Road Cycling

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12 Mar 2008
West sussex
Slow down? :p

Man of Honour
16 May 2005
bike fitting isnt witchcraft. Just think about where you'd like your hands to be and get a stem to put the bars in that position.

To be honest when you first start to get your head around it all it does feel like a dark art. With experience it clearly isn't of course.

It's definitely worth doing some research before just buying a stem randomly.
25 Oct 2006
Reported a driver that ran a blatant red light, as pedestrians started to cross the other day, to see how the RoadSafe process is... warning letter sent and apparently with a link to my unlisted youtube video. Will be funny if the driver comments on the youtube link :D

We have received your reports in relation to a car and you gave us the vehicle registration number ******

A warning letter has been sent to the registered keeper informing them of this incident with a reminder
of all the high codes the driver alleged to have failed to adhere to in accordance with your report.
The driver has been encouraged to view the footage for themselves to promote higher driving standards.

Roadsafe London was created as an information and intelligence gathering portal where members of the public could advise us of criminal, nuisance and anti-social behaviour on the roads of London. It is not intended for the reporting of crimes, collisions or incidents of poor driving with a view to prosecution. Please read the information on the Roadsafe London home page to confirm if a Roadsafe submission is suitable for your incident.

Thank you for reporting such incidences as it helps make London a safer place to live and work.
29 Dec 2004
130mm -17 degree is the only way to go...

Alright Ryder. :p

I went to a talk about bike fitting the other week, and one idea I'm definitely a fan of is "earning your position". I think it's important to bring the bike to you, but it's equally important to bring yourself to the bike i.e. ensuring you have a basic level of flexibility in your hips and hamstrings especially. I think this is something a lot of us neglect. Last winter I spent a lot of time in the gym, and while the weights didn't benefit my cycling that much, the 30-45 minutes of mobility work I did beforehand certainly did.

I've spent the last few weeks with ever worsening pain in my hip flexor and piriformis. A bit of stretching and rolling has made a big difference already and I need to keep it up really. Stretching is actually quite nice (especially compared to intervals), and needn't take much time, so neglecting it on my part was stupid.

My hamstrings are still embarrassingly tight but it'll get there. One day I'll be able to get my hands flat on the floor bending at the hip like Cancellara can (maybe not).
29 Dec 2004
Reported a driver that ran a blatant red light, as pedestrians started to cross the other day, to see how the RoadSafe process is... warning letter sent and apparently with a link to my unlisted youtube video. Will be funny if the driver comments on the youtube link :D

At least you got a positive response. I'd like to see the police use videos like that to actually give drivers points and fines though as that's the only way people will stop driving like knobs. I don't have a helmet cam but I reckon an average commute video would result in about 30 points being dished out each way for mobile phone use, applying makeup and running red lights.
22 May 2003
Alright Ryder. :p

I went to a talk about bike fitting the other week, and one idea I'm definitely a fan of is "earning your position". I think it's important to bring the bike to you, but it's equally important to bring yourself to the bike i.e. ensuring you have a basic level of flexibility in your hips and hamstrings especially. I think this is something a lot of us neglect. Last winter I spent a lot of time in the gym, and while the weights didn't benefit my cycling that much, the 30-45 minutes of mobility work I did beforehand certainly did.

I wish! 110mm -6 degree for me.

I actually got more comfortable once I increased stem length and dropped the bars closer to the head tube, but the R5 HT is pretty massive to begin with! I could maybe try lower (4mm to go) or go to a 120mm and try that, but I'd have to buy another stem first.

I use the basic if you can't see the front hub from your position then the stem is right method. If you can see it in front of the bars, too short, behind the bars then stem too long.
24 Apr 2013
Bars are slammed now and on 110mm stem for me.
I want to buy carbon/light bars and stem but so worried about splashing the cash and needing to go longer stem or adjusting again, it's a proper pain as you get comfier/better and more flexi on the bike as time goes on :(
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
At least you got a positive response. I'd like to see the police use videos like that to actually give drivers points and fines though as that's the only way people will stop driving like knobs. I don't have a helmet cam but I reckon an average commute video would result in about 30 points being dished out each way for mobile phone use, applying makeup and running red lights.

