Yeah, I don't envy you on your solo double imperial
I could stand a solo ride that long if I had music the whole way I guess... Though if I ran out of food like I did yesterday I'd be pretty screwed.
The total food intake for the day was something like:
Giant bowl of overnight oats 'fried' in brown sugar and butter (ends up being a bit like a hot granola). I'd estimate 600-700 kcal.
6 Sainsburys granola squars (360kcal each)
1 snickers bar (~200kcal)
2 supermarket sandwiches (~450kcal each)
2 'breakfast bar' things (~150kcal each)
8 energy gels (~100kcal each)
1 bag of biltong (~150kcal)
1 Reese's peanut bar (~200kcal)
4 4-1 energy drink things (~400kcal?)
1 cortado (~150kcal)
So, just over 6000kcal. It was such a chore eating even than much and it wasn't enough to fuel the ride really, hence the bonking on the last 50 miles.