In my neverending quest to replace my 5 year old Allez frame which has seen better days I.E head/steerer is knackered plus I'm starting to hate the colour of it (Silver),
I've been offered a Specialized tarmac S-works frame.
It's in excellent condition from what I can see, no obvious signs of abuse or damage, but I was wondering is it false economy buying a used frame?
The one thing putting me off is I can't verifty the history of the frame as to what sort of mileage it's done etc.
I guess it really depends on how much of a deal you think you're getting and how much you trust the seller. Obviously getting an S-Works means budget isn't the deciding factor!
Quick google search - Tarmac SL2 £2000, Tarmac Pro £1500, Allez 2015 £1500. I'm assuming those are new frame prices to give a rough guide.