Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Haha thanks mate

Hero :p

I honestly didn't think I'd get this far, or at least get this far without having one cheat meal or one naughty treat or any kind of slip up at all. I've followed it perfectly, not missed a single meal, gym session, cardio session, and I'm very proud of myself to be able to stick to it as for most other things, my willpower is rubbish

I just hope it's all worth it in the end
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4 May 2007
West Midlands
Well done for keeping it up!

How do you find clothes now? Just wondering, as I've got some tight tshirts that are getting too tight round my back, alas I dont think my back/lats are gonna get much smaller when cutting more body fat.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Just fell under 78kg :) Abs are very visible now and I have a lot of definition on my upper back that I never had before

It's all coming along nicely now, falling into place very quickly. Start Mitotropin on Monday so hopefully that boosts progress even further

One thing I will vent about though, and sorry you guys get this, but you'll understand why I'm saying it on here and not to "real folk". Well since I've started this, even in my off season, I've never felt supported by people who matter, family and friends. The people that do believe I'm doing it, just seem like they'd rather I didn't.

It was a factor in my relationship ending with my ex, as she was massively against it even though she'd never admit it. My current girlfriend says she supports me and is behind me, but I never really feel like she is, I always feel like I'm a burden to her or that deep down she resents me for doing it. Last night she said "You're always so sleepy because of it" and ended up going home in a grump. Yes, because I'm doing 4 hours of weights a week and 7 hours of cardio, I'm not going to be a bundle of energy in the evenings

People at work, half the time I get the feeling they're just being polite and don't actually believe me, and the one's that do just think it's weird and are willing to make no effort to understand why I have to eat at certain times, or certain foods, just mocking. I don't mind this so much as office banter is always welcome just I know there is a serious undertone to it as well

My family, well my nan just moans about my diet and how unhealthy it is, and doesn't care about the contest, and my dad, well again, he claims to support me, but he doesn't. He's hinted several times it's selfish what I'm doing because of how it affects others, and he says he wants me to do well, but I'm really not feeling any encouragement

I know what I'm doing is selfish, unfortunately, you have to be selfish to do well, you have to sacrifice a few things. And yes I have to prioritise a few things differently, for food and the gym, but I've always made it clear this is a one time thing for me which is why I'm making sure it's done 100% with no shortcuts or cheating

Sorry to rant guys, just it's getting very hard for me, I am tired 24/7 at the moment, I do feel low on energy and I'm constantly hungry. I'm questioning a lot of the time whether it's worth it or whether or not to just stop, and not having any encouragement or support from people around me only makes this worse. I'm not asking for people to go out their way and give me constant praise and over the top support, but just an acknowledgement that my body is improving or that I'm doing a good job. Or that it will all be worth it.

But I get nothing, and it's really upsetting

You guys are the only ones that give me any sort of positive feedback and encouragement, so thank you
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4 May 2007
West Midlands
Considering you've come so far, do not stop now. Only a few weeks left to go! You've had your run at it and after the show you can choose to put it behind you knowing that you gave it your all.

Congrats on getting rid of the old gf btw ;) And getting the new one :p.
6 Nov 2004
I don't think it's fair for people to say you're being selfish - it's your decision, and it doesn't sound like you're neglecting them as a result. Chin up mate!
4 May 2007
West Midlands
I'd say overall it is a rather selfish thing to do (to be a competing BB'er) You will be tired at all times and drain other people, but at the same time these people should realise its only for a couple weeks.

But to quit now you'll resent other people for it, keep the chin up! (You'll read the exact same from other blogs on muscletalk etc).
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I took my girlfriend to Cadburys world today! That was epic torture :(

Cheers guys. I know it would be stupid to quit now, just it's hard without people to push you on when you find it hard. Still, you guys gve me that :)
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
You're more than welcome to rant mate.

To a less bothersome extent I get it from my mum too with powerlifting. She'd much rather that I carried on with my sprinting, but I don't really know how that's different.

We all love you Steedie! :)
5 Mar 2006
Scotland are doing something ive always wanted to do and even now (37 in a few mnonths) i still want to do it. Not really the 'enter the contest bit', just the full get to that condition thing. But its hard to do when you have family (3 kids) and work comitments (work overseas). So keepo do it once...get the pictures then decide if you want to do again. Cos its only ever going to get harder to repeat! You nearly there already.
Stick to your guns!
25 Sep 2006
I took my girlfriend to Cadburys world today! That was epic torture :(

Cheers guys. I know it would be stupid to quit now, just it's hard without people to push you on when you find it hard. Still, you guys gve me that :)

It does get difficult to the end when you've achieved so much already to just think 'that'll do' but you know that half a lb or having a slip up on diet last minute can be the difference between 1st and 3rd place.

Almost there now.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Steedie can you outline your carb tapering over your cut? I found that you started at 300g-ish but couldn't find anything else.

I'm aiming to go on a bit of a militant cut in the next few weeks. I'm going for consistently lower carbs (unless around training) and extra cardio because it's worked for me before, but I'm interested in your protocol as it's obviously worked very well. Is the theory behind it purely calorie tapering, or is there something more complicated going on?
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hi mate

I've no idea of the macros anymore but basically my carbs have changed as so (and I'll only list carb meals)

Weeks 1-4
7:30am - Oats 70g
10am - Rice 70g
12am - Sweet Potato 50g
2pm - 50g Pro Recover
4:30pm - 70g Rice
7pm - 70g Rice

Weeks 5-7
7:30am - Oats 60g
10am - Rice 70g
12am - Rice 60g
2pm - 50g Pro Recover
4:30pm - 70g Rice
7pm - 70g Rice

Weeks 8-12
7:30am - Oats 60g
10am - Rice 60g
12am - Rice 50g
2pm - 50g Pro Recover
4:30pm - 60g Rice
7pm - 60g Rice

Weeks 13-Current
7:30am - Oats 55g
10am - Rice 60g
12am - Rice 50g
2pm - 50g Pro Recover
4:30pm - 60g Rice
7pm - No longer any carbs in this meal

So not a massive deduction, before the last carbs meal was taken off I was still in the high 200s I'd imagine

Let me know if you need anything else :)
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
77.1kg this morning

Weight loss has really been quick since dropping the last carbs meal and upping the cardio. Guess it's a shock to the system again like when I first started

I've now decided to go for the July 3rd show as well, which is in Newport, Wales. Basically because if I go for the 12th June show, I'm going to be really pushing it for whether or not I make condition. I could probably make it, but I might not be 100% and as a lot of the last week is hit and miss with carbs/sodium intake/water intake etc I just don't want to rush it

So giving myself more time and going for July 3rd :( I appreciate that means a lot of you won't be able to make it now, which I really am gutted about as I was so excited for your support, but I don't want to risk not being 100% and it costing me qualification
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
My main light is dead so the lighting is different but here's the latest photos I've just shipped off to Rob from last week. Just edited them and got them up now




I'm starting to look a bit flat at the moment, I don't know if it's the sudden drop in carbs or just the fact I'm doing so much cardio and my glycogen stores are constantly empty (well more empty than usual). Photos I took earlier I look a little fuller after I'd just eaten so will get those up at some point

p.s - the pout is back
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