Road Cycling

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22 May 2003
Club TT tomorrow, I usually avoid and just do a training ride instead but giving it a crack.

15.2km out and back course, it can get windy but it's usually pretty flat.

My strava PB is a 22:36 40.3kmh on the road bike, so I'm aiming for 41kmh and close to 22 minutes as its at least at a year since I gave it a go.

I guess it's a good FTP test if nothing else!
22 Sep 2008
Steam: You have an incoming message from FrenchTart

"Hey Physichull, I'm heading over to Southport later, fancy tagging along?"

*Checks with other half*

"Hey FrenchTart, I'd love to join you in a ride over to Southport, cya later!"

3 hours later....**** this hail....**** this wind....**** this cold.....**** more hail

It was kinda fun, but it was mostly in the most abhorrent weather conditions. Southport was abandoned as a realistic goal so on the way back we detoured up Shaley Brow. Or should I say, we got half way up in a torrential hail downpour then turned round as the whole road on the steep bit was just covered in a thick layer of hailstones. Shaley Brow abandoned.

It was fun Frenchy! But lets try that again in the summer! Clucking bell!
25 Oct 2006
Just got left hooked by some utter idiot that then left the scene without giving me details (even after I chased and caught up with him). Spent two hours in a met police station and hoping they do the right thing.. Have shown them video footage and the driver is known to them. So annoyed as I was going to capitalise on the nice weather and go for a metric century...
16 Feb 2004
Just got left hooked by some utter idiot that then left the scene without giving me details (even after I chased and caught up with him). Spent two hours in a met police station and hoping they do the right thing.. Have shown them video footage and the driver is known to them. So annoyed as I was going to capitalise on the nice weather and go for a metric century...

where you on the bike?
25 Oct 2006
where you on the bike?

Yep, though off it on impact! :p I got 0.5 miles into my ride.

Wheels are buckled at least and scratches + bartape damage. I think gear alignment and derailleur is still in position fortunately. Hopefully not much else. I've bruised elbow/wrist/shoulder/knee.. gonna ache again in the morning.

I had video evidence and will be burning that to disc to handover to police. Will keep it private for now but if they don't do anything it'll likely end up public!
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Man of Honour
16 May 2005
Steam: You have an incoming message from FrenchTart

"Hey Physichull, I'm heading over to Southport later, fancy tagging along?"

*Checks with other half*

"Hey FrenchTart, I'd love to join you in a ride over to Southport, cya later!"

3 hours later....**** this hail....**** this wind....**** this cold.....**** more hail

It was kinda fun, but it was mostly in the most abhorrent weather conditions. Southport was abandoned as a realistic goal so on the way back we detoured up Shaley Brow. Or should I say, we got half way up in a torrential hail downpour then turned round as the whole road on the steep bit was just covered in a thick layer of hailstones. Shaley Brow abandoned.

It was fun Frenchy! But lets try that again in the summer! Clucking bell!

Fun ride and good to finally meet in RL but yeah..that weather. The 40 miles of headwind before we turned around sapped all my energy. Then the hail storms slapped all my face.
25 Feb 2004
2 rides today. 42 this morning after the rain had passed with a mate. Stop for a lovely bit of lunch and hot chocolate. Then came home watched the footie and back out for another 30. Good day all in all. Wanted to get the miles in as weather is looking shocking tomorrow.

Gave the Ridley a quick spin out with the new gear on it. Not ridden it for so long but omg it's so fast compared to the pinnacle. Cannot wait for majorca now! Needs a bit of fettling to get the position right though!
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
So, with today's ride only being 84 miles I have essentially failed at my plan to do at least one imperial century per month this year. Tomorrow is horrendous and tbh I can't be bothered going out for 7 hours. I'll possibly get a quick spin in if the weather is okay but it will be very slow paced so I've rested up a bit in time for Monday.

I'm a little disappointed that I've failed at the first hurdle on the one imperial per month thing but tbh I've got a couple of decent rides in this January despite the last two weeks of work massively limited my riding time so I'll live. I guess I could try and ensure I do at least one 84/85 mile ride per month :p but I think that's likely to happen anyhow as I do a fair few metrics.
25 Feb 2004
So, with today's ride only being 84 miles I have essentially failed at my plan to do at least one imperial century per month this year. Tomorrow is horrendous and tbh I can't be bothered going out for 7 hours. I'll possibly get a quick spin in if the weather is okay but it will be very slow paced so I've rested up a bit in time for Monday.

I'm a little disappointed that I've failed at the first hurdle on the one imperial per month thing but tbh I've got a couple of decent rides in this January despite the last two weeks of work massively limited my riding time so I'll live. I guess I could try and ensure I do at least one 84/85 mile ride per month :p but I think that's likely to happen anyhow as I do a fair few metrics.

One big ride like that a month is a serious commitment! Fair play for riding that far in the weather we've had today. With that wind it's easily the equivalent of twice that distance!
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
One big ride like that a month is a serious commitment! Fair play for riding that far in the weather we've had today. With that wind it's easily the equivalent of twice that distance!

Sounds like you got a few decent miles in too :)

To be honest it felt like incredibly hard work. By the time I met physichull 25 miles in I was ready to give up and go home. I think if he'd not been there to meet I'd have given up much earlier :)
17 Aug 2012
Tamworth, UK
Nightmare of a morning riding myself.

Ended up heading back down to Lickeys for some more hill torture as a treat for myself but my front dérailleur is just not happy, just shifts down to the small cog and then doesn't let me shift back up even though it was shifting perfectly on the back stand. :( Took it to a place up the road to get lectured about how to ride a bike and shift gears properly, he tweaked the dérailleur the same as what I have done in the past and told me not to cross gear ever otherwise it will always fall off etc. etc.

Guy completely ignored the fact that I have done everything he has but when it falls off onto the smaller cog, I can't shift back, not that it can't shift when in a easy gear! :rolleyes:

It's probably a simple fix but I don't understand how my efforts haven't fixed it yet, I'm far from a mechanic but it's perfect until the easy gears.


But went out with a friend (only using my small chainring :p) as he needs to work on his fitness overall, for 2 rides as he had a stomach problem half way, too much effort into a slow incline + some horrible drink ruined him.

Part 1 -
Part 2 -

Want to get out with the club tomorrow, but the weather looks rubbish (wind was bad enough today!) and I don't know if my bike is in workable condition... time will tell and if not I have another guy I can drop it off too.
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