Road Cycling

22 Nov 2005
lol was trying to help my partner fix her bike over skype...
she claims the air comes out of the innertubes and they are almost flat after a ride, I told her to take the innertubes out and test them in the bath

It didn't seem like she pumped them up enough so I told her to check the tyre and see what PSI they should be. she reads some psi number but said her pump measures in some other way which could be true since it's in switzerland.

3.5 till 5 she says then POP lol... now shes off with her wheels to go buy some new innertubes
9 Nov 2005
Southampton, hopefully not too hot, or too cold
Has anyone ordered tyres from Merlin and had them come not in retail packaging? My new Schwalbe One just arrived wrapped in bubble wrap :confused:

It isn't a big deal but surely they should at least mention that in the description :mad:

Not ordered from Merlin, but arriving like that, potentially you have been supplied with OEM versions that come with off the peg bikes... Which I've been lead to believe are inferior to the retail versions of the same tyre.
28 Oct 2006
It didn't seem like she pumped them up enough so I told her to check the tyre and see what PSI they should be. she reads some psi number but said her pump measures in some other way which could be true since it's in switzerland.

3.5 till 5 she says then POP lol... now shes off with her wheels to go buy some new innertubes

Sounds like BAR rather than PSI
5 bar is about 70psi
26 Oct 2002
Yes I have average max max there but the next screen is unused ie no data
I have summit (started last week but only have training. Would that be the reason?

This was regarding the ‘heart rate zone analysis’ screen not displaying anything for me. Think this is also known as the suffer score
I have the HR zones set which are at the standard they set for age
16 Feb 2004
18 Oct 2002
Finally got out for a club ride on saturday, really solved the head cold I had been trying to shake for a couple of days. Was damn hard work, knowing I was low on fitness I did a long turn on the front on the way out, then once we hit the hills I settled into continual threshold efforts up them getting dropped on the longer couple. Really paced efforts but once over them on the usual rolling & flatter terrain I was feeling fine and legs ok. Great ride, avoided much of the wind, great to catch up with the guys, while brutal in places but just what I needed.

New WBR Nopinz club kit, first ride. Jersey great, shorts are pretty 'average' (disappointing).

yes and it didnt bother me in the slightest. more companies should do away with pointless packaging. i dont need some elastic bands and extra cardboard waste to recycle.
This. Should see more of it when ordering stuff below RRP! :)
Not ordered from Merlin, but arriving like that, potentially you have been supplied with OEM versions that come with off the peg bikes... Which I've been lead to believe are inferior to the retail versions of the same tyre.
That sounds a bit dodgy! Although wouldn't expect big tyre brands like Continental and Mitchelin to do that though? They have 'cheap' alternate tyres in their ranges to their top models already?

3.5 till 5 she says then POP lol... now shes off with her wheels to go buy some new innertubes
Wow that must have been loud in an enclosed bathroom! Have done that myself before but in my garage, still sent our dog utterly mental for a good 10 minutes lol, ooops! :D
30 Sep 2003
I was doing a bit of bike fettling tonight and spotted a split in my rear sidewall :( It doesn't look too deep but there are cords split and showing

You can also see the pink rubber layer although this doesn't really show in the photo. Is this ready for the bin or am I worrying over nothing?

I'm probably being over cautious as my last Pro4 Endurance split right across the tread and left me stranded.
Took this off to change it over for a new Schwalbe One and despite much poking from the inside the tyre still feels solid in the area where it is split. I swapped it anyway but I'm tempted to rescue it from the bin. I'm no eco warrior but I hate throwing things away unnecessarily. Then again I'd probably be constantly worrying about the thing splitting on me :o

Maybe I'll add it to my growing collection of "spare" tyres hanging up in the garage :o
18 Oct 2002
Took this off to change it over for a new Schwalbe One and despite much poking from the inside the tyre still feels solid in the area where it is split. I swapped it anyway but I'm tempted to rescue it from the bin. I'm no eco warrior but I hate throwing things away unnecessarily. Then again I'd probably be constantly worrying about the thing splitting on me :o

Maybe I'll add it to my growing collection of "spare" tyres hanging up in the garage :o
I'd put it on the shelf, to be fair I'd probably have continued riding it as only a small part of the threading is showing and none of the innertube.

For peace of mind I'd stick a patch on the inside, maybe even superglue the hole on the outside as heard of people doing that too. Well worth keeping it as a spare! :)
30 Sep 2003
I'd put it on the shelf, to be fair I'd probably have continued riding it as only a small part of the threading is showing and none of the innertube.

For peace of mind I'd stick a patch on the inside, maybe even superglue the hole on the outside as heard of people doing that too. Well worth keeping it as a spare! :)

If it isn't covered in anything disgusting I'll rescue it before bin day tomorrow! I doubt I'd bother gluing it as superglue isn't flexible anyway so is likely to just crack and break up. I'm kind of tempted to stick some of my old slicks on my hybrid hack bike. If I could get it feeling a little quicker I'd probably use it for nipping in and out of town.
23 Nov 2004

First time taking trying properly for the sprint at a local bunch. Got it and got the KOM, well joint KOM, on the short sharp climb on the route.

Makes up for riding around on Sunday like a zombie.

Saturday night out ended up with me and a mate in a manky burn, soaked from head to toe, then having to wake the Mrs up at 3.30am to get in as I'd lost the house key/shop keys which I then found in the pocket of my jeans.
18 Oct 2002
I doubt I'd bother gluing it as superglue isn't flexible anyway so is likely to just crack and break up.
My thought was that it's such a narrow cut that the superglue would adhere to any of the threads/inner poking through and provide a tough outer layer to stop any debris getting in the cut and working it's way through.

For something flexible I'd recommend some quality modellers 'plastic cement'. It's exactly the same stuff as you get in your tubes of glue for patches but slightly more liquid and much higher quality so more likely to melt and glue the tyre together. Can get it with much smaller accurate nozzle too (like on the link) so you wouldn't be smearing it over the cut, but directing it into it.

First time taking trying properly for the sprint at a local bunch.
Great ride but for the amount of other guys you rode with that doesn't look much like a chaingang (as some of their ride titles)?! Far too slow! Although wish the chaingangs around here where like that - I'd stand a chance! :D ;)

WTF is a manky burn? A type of club or some local horse? :o
18 Oct 2002
Like a normal burn but a bit manky.

manky = dirty
burn = stream
I understand manky but not a 'burn' being a stream! A burn here would be damage caused by heat/fire, or occasionally a joint. :)

Innocuous training ride yesterday morning, approaching a junction, brake and my back wheel completely locks up. Dumped on the ground and think I've broken a rib. Bleh.
Ouch! Damn! Hope it's just bruising and clears up. Any idea what caused the lock up and any other damage? :(
29 Dec 2004
I understand manky but not a 'burn' being a stream! A burn here would be damage caused by heat/fire, or occasionally a joint. :)

Ouch! Damn! Hope it's just bruising and clears up. Any idea what caused the lock up and any other damage? :(

Just greasy roads and maybe tyres that are a bit past their best. I think potentially I didn't have enough weight over my back wheel either (TT bike). I usually don't go out training on the TT bike unless it's dry but the forecast yesterday morning lied. :( My hip is also badly bruised and scuffed up but it hurts more to walk than ride so managed an easy spin on the turbo this morning at least.

I'm going to replace the tyres as a precaution, might try the Lifelines.

Wtf! Did you go to A&E?

No, haven't bothered, I spoke to my GP this morning and they've said that given the pain isn't overly severe that painkillers and taking it easy is all I can do. I'm hoping it's just badly bruised but currently getting in and out of bed and deep breathing is a challenge.
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