Robot Wars returning to BBC2!

Does anyone know what the wildcard robot for the final will be? Is it chosen from the competitors during the main contest, or someone given a pass? If it's chosen from the defeated robots, how is the choice made?

I would imagine Thor would get through based on what I've seen so far but can be assured they wont go with the logical choice.
Well I thought that was possibly the most boring episode I've ever seen.

I've been watching the US Battlebots in parallel and I can honestly say Battlebots is on another level when it comes to entertainment and technical capability of the robots. Virtually all fights are a knock out and even the ones that aren't have been entertaining. I strongly recommend watching it, but skip all the annoying filler.

The arena is much bigger, no pit, better traction, more reliable robots in general, flame-based weapons allowed, flying drones with flame based weapons allowed (they are useless but it's funny when they crash and explode), much more destruction overall.

That was a good fight. But I wouldn't say it was loads better than what we have. The axe of the other robot did nothing.

First effective use of fire I've ever seen though
The "axe" of Bombshell was only one of its interchangeable weapons:

Their opponent is the same team that has Carbide in the UK Robot Wars.
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Wtf was all that, a plantpot on wheels, a drone with a flamethrower that done more damage to itself than the opponents, a robot with an axe with all the force of Explosive Diarrhea, and what looked to be a parcel wrapped up and sitting in the corner. Very strange. :eek:
After watching several episodes of BattleBots I have kinda been spoilt with the showmanship and brutality of some of the robots, and even the contestants..!

This weeks Robot Wars as so tame, I can understand how Gabriel managed to avoid being damaged too much by the other bots but I doubt that it would have survived for long across the pond.

Apart from Apollo, last week, flipping the house robots, which was fun to see but scored zero points, I couldn't see the point of them this season. I would also do away with the pit and have some side screw type grinders on the walls of the arena, like in BB.
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Me watching all one-sided fights :D


...I think I have a problem
Another great episode. Gabriel was extraordinary, I expected it to be destroyed but it held its own against all comers and even did some damage. Pulsar were lucky to be given a route back in but performed brilliantly once they were. Glad the judges ruled out Ironside after it was clearly immobilised.
Another great episode. Gabriel was extraordinary, I expected it to be destroyed but it held its own against all comers and even did some damage. Pulsar were lucky to be given a route back in but performed brilliantly once they were. Glad the judges ruled out Ironside after it was clearly immobilised.

Yeah, I expect Gabriel to be demolished by everyone but it held up really well.

If Pulsar didn't go back in for another attack, Ironside would have been unable to get back up it looked like.

Thought Pulsar was immobilised a few times in that final fight, stopped moving so many times which was a worry.
Apart from Apollo, last week, flipping the house robots, which was fun to see but scored zero points, I couldn't see the point of them this season. I would also do away with the pit and have some side screw type grinders on the walls of the arena, like in BB.

Yes, part of the problem with UK Robot Wars is that the arena is too small and too cluttered...everything's either falling in the pit, wasting time getting picked up by house robots or spinning into the arena edge and getting damaged/immobilised...the arena needs to be bigger and more open so the robots can get a decent run at each other.
Gabriel was interesting, a bit like the old Stinger but not quite as effective. Pulsar seemed interesting but had huge reliability issues, even in the final it stopped working twice.
The intermittent nature of the problem plus having watched 100000 robot wars videos in the last couple of weeks leads me to believe they were probably having interference issues.
Would be much more watchable without the irritating over the top typical American commentary. That being said unlike the current series of robot wars their robots don't seem to break down every other round, thats been a running theme of the new show, robots working for 10 seconds then the drive train or weapon failing for no reason. Pulsar last night was a good example of that, just about every fight it was in it intermittently stopped working for no reason, either its weapon or mainly its drive train.

I doubt that those fights form a representative sample of BattleBots fights. You can find dull, rubbish BattleBots fights if you look around. My guess is that, actually, the fights are about as good on average.

That was some fight, the last hit pretty much wrecks both robots. :eek:

Has there ever been a robot with a Mole Drill kind of attachment? Seen a few with ramming spikes but they seem to do little in terms of damage.
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