Road Rage: How do you deal with it?

Originally posted by Mickey_D
one involved the other driver having to be persuaded by my friend Colt to just back down

One of my friends had a rather interesting road rage incident involving him and his friend Borris.

Standard 30mph road and a car pulls out right in front of him, he beeps his horn and the guy slams on his breaks, gets out of his car and wrenches open the passenger door. Borris didn't take too kindly to this and being a rather large psychotic Doberman got his point across rather well, only my m8 keeping a VERY firm grip on his collar kept him from getting his point across rather too well :eek:
Back when I was young I was out for a spin in my Nova, along with my mate who had a matching car.

We were blasting along having some fun when we come up behind a Renault 21, there were some lads hanging out the window who were just playing arses.

Anyway, I overtake and when my mate goes to overtake they swerve at him several times. I slow down to hold the car back so my mate can safely overtake us both, in the hope that we can bugger off into the distance. He gets passed but we only had 1.3sr novas and they had a 16v 21...

20 miles later we still can't drop them and they are giving us real grief, constantly trying to ram/nudge from behind or the side etc. A couple of times I've been on the grass/gravel at the side of the road to avoid getting hit. (I don't scare easily and I'm full of bottle, I've been on the grass because they are deffo not playing)

We get into a built up area with a dual carrigeway, we make it worse now by boxing this car in and generally just being stupid to get our own back. Eventually we get him stuck in a line of traffic and put a few cars between us.

I come up to a red light, by now my mate has chickened out, turned off and is nowhere to be seen. I am sitting at the front of a huge crossroads when I hear this rather vocal roar behind me. I look in the mirror and there are four large 20 something blokes running at my car :eek:

I didn't really know what to do, I stuck it in reverse but I couldn't go far because there were cars approaching behind. Me reversing at em didn't seem to trouble them. I heard a couple of bangs on the car and I could see feet/fists bouncing off the glass/panels. I decided now it was time to go, stuck it in first and went through the red light.

Never saw them again! :D

We didn't start it but we deffo made it worse, looking back it was quite fun but it was rather hairy at the time...some of the driving was insane.

I've had a fair bit of rage directed at me in the past, usually because I'm not willing to sit in a line of cars. I will always overtake if its possible and people never leave enough gap which leads to me having to stuff it in places.
I haven't had any real face2face's though because they never tend to keep up.

I did do something once that I am ashmed of, I was cut up very very badly by a woman in a fiesta. If I hadn't of been really on the ball I would have killed her because I was doing 40+ and she just pulled right out, how I didn't t-bone her I'll never know.

I turned around and follwed her, harrased her from behind a bit, did the usual flash+beep and just acted like a plonker. I got carried away though and follwed her several miles. She made a u-turn and I could see her face, it was white as a sheet and she was visibly shaken. I stopped at this point, she did make a bad judgement but she didn't deserve to be scared to death :/
I've never been involved in a road rage incident, thankfully.

Two rather amusing stories though:


My mate Ross drives a Jeep Grand Cherokee, going round a roundabout that goes from two lanes into one at the exit some nob in a corsa decided that Ross had cut him up and started pounding on the horn, gesticulating wildly and generally throwing amateur dramatics for about the next mile. So Ross stopped his Jeep next to a traffic island, nicely blocking the road and got out and walked, calmly, back to the guy in the Corsa (Ross incidently is about 6'2" and has done martial arts for the last twenty-five years). The guy winds the window down about five milimetres.

Ross: "Have you passed your driving test?"
Nob: "Yes."
Ross: "Tell me, which part of it covered amateur dramatics?"


Another guy I know is a Jujitsu instructor, called Jason. He was driving home from a lesson when he made a bit of a mistake and cut this guy up. The guy overtakes and then throws his car to a halt and parks diagonally blocking the road. He then gets out brandishing a baseball bat. Jason, having just taught a lesson, had a load of quarterstaves in the back. He takes one, steps out of the car and leans on it. The other guy takes his baseball bat and gets back in the car. Jason goes home.

About an hour later there's a knock at his door. It's the Police.

Policeman: "We've had a report that you drew a weapon during a traffic incident."
Jason: "Yes, that's correct" and explains the above.
Policeman: "Can we see the weapon in question?"
Jason: "Sure." Shows his the quarterstaff, explains that he's a martial arts instructor.
Policeman: "Did you have any other weapons in the car?"
Jason: "Yes."
Policeman: "Can we see them?" Jason takes the copper over to his car and opens the boot, revealing a broad selection of weapons varying from numchukas to butterfly knives.
Policeman: "Did you have any other weapons in the car?"
Jason shakes his head.
Policeman points to an unmarked van parked some distance away. "See that van?"
Jason: "Yes"
Policeman: "It's got eight armed response officers in it. The guy's claiming that you pulled a gun on him." (!)
Never really experienced road rage enough to feel worried or in danger.

Once I got hit in the side by some traveller types who went bonkers at me which got a passing patrol car involved. They made loads of noise at blamed me but turns out they were just facing off becuase they didn't have insurance.

I tend not to allow my feelings to show in my driving and if someone does something silly in front of me most of the time I can hardly be bothered even to beep at them - scoobs have such a gay horn anyway!

However I must confess to losing it once with what I can only describe as someones grandmother - shocking and shameful as it sounds and with much remorse and a few days of guilt I must tell the tale.

Decided to jet wash the car so went to my favoured garage and parked in the bay. Got out and walked into the garage to purchase my token and I notice someone pointing and shouting next to my car. Had a lot on my mind so it didn't really sink in it was anything to do with me.

