey and we'll also sting you on postage.' :p:rolleyes:
25 Feb 2004
Hey guys, need some advice as I am pretty unhappy and down at the moment. I know it's only a silly strava challenge to do 130km but I done 86 miles today, my Garmin died at 78.8 miles I kid you not! So on my upload to Strava I of course am missing a good few miles and the completion of the challenge. Yes I know it doesn't mean much, but it was 6 hours hard work today, I want the challenge complete on my profile :(

I was with a friend, we done the exact same route starting and finishing at his place, so he has the full GPS data. On strava, is there any way possible I can edit my upload to get the few extra miles on? I went into the crop part but that only lets you chop out parts, not add on more distance.

Any advice appreciated. I am too tired to be angry right now but once it sinks in I will be raging.

I've had this in the past, most notably on my sky ride, I got the gpx from someone and cropped the bit that didn't record, then uploaded both to endomondo and combined them in there. Then reuploaded to Strava. Bit of a faff but sorted it out with 95?% of my ride in tact.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
I used to buy the race pack things too as they're not a bad deal. For gels I often just buy the 2x20 packs from discount supplements. They're past their best before but for gels, who cares?
25 Feb 2004
Forgot to say before Paul, but really love the look of that orange/black/white combo! Looks superb and not a combination I've seen much of before! I'd have done complete orange on the bar tape although the split colour again stands out and looks good! Impressed! :D

Cheers, with the bar tape, I ummed and arghed for ages, but went with the split as orange is just too much, and it wouldn't match my saddle! :D
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
I've had this in the past, most notably on my sky ride, I got the gpx from someone and cropped the bit that didn't record, then uploaded both to endomondo and combined them in there. Then reuploaded to Strava. Bit of a faff but sorted it out with 95?% of my ride in tact.

Sounds like a good approach. Absolute worst case if you think you'll find this a bit complicated you could just get your friend's .gpx and upload it in full.
18 Oct 2002
Haha no worries!

Thank you, I'll take a look at that.

I've found this though for the time being!

Is it possible to fit really good winter tyres to road bikes for use throughout winter?

Anyone think much to the "big blue book of bicycle repair"?

Not heard of the book, but I'm more of a 'google when you need it' kinda guy. I've used parktool and RCUK for most of my 'repairs' and I think I'm probably at a similar level to you - I like to teach myself but for daunting stuff I like to have a read of something first!

Got this week to learn how to adjust/reindex my gears after a rear derailleur cable 'tweak' so we're both doing similar! ;)

[Damien];27935286 said:
Managed to get out for a 50 miler today. Night and day compared to my abysmal showing last weekend. I wasn't back up to par (and who would be this soon?) but I felt good despite my HR being in the 160-180 range for a fair chunk of it.

Well done! Your cardio and stamina is ok if you're maintaining that high HR, the fitness will come. I'm similar with my HR, it's quite high most of the time!

Also my ride didn't auto sync to Strava from Garmin Connect. Anyone else have trouble today?

It has good and bad days, sometimes a Garmin restart sorts it, sometimes going into the Connect app sorts it. A couple of times it point blank refuses and I've had to resort to plugging it into my PC.

Was not expecting to have to put my tights back on this morning.

Same, damn cold - frost/ice on car windscreens so I layered up this morning. Shorts, legwarmers, tights, base layer, mid-layer, jersey and jacket! Could've done with 1 less layer and winter gloves rather than my full fingered. Skipped overshoes but wore merino winter socks.

Commute this morning was hard work, legs had nothing in them so I didn't push too hard (would've overheated if I did...). Half way turned the commute into a recovery style ride as I just had nothing in me. Think last weeks miles has caught up as sunday was my first real rest day.

Anyone seen/got offers on SIS gels?

Sportpursuit had them on offer a week or two ago in bundle packs. Saw them somewhere else too, CRC? (but might have been the high5 marathon pack).
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
[Damien];27935286 said:
Managed to get out for a 50 miler today. Night and day compared to my abysmal showing last weekend. I wasn't back up to par (and who would be this soon?) but I felt good despite my HR being in the 160-180 range for a fair chunk of it.

Bit of an odd route out to Bradshaw. Trying to avoid the centre of Bolton, I guess?
24 Mar 2006
If you click through Quidco it gives you the code:

£12.09 for 30 gels. 40p each. That's pretty good, so good that I may get some even though I have plenty already!

Edit: £3.99 delivery though from SIS as the order isn't over £25. Still, £16.08 for 30 gels.
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20 Dec 2006
Legs are really hurting today. Was intending to rest on Saturday, ready for a long group ride on Sunday.
Around 5:30pm on Saturday I get a call from a friend, "fancy a quick bike ride?". I figured what the heck, I can do a quick relaxing one. Ended up being a really tough 25 miles. My mate Kev, was trying to push himself on the flats, which took much effort to keep up. I wouldn't have minded, but I had left pretty much everything on the previous climbs.

