Road Cycling

27 Feb 2003
Heal quick OMS.

I heard yesterday that a friend of a friend went down on some diesel when riding at the weekend. Thankfully one of the passers-by that stopped was an orthopaedic trauma surgeon who had the ambulance go to his hospital. Guy has a broken femur and hip :eek:
30 Sep 2003
My thought was that it's such a narrow cut that the superglue would adhere to any of the threads/inner poking through and provide a tough outer layer to stop any debris getting in the cut and working it's way through.

For something flexible I'd recommend some quality modellers 'plastic cement'. It's exactly the same stuff as you get in your tubes of glue for patches but slightly more liquid and much higher quality so more likely to melt and glue the tyre together. Can get it with much smaller accurate nozzle too (like on the link) so you wouldn't be smearing it over the cut, but directing it into it.
I grabbed it out of the bin but decided just to ditch it. A few deep cuts in the tread and cracking around the bead and sidewalls. Comparing it to my new tyre it is like comparing plastic to rubber. I'll see how I get on puncture wise but I can see me swapping over to Schwalbe Ones completely next summer as they seem to ride so much nicer than P4E's.

On a more interesting note... Ride London. One of the guys at work has entered the ballot and I was going to do the same but as it is so far off I can't guarantee that I'll be able to make it as I might be sent away for work. I guess you can enter the ballot and then choose not to pay your fee if that does happen? I also assume that the fee needs to be paid in February when the ballot closes? Finally the collection of your rider number, in person, from the Excel arena on the days before the event... why don't they just put in big letters "LONDON FOLK ONLY PLEASE" on the site and be done with it :p TBH It all seems a bit of a faff but equally it seems like a great thing to at least do once.
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27 Feb 2003
I grabbed it out of the bin but decided just to ditch it. A few deep cuts in the tread and cracking around the bead and sidewalls. Comparing it to my new tyre it is like comparing plastic to rubber. I'll see how I get on puncture wise but I can see me swapping over to Schwalbe Ones completely next summer as they seem to ride so much nicer than P4E's.

On a more interesting note... Ride London. One of the guys at work has entered the ballot and I was going to do the same but as it is so far off I can't guarantee that I'll be able to make it as I might be sent away for work. I guess you can enter the ballot and then choose not to pay your fee if that does happen? I also assume that the fee needs to be paid in February when the ballot closes? Finally the collection of your rider number, in person, from the Excel arena on the days before the event... why don't they just put in big letters "LONDON FOLK ONLY PLEASE" on the site and be done with it :p TBH It all seems a bit of a faff but equally it seems like a great thing to at least do once.

I read somewhere that your could defer an entry if successful but that you'd have to pay the full fee again the next year - is that correct?!?
25 Oct 2006
Finally the collection of your rider number, in person, from the Excel arena on the days before the event... why don't they just put in big letters "LONDON FOLK ONLY PLEASE" on the site and be done with it :p TBH It all seems a bit of a faff but equally it seems like a great thing to at least do once.

Or they could do a Velo South and give you the option to pay £25 or so extra to send the number to your address :D
29 Dec 2004
Heal quick OMS.

I heard yesterday that a friend of a friend went down on some diesel when riding at the weekend. Thankfully one of the passers-by that stopped was an orthopaedic trauma surgeon who had the ambulance go to his hospital. Guy has a broken femur and hip :eek:

Thank you and yeah, I'm feeling very fortunate tbh. A mate of mine had two similar incidents TTing and broke the left hip on one occasion and his right hip on the other. Mine is badly bruised but no worse than that thankfully.
23 Nov 2004
Great ride but for the amount of other guys you rode with that doesn't look much like a chaingang (as some of their ride titles)?! Far too slow! Although wish the chaingangs around here where like that - I'd stand a chance! :D ;)

WTF is a manky burn? A type of club or some local horse? :o

Haha aye it looks slow cause it is slower. Bunch of 14 or 16 last night I think.

First part is mostly 2 abreast and where the top tens appear on Strava it lines out and pace quickens. Only end up with the usual 3-5 doing spells. I went from the back of the bunch, dragged a guy with me right to the front and then did 500w spells until we were goosed. Last week me and a mate got told off after getting the bunch a few PRs as we sat at 400w going up a few drags.
18 Oct 2002
Ah good old Campagnolo... of course I need a £20 tool to set up the hydraulic disc calipers.:o:D:eek::(
ROFL pwned. Although just looks like a brake block that holds your calipers a defined distance from the rotor (unless I'm misunderstanding fitment)?