Collected my ticket and went back to the car. By this time I've realised that this old dear (mid 50s I guess - I know its awful!) is shouting at me for parking in the jetwash bay and has parked her car very close to mine. "Move your car I want to wash my car!" she says. "Certainly not I parked my car here first" Says I. Naturally this "who should go first" debate continues and she puts her token in the machine. By this time I'm just about done warming up so its on with the encore. I then proceed to threaten her that any damage to my car by her will result in a letter from my solicitor. She retorts with an admittedly excellent come back that effectively makes me incandescent with rage. "Well, aren't you a rude little boy!" fair play lady the red button is now pushed.

I decide enough is enough and probably best to move the car incase something does happen and I then have to decide where the mentioned solicitor is going to appear from. I notice that becuase she is parked next to mine, the hose won't reach the far side of her car. Sadly this gives me great pleasure and my final remark is something like "Looks like it won't reach best go buy youself another one you sad old cow"

I told my girlfriend what had happened and she was suitably shocked at my outburst. She knows I'm not one for confrontation and generally avoid having to argue with people so she was as horrified as I was.

My head was hung low in shame for a few days after that. My name is mostly certainly on Santas naughty list for the year.
I'm normally a very calm driver, but I've had occasion to mutter the odd few expletives under my breath when someones done something particularly stupid. I've seen a couple of road rage incidents, including people swinging bats and bars around, but try to remain somewhat dispassionate about driving.

When you're driving, you're in charge of a lethal weapon, and you should respect that at all times, and drive with your brain, not with your nuts. Too many people think that they're Michael Schumacer or Colin McRae, and the road rage idiots are the worst example.

If someone can't control their temper to the degree where they use their vehicle as a weapon or jump out of the car for a physical confrontation, they shouldn't drive, simple as that.
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I tend not to allow my feelings to show in my driving and if someone does something silly in front of me most of the time I can hardly be bothered even to beep at them - scoobs have such a gay horn anyway!

Oh yes. There you are full of anger, seething with rage and your hand slams onto the horn.

This fartly little "Peeep" comes squeeking out. At this point rage turns into embarrassment and you slink off in shame :D
Originally posted by The_Dark_Side
sorry mate my mistake,
apparently the word "nearly" becomes invisible after 115AM

Heh aye, the night can do funny things. It was just one of those typical scenarios when you expect someone to just open a door out on you and then it happened.
Originally posted by gurdas
Heh aye, the night can do funny things. It was just one of those typical scenarios when you expect someone to just open a door out on you and then it happened.
thats why most of my posts usually contain the message to treat everyone else on the road as an unpredictable idiot and it'll keep you safer.

ive got more "road-time" under my belt than anyone i know and even i'm never surprised to see people doing stuff you cannot possibly understand how they actually thought it was a good idea to do.
I just curse, the odd hand gesture etc etc ( who hasn't ! )...haven't had any trouble as of yet, I don't go looking for it so I hopefully won't get any in the future :)
Originally posted by Im Back

[EDIT] and if you need any more info, just ask, theres no point in snooping around :) I dont bite. lol

No, but you DO drive like a loony, and that's worse.

I try and remain calm when I drive, as someone said above... Treat every driver on the road as an unpredictable accident waiting to happen and you'll be fine...

People like you make me angry because you think it's OK to do whatever you want on the road. All YOU have to do to make driving safer for everyone is relax a bit, and not do something stupid when you get wound up?... maybe you need some anger management classes or something.

Let me assure you, if ANYONE road raged me, then pulled accross the road diagonally to block it I'd just drive my car into theirs if I couldnt get around any other way... then I'd call the police and report you for drink driving! :)
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Originally posted by Im Back
LMAO^^^ drink driving???

lets put it this way, the astra driver will NEVER do what he did again :) - my work is complete


yes, because anyone loony enough to stop their car diagonally across a road to scare another driver is MORE in the wrong than someone who made a mistake. How old ARE you?

And seeing that I've never seen anyone do what you claim to have done, I'd assume you were drunk so I'd call the police... tell them what you did and that you were threatening. Hopefully you'd get a dangerous driving conviction

I hope one day you learn YOUR lesson and never do it again, because at the end of the day mate, you're not judge, jury OR executioner.
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That is true :)

Depends whether i get wound up again as to if it will happen again.

I just cant see why people must drive irrisponsibily in the first place. being in the wrong lane, cutting me up, tailgating, having mis-aligned lights, putting fog lamps on etc.

The guy who i stopped in the middle of the road was tailgating. I gave him plenty off opportunities to sort it out; put my brake lights on, I even pulled over but he just sat behind. i couldn't see any other option! Once again he'll never do it again:)
Originally posted by Im Back
I just cant see why people must drive irrisponsibily in the first place. being in the wrong lane, cutting me up, tailgating, having mis-aligned lights, putting fog lamps on etc.

But you did as well... Which makes you just as bad :(

Seriously... I'm not having a go, but if you can't keep your anger under control then you should not be driving, as you're a liability to other usually safe drivers if they make a small mistake!

What happens if next time you stop in the middle of the road, the guy behind slams on his brakes causing a pile up?... You drive off I suppose, because "That'll teach him" not to do it again?

Slightly extreme example, but what happens if he or any of the drivers of the other cars die as a result of a forced brake test.... it's just something anyone would not be expecting if they were not fully involved... and again, it's not hard to die in a "slow" crash, eg 35+ mph... all it takes is for you not to wear your seatbelt
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