Bit of silly commuter racing this morning. Some guy on a fairly nice looking specialized pulled out of a side road in front of me and caught me at the next set of lights. I held him off for a short distance but he got past me, but couldn't open a gap at all so I followed him with minimal effort. I was a bit baffled as he was in work trousers and shirt with a rucksack, which I'd hate at the best of times, let alone today. Needless to say I couldn't let him stay away with all that gear on. He pressed on, but I was surprised he wasn't going faster as he was in his smallest sprocket, until I saw he was cross chaining small ring to big sprocket. Nooooo! I eventually overtook him on a slight incline - classic single speed overtake - but we parted company almost immediately afterward. Looking at strava flyby he's a teacher and his commute is only 3 miles, so I guess he can get away with those clothes and whatnot for such a short distance.