Road Cycling

25 miles this morning on the road bike, Polar Beat randomly stopped recording without me realising after a few seconds on the tablet (so not hrm data), luckily I was trying on Endomondo on the smartwatch and had connected it to GoogleFit. Then used the "takeout" at Google to get a file to upload to Strava and get segment times. Pretty happy with the average speed, not so happy with the lower back reminding me why my Felt F5C has done so few miles since 2010 towards the end of the ride!

I really need to sort out my n+1 dilemma, either do it and use up my spare savings, or stop thinking about the idea and just get on with the skinnified fatbike... Window shopping and mulling things over is eating up so much time and driving me insane!
Hi guys,

Lost my rear mech today, the cable snapped from the shifter... I had to cycle the rest of the course, about 50mile with just two gears - thankfully it was pretty flat :rolleyes:

Right, so what do I need, cable-wise? Tiagra 4600 front and back, can I just get a Shimano gear cable kit? Do they come with barrel adjusters?

Hi guys,

Lost my rear mech today, the cable snapped from the shifter... I had to cycle the rest of the course, about 50mile with just two gears - thankfully it was pretty flat :rolleyes:

Right, so what do I need, cable-wise? Tiagra 4600 front and back, can I just get a Shimano gear cable kit? Do they come with barrel adjusters?

4600 is not under the bar tape so that's easy at least. If you already have barrel adjusters you can reuse them if you cut the cable outers right, otherwise they're not too expensive. Get a shimano or jagwire kit for the cables, should have all you need. You can buy jagwire sets dead cheap on eBay.

Hell, if the outers are still in good nick you can just get a new inner for a couple of quid and feed that in.
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Nice. Hopefully it's worth the outlay!

I think I'm going to save up for a custom 931 bike from Rourke cycles for my 40th, which will set me back a fair bit.

Cheers, the build quality looks top notch and the reviews seem pretty good although most have reviewed the Rohloff version instead of the Shimano 11 speed.
Whiteleaf is certainly a challenge with gradients over 20% and Kop Hill looked like it would have been similarly brutal but fortunately went down instead of up!

Put in a nice time! Need to go up it with some beans this year as I haven't done so yet, just heavy legs on a club run :p

Kop is steeper and a progressive ramp so it's a bit easier to find a rhythm vs Whiteleaf which undulates quite a bit between steep grades. Both challenging climbs. Bledlow Ridge is a nice climb as is Aston Wood :)

2) Has RideWithGPS removed the 'write to garmin' function? I cant seem to find it anymore and getting rides uploaded to my 800 used to be very intuitive.

/notmuchhelp but routes sync automatically to Wahoo devices with free RwGPS accounts ;) My club has just moved from woeful Garmin Connect at last which saves manually recreating them in Strava!

Had a quick blast yesterday in the sunshine to beat some friends PR's on local climbs :p (as you do). Strong headwind coming out the top of Town Lane and Birdless Grove climb had two horses on and I was also riding today but great roads nevertheless even if I did have to climb through some nettles!

Annual 'Lap' today, again equally windy in places. Lots of treasure though on last year, 6 miles further with a few more hundred feet all solo and 25 minutes quicker than last year. Elemnt said 18mph avg so I'll go with that ;)

Didn't actually see OneMorePunk or our other friend as I rode off the front after about 10 minutes :X had the car key though so was fully reclined and snoozing whilst they unfortunately got caught in a bit of a downpoor :/

Who knew car bumpers make for quite a good angle? :D

i'm injured!
Suspect Patella Tendinitis. Started two weeks ago off the back of a hectic Easter weekend incorporating 141 miles 3 rides in 4 days at over 19mph average. Still sore last weekend so only did 50 miles at 18mph of which a lot was quite one legged. Rested it all week but no good today and bailed out after 25 miles. Can;t push any more than 200W without it being uncomfortable. Not sure whats caused it other than pushing a bit hard. Needless to say I am ****** off not being able to ride my bike!!
4600 is not under the bar tape so that's easy at least. If you already have barrel adjusters you can reuse them if you cut the cable outers right, otherwise they're not too expensive. Get a shimano or jagwire kit for the cables, should have all you need. You can buy jagwire sets dead cheap on eBay.

Hell, if the outers are still in good nick you can just get a new inner for a couple of quid and feed that in.
Thanks! I think the housing might be Jagwire actually :) Silly question, but are brake/gear cables the same?

It's just I might have a couple of Shimano's left over from a brake overhaul last year...
Put in a nice time! Need to go up it with some beans this year as I haven't done so yet, just heavy legs on a club run :p

Kop is steeper and a progressive ramp so it's a bit easier to find a rhythm vs Whiteleaf which undulates quite a bit between steep grades. Both challenging climbs. Bledlow Ridge is a nice climb as is Aston Wood :)

Yeah my legs weren't in the best of shape after a fairly heavy week but I was pleasantly surprised at the time. The steepest sections were pretty painful and I hadn't expected the second bend steepness.. I thought the gradient eases off after the first steep ramp. The start looked daunting enough so we took that easy. Going down Kop was fun and judging by the face of the guy going up it looked tough!

