I've not seen one but you can find some old dvds:
Do a search for 'Robot Wars DVD' on ebay.
Already checked ebay and CEX. Not got it anywhere.
I've not seen one but you can find some old dvds:
Do a search for 'Robot Wars DVD' on ebay.
Already checked ebay and CEX. Not got it anywhere.
But individual dvds are available as I'm sat here looking at them.
I always remember The Beast of Bodmin for some reason.
Also that yellow four wheeled one that was so powerful at pushing others about? Or was it red?
Is there a legit way of watching the old robot wars episodes on demand?
Just looked on their page seems they cant join the partyand the bbc don't seem to be giving competitors long to prepare new bots
I didn't see that. It's a shametwo months is not really anywhere near enough time to build a bot, I hope the series isn't poor as a result.
Why should spinners be banned?
Have you ever done that thing when you have a bicycle wheel with a handle on each end of the axle? When you spin it really fast and hold it, it becomes quite difficult to move it about and it starts to really pull you around.