Really pushed it towards the end of the ride, and managed to hit 205bpm bombing it down a descent. Didn't think my HR could reach such heights, I've seen 200+ before but figured it was a glitch. Don't think that's the case this time, as both the HR monitors (wrist and chest strap), I was wearing displayed 203 and 205bpm. Kinda frightened me a bit, so I backed off and let it drop down.

Group ride on the Sunday, was already feeling the previous evenings ride on my legs. 10 miles to get to the meeting point, so I left mega early so that I could there with little effort. As usual, I pushed too hard and had to wait 30 mins for everyone :/
Usual remarks about my clothing, lack of cleats and rucksack, but I chose to ignore them. Although it was a group ride, I spent most of the ride solo, something was up as hardly anyone spoke to me. Well apart from one guy who asked, "You need to take the sink off your back", I think he referring to the rucksack. I think I'm going to have to find people to ride with that are less elitist. It's becoming pretty clear that I don't fit in with these guys
Lot's of other cyclists about, especially around Beacon Hill, where they just laid new tarmac.
It was a tough old ride, 43 miles (furthest of the year so far!), and my most climbing in a single ride. The last couple of miles were a real killer, I almost cried when I saw my road, and knew I was close to home.

Definite rest day today, lot's of food will be eaten :)Hopefully SoliD popping round later to do a saddle swap. Hope everyone else had a good weekend?
24 Mar 2006
There sound like a complete bunch of expletive expletive expletives! You're better off without them. There is no need for it. Yeah okay, there is always banter, but that sounds malicious.

When you say you spent the ride solo, were you off the font, back or just on your own amongst them? cycling can be a lonely sport when you're out on your own, but that atmosphere just sounds unpleasant.
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12 Mar 2008
West sussex
18 Oct 2002
Really pushed it towards the end of the ride, and managed to hit 205bpm bombing it down a descent. Didn't think my HR could reach such heights, I've seen 200+ before but figured it was a glitch. Don't think that's the case this time, as both the HR monitors (wrist and chest strap), I was wearing displayed 203 and 205bpm. Kinda frightened me a bit, so I backed off and let it drop down.


Usual remarks about my clothing, lack of cleats and rucksack, but I chose to ignore them. Although it was a group ride, I spent most of the ride solo, something was up as hardly anyone spoke to me. Well apart from one guy who asked, "You need to take the sink off your back", I think he referring to the rucksack. I think I'm going to have to find people to ride with that are less elitist. It's becoming pretty clear that I don't fit in with these guys
Lot's of other cyclists about, especially around Beacon Hill, where they just laid new tarmac.
It was a tough old ride, 43 miles (furthest of the year so far!), and my most climbing in a single ride. The last couple of miles were a real killer, I almost cried when I saw my road, and knew I was close to home.

Definite rest day today, lot's of food will be eaten :)Hopefully SoliD popping round later to do a saddle swap. Hope everyone else had a good weekend?

Good work getting the miles in, 203/205bpm must be pretty scary to suddenly 'see'!? Fair play for getting it on a descent too! :D

There sound like a complete bung of expletive expletive expletives! You're better off without them. There is no need for it. Yeah okay, there is always banter, but that sounds malicious.

Agree they do sound like a bunch of elitist *****s! Hope you put the hurt on a couple of them (even with the tired legs?) to prove your point! ;) I'd be looking around for other groups to go out with who are less serious, I'd expect there to be several even doing similar rides/times. There are around here (and Hereford is much smaller than Portsmouth!). SoliD may know some clubs/groups who are less snobby!

To be honest it doesn't take much to get a group of riders together somewhere for a ride, social media/strava/word of mouth etc! :cool:
19 Nov 2005
Looks very good considering your long break :) How're the legs today?

Yeah fine cheers. My legs never bother me tbh. Never have. My limits have always been with getting enough breath and food in rather than my legs giving out. :)

Bit of an odd route out to Bradshaw. Trying to avoid the centre of Bolton, I guess?

Blame Kevin. It was all his idea and everyone agreed it sucked doing that constant uphill grind. Also he kept asking me if I was cold because he's 9st nothing and wears three pairs of socks and 50-odd base layers and I'm *cough16stcough* and was in my usual.

All in all a good ride though.
24 Mar 2006
sis gels are bigger tho, at 60ml.. don't think there's much between them nutrition wise tho :)

That is true. But I guess if the nutrition is similar, and they don't taste like cack then you can't go too wrong.

A mate of mine loves the ZipVit gels. they have way more carbs per gel, but are a little more expensive. Very gloopy though.
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