Me too. I'd happily be the eyes and ears for fines being handed out in those situations.

If I were to do that to be completely fair I'd probably also start submitting videos of the students I see too - given that I work at the Uni.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
That's pretty crazy. I've improved my hamstring flexibility a lot in the past year or two but I can only just touch the floor with legs straight. I'm the opposite to you though Von - shortish torso and longish legs.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
At least you got a positive response. I'd like to see the police use videos like that to actually give drivers points and fines though as that's the only way people will stop driving like knobs. I don't have a helmet cam but I reckon an average commute video would result in about 30 points being dished out each way for mobile phone use, applying makeup and running red lights.

Yep, it's non-stop. Everywhere you look. People on the phone, people pulling out when they shouldn't, sitting in box junctions, jumping lights, not paying attention...
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Yep, it's non-stop. Everywhere you look. People on the phone, people pulling out when they shouldn't, sitting in box junctions, jumping lights, not paying attention...

Always the same. I have to say though, I don't think a lot of cyclists do themselves any favours.
Round here, they will pull out of side turnings without looking, jump lights, and are generally antagonistic. I find that with most of the YouTube videos as well. The riders are generally looking for an argument with the car drivers. Don't get me wrong a lot of the time the cars have done something wrong, or not spotted the rider etc. but then riders don't make things any better in the situation.

@Roady - that bottle cage is for the aeroad ;)
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Ride home last night into that wind was insane and broke me. Rule 5 fail this morning and I drove into work. Have spent most of the day eating instead. Probably doesn't help that yesterday I ran for the first time since about last July and the bottoms of my thighs feel like they are on fire :D
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
I find I'm incredibly cautious in my riding. I always expect that car drivers are going to do something stupid. I'm rarely wrong.

I am the same. So when pulling out, you assume you'll get run over unless you ride cautiously etc. whereas some bikes just think they rule the road so do as they please and then moan.

I think riding gives you a better awareness of bikes when you're driving, as most drivers are just awful too.
18 Oct 2002
At least you got a positive response. I'd like to see the police use videos like that to actually give drivers points and fines though as that's the only way people will stop driving like knobs.

I'll raise you a:

Really chuffed about it to be honest - as it's a fairly local police force to me in Herefordshire. Although he was intentionally driving dangerously rather than a 'bad' driver. Sentence totally justified to serve as an example to others! :cool:

Yep, it's non-stop. Everywhere you look. People on the phone, people pulling out when they shouldn't, sitting in box junctions, jumping lights, not paying attention...

Same here, although I have to admit since I put my helmet light on (again - I tend to only wear it commuting in the dark) that I've been getting much more respect on the road. I think this is partially because there are so many poorly lit cyclists that I stand out and motorists become 'super-aware' of me. I'm just hoping it's not because drivers think I'm recording them (which I am, just not from my helmet lol), but I'll take it.

It's not until I ride with clubs/groups on the weekend that I see other (non-commuting) riders scared of cars and flinching/complaining about passes which I see most days. As a commuter you really become desensitised to the majority of 'bad' driving that doesn't put you in danger - cars stationary in boxes and ASL's are just 'in the way' and not 'breaking the law'. Quite wrongly so - as we don't see these things enforced, us and car drivers naturally 'allow' it because the majority of the time it doesn't directly place anyone in danger (like running a red light does).

I went through a phase of ' lashing out' at close passes, mostly to prove a point although I did knock quite a few mirrors! I soon got tired of that so I now just shake my head (+light) at them, with the occasional shrug/arm wave. Had one this morning - guy overtaking didn't even move around me/move over the dotted line to overtake. First time I've arm waved for a couple of weeks when commuting. :rolleyes:

i need a higher/shorter position after a good cafe stop at the mo....

Just tighter shorts, or a belt? :p
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