Goodluck racing later, CAT 3 now? :)

On a more interesting note... Ride London. One of the guys at work has entered the ballot and I was going to do the same but as it is so far off I can't guarantee that I'll be able to make it as I might be sent away for work. I guess you can enter the ballot and then choose not to pay your fee if that does happen? I also assume that the fee needs to be paid in February when the ballot closes? Finally the collection of your rider number, in person, from the Excel arena on the days before the event... why don't they just put in big letters "LONDON FOLK ONLY PLEASE" on the site and be done with it :p TBH It all seems a bit of a faff but equally it seems like a great thing to at least do once.
Sounds similar to the Velothon. I keep telling myself I need to ride one of the big events just 'because', figuring the Velothon would be the closest so I could just drive the ~60 miles there in the morning. Then see you need to go pickup your rider number the afternoon before so I didn't need to book hotel etc... So it then becomes a ~240 mile logistical pain in the proverbial or a £100+ overnight hotel & carparking stay on top of the entrance fee. Just to ride closed roads jammed with (bad) riders out to The Tumble, which I can ride anytime from home without needing car, hotel and carparking... :rolleyes:

Or they could do a Velo South and give you the option to pay £25 or so extra to send the number to your address :D
Ouch, expensive postage! I'm sure Velobirmingham did something similar.

Last week me and a mate got told off after getting the bunch a few PRs as we sat at 400w going up a few drags.
LOL you naughty schoolboys :D

Found it funny the others label it a 'CG' when it really didn't look like it & just sounds like any social 'training ride'! Around here they'd just let you ride off the front, but then you also wouldn't get the group easing for you later on if you needed it. Usual trick is the regulars letting you do the work earlier on, maybe even half wheeling you to egg you on, then repeatedly attack you on the way home when the pace always rises! ;)
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25 Oct 2006
Sounds similar to the Velothon. I keep telling myself I need to ride one of the big events just 'because', figuring the Velothon would be the closest so I could just drive the ~60 miles there in the morning. Then see you need to go pickup your rider number the afternoon before so I didn't need to book hotel etc... So it then becomes a ~240 mile logistical pain in the proverbial or a £100+ overnight hotel & carparking stay on top of the entrance fee. Just to ride closed roads jammed with (bad) riders out to The Tumble, which I can ride anytime from home without needing car, hotel and carparking... :rolleyes:

I just paid 39 euros to ride a German sportive... for that I got 130 miles of super smooth pretty quiet roads (not closed, but generally very little traffic) or no vehicular access roads, 5 or so feed stops full of snacks and hot food + drinks, and to pick from some gifts at the end (I took a beach towel). It's by far the best sportive experience I've had so far.

No electronic timing or pre-defined start time. Just turn up and register between 7am and 9am and set off when you're ready. It all felt very much like a sportive should feel compared to the UK "It's a race. MOVE!" mantra.
23 Nov 2004
Yeah it's a CG to them at their fitness. Some guys should be in the slower group but get out in group 1 and make up numbers. Other guys are strong so when it winds up you can split it with one hard spell north of 400w.

The other CG I'll be doing on Thursday was 25.6 average for 50 minutes a few weeks back where you are allowed to push on the pedals/need to or else get droppes.
28 Oct 2006
I was withdrawn from tonight's race and given a refund.

I had entered this race before I got promoted but I'm no longer allowed to race since I'm 3rd Cat now!

That sucks :(

Unless it's changed in the past couple of years (or it's not a BritishCycling race), the rules say you should be allowed to race if you were in an eligible category at the time you entered but you dont qualify for any licence points from the race.
24 Jul 2003
floating down the Liffey
That sucks :(

Unless it's changed in the past couple of years (or it's not a BritishCycling race), the rules say you should be allowed to race if you were in an eligible category at the time you entered but you dont qualify for any licence points from the race.

I emailed asking if I was allowed to race and if not could I get a refund but instead of an actual reply I just received a notification of withdrawal and refund.

So if I raced and finished first for example, would second place get 10 points and the places be counted back from there?
25 Nov 2009
Ironman Copenhagen bike leg done last weekend.
Pretty uneventful route, some nice views of along the coastline and a decent tour through the north of the city. They saved the scenic stuff for the run though for sure.
They supply Enervit nutrition, it doesn't agree with me at all, spent the last 80 miles and the marathon on water alone with saltstick tabs and a couple of SIS gels I was carrying.
23 Nov 2004
Is this acceptable enough to CG status @Roady ?

Even though we did it more like a TTT with do a spell then ease up and head to the back.

Six became five within half a mile then we kept it steady for the rest until one guy who seemed to be doing the slowest spells decided to split it on a drag but I made it with them as 3 vs 2 chasing. Cracked in the last mile quite spectacularly but **** it.
26 Oct 2002
Can’t see most of those Strava links as not following but is there a bit of Elitism going on here?
Is someone been ribbed because he isn’t as fast as some of you? Isn’t speed relative and it’s the effort involved?
24 Oct 2002
Bucks and Edinburgh
Can’t see most of those Strava links as not following but is there a bit of Elitism going on here?
Is someone been ribbed because he isn’t as fast as some of you? Isn’t speed relative and it’s the effort involved?

No, its just messing about. Many of the people in this section of the forum are regulars that are quite seriously into their cycling so like to discuss performance, its all harmless. I dont post here that much and Im fat and slow but dont feel it is elitist here and cycling can be extremely elitist.
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