We went up Hambleden Hill too. I had come down it a few times so knew it didn't look easy but the gradient wasn't as bad as expected. Unfortunately I still had my Garmin paused after a cafe stop at The Barn (highly recommended) so I have no idea of my time up the climb!
Out this morning for 40 miles - felt awful on the way home into the wind - nothing in the legs.......Amazing how sometimes 40 feels like 80....
Warning, boring sportive report coming up :p

First of two 100 mile Sportives for the year yesterday. I was riding with a couple of people from work and after being told that we would all be losing our jobs earlier in the week we didn't really feel like it. Still, with the event all paid up we thought what the hell and went into it physically sort of ready but a bit mentally drained.

Stood on Great Yarmouth seafront for the start the wind was howling in and it was bitter with the wind chill. After our last 100 mile where we lost a rider at 75 miles we'd already decided that slow and steady was the order of the day and that we'd stick together to make sure all three of us made it over the line. We also decided not to skip any stops which meant two drink stops, lunch then a further two drink stops before the finish.

First stint we saw an average of just 14.2 mph but we'd set out to start off steady. By the second stop that average was 15.0 and by lunch 15.6. At lunch we were feeling OK then it was straight into an uphill slog and arrow straight road into the wind. Time to sort the men from the boys :D I got on the front for the nasty slog but kept dropping the other two. I couldn't hear a thing with the wind howling so all I could do was keep it steady and keep checking over my shoulder. Coming through a tree lined section a huge dead branch dropped out of a tree to my right! Just the smallest of twigs actually hit me, the rest broke up and went in my spokes and under my wheels! Luckily it was obviously long dead and had just been hanging there and it broke up rather than flinging me off my bike! Luckily I'd accidentally pulled a bit of a gap over the other two or it could have been nasty!

Really horrid section that made me realise just how counter productive shared cycle paths are. We were instructed to keep on the road but the fact that there was a footpath to our left put the drivers into rage mode. Dangerous overtakes, leaning on the horn and shouts of "USE THE CYCLE LANE" were the order of the day. I'm not sure if any of them stopped to think what happens when 100's of cyclists doing 15 mph+ come up against someone walking their dog on a narrow path but, hey, it's got a bike stencilled on it so we were all in the wrong. The next stop signalled the start of the quiet lanes again and a check of the average speed showed we'd dropped to 15.4.

We then managed to miss the last drink stop. We saw two signs saying "Drink stop coming up" but never actually saw the stop! The final stretch back to the coast was a grind. I led the last 20 miles or so to try and cut a path for the other two guys and to manage the pace when not going into the wind to try and help the guys manage their energy levels and make it back. We picked up a couple of other riders who were struggling who asked if they could tag on to us which we were happy to oblige with but they dropped off soon after. Any thoughts of pace went out of the window and we were in survival mode by that point! Final moving average ended up at 14.9 mph but critically we'd all made it.

Checking out some other riders via Strava stalking it seems that a lot of people cut the ride short. I can't blame them to be honest but personally, I'm glad we stayed the course!
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31 miles this morning on the single speed. Didn't go too far afield, just zig zagged around near where I work. I decided to take in a bit of the cycle path by the "guided busway" that has given the local papers whinging material for several years now. I was on there for about a mile and it was hell. Horrible lumpy surface covered in gravel. I could barely manage 13mph on there and that was probably for the best as I think stopping from speed on that gravel would have been downright dangerous.

I've just been swimming as well - 50 lengths, 1,250m. Tired now!
I'm hoping to make a return here soon! :o

One of the girls in the office brought the plague with her at the start of April and it lasted a couple of weeks followed by being busy with other stuff and crap weather pretty much the whole of April was a write off. Put half a stone back on in weight as well which hasn't helped either so my fitness will be through the floor! :mad:
If anyone is thinking about running tubeless but hasn't quite taken the plunge yet, see below for a great reason to just get on and

I have absolutely no idea how long that nail was in the tyre, but what I do know is that the pressure had hardly dropped at all (tyre still felt very firm). Took the nail out, sealant started spraying out for a bit, and by the time it had sealed most of the air had escaped. So I just pumped it back up and went out for a ride. 20 miles later, still more than enough air in the tyre to ride on. I've since applied a standard inner tube patch to the inside of the tyre as it was leaking a tiny amount of air from one of the holes when pumped up to 90+ psi (it's a 28mm tyre so no need for any more) and now it's held 100psi for the last 24hrs+.

First Sportive of the year yesterday, the Cambridge 100. Well, more like the Cambridge 94. Probably a good job it was shorter though as there wasn't much left in the tank when I crossed the line! Lovely tail wind for the first 35 miles or so, I think I was averaging something like 22mph without too much trouble. When we turned in to the wind that dropped off quite rapidly though! I've done this one for the last 3-4 years, but this year they changed the route, and for the better I think. Far fewer stints on busy/fast roads which made for a pretty stress-free ride. Finished in 4hr57, which I think might be the fastest time on the day - the chip timing results show 4 riders with times 30min+ faster than me, but I spotted one of them on the Strava segment for the 50 mile ride, so they probably started on the 100 and dropped down to the 50.
If anyone is thinking about running tubeless but hasn't quite taken the plunge yet, see below for a great reason to just get on and switch.

I keep considering going tubeless. If I had tubeless compatible rims I'd already be using them but I'm not sure whether converting my Khamsins is A) possible and B) a good idea.

First ride of a decent length (for a newbie :p) today. Really enjoyed it, must say it was a lot more comfortable than I expected. The last 2 miles however were brutal, rain and headwind combined with the fact that my novice bottom had completely given up, I could barely sit and pedal and legs were too tired to stand and pedal.
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