RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

13 Feb 2003
Did everybody spot this part in the article about the Biker who is in hospital as a result of Range Rover running over him?

One rider Jay Mieses was sent to the hospital with serious injuries. He is currently in a medically-induced coma and his family claims he may be paralyzed from the waist down. Mieses, by the way, has a criminal history of riding infractions and is banned from driving in Massachusetts until 2017, as the Boston Globe reports.

He is banned from driving until 2017?
Though in the US, is that only by state?
Meaning he was allowed to drive in New York?
18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
The guy paralyzed / coma will be in good case for a payout, even if criminal charges are not bought against the RRS driver, a civil suit will almost certainly will. I believe he already has a top lawyer representing him / his family.

If its proved that no weapon was shown, or an attack commenced against the RRS, during that initial encounter, i believe he should be up for criminal charges. Just cos you're surrounded by a bunch of unknowns doesn't give you the right to run over people, just cos you're scared, rich and in a Range Rover.

Yep after watching the video's and initially saying to myself scum bikers, I've not really seen anything to justify the assault, set upon the bikers.

The idiot biker, who forced the stop in the first place, has been justifiably charged. But for the rest of the incident.................................................
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
The lawyers will be circling and offering their services for free or reduced rates as this will be a real TV bonanza. Many things about the US are fantastic, this aspect is a however distasteful, not least when it's wrapped up in the 'people have rights' crap, which it most certainly will be.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
If its proved that no weapon was shown, or an attack commenced against the RRS, during that initial encounter, i believe he should be up for criminal charges. Just cos you're surrounded by a bunch of unknowns doesn't give you the right to run over people, just cos you're scared, rich and in a Range Rover.

I haven't watched them again but don't the videos show plenty of damage to the 4x4 before their final assault on it?
18 Oct 2002
And the safety of his wife and small child.... Bear in mind, the bikers put themselves in the situation of being run over due to their actions. Its not as if the RR driver went out that day looking to run over anyone with his wife and kid in tow.

As research shows, we have a "flight or fight" nature. Damn right I am not going to try and fight a whole pack of bikers ergo, the ONLY reasonable action left is flight.

What would you have done in this EXACT scenario Joshua?
Did you misread my post?
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
If its proved that no weapon was shown, or an attack commenced against the RRS, during that initial encounter, i believe he should be up for criminal charges. Just cos you're surrounded by a bunch of unknowns doesn't give you the right to run over people, just cos you're scared, rich and in a Range Rover.

The police have already said the car was attacked at the initial stop.

Feeling threatened gives you a lot of self defence rights as it should. Even n uk the law is FEEL threatened, not actually threatened.

Thin you'll be hard pressed to find a jury that decides people surrounding and attacking the car is not threatening.
28 Sep 2008
This could have simply ended with the driver of the RRS shooting a gun through his window straight at the biker smashing his window in. That would have scattered the bikers quicker than a jizz tissue in a monastery.

But, he didn't have (or have use of) a gun, and so the only weapon he had to defend himself was 2.2tons of car instead.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
If its proved that no weapon was shown, or an attack commenced against the RRS, during that initial encounter, i believe he should be up for criminal charges. Just cos you're surrounded by a bunch of unknowns doesn't give you the right to run over people, just cos you're scared, rich and in a Range Rover.

It does, we are told this at private school, poor people are to be laughed at and driven over, page 12 of year 1 "dealing with norms." We all know this and people in cheap t-shirts without matching leathers and at least a Ducati should be run over twice.
18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
There are a lot of initial assumptions, because they're bikers. If indeed they did pack attack the RRS at the first stop, then he'll get away with self defense, ESPECIALLY given his financial means.

If they didn't and only forced him to a stop, then he may be in for showdown with the law.

However, stuntz riders in general, are perceived by your typical law abiding citizen as a menace to society, and most initially looked at this man, as a man enjoying a Sunday out with his family. So favor immediately goes towards him and self defense.

However experts (as in the ones on the morning news) are now saying, the ongoing investigation is looking at whether there was an over reaction on his behalf. Perhaps suggesting there wasn't an actual assault on the RRS
3 Jun 2005
First of all, a couple of my friends are bikers, and I’ve been to meets and met many members of their club. Great bunch guys, grown adults with responsible jobs and families. But once they’re in numbers and on the road, they change. I’ve witnessed first hand griefing similar (but not as extreme) to that shown in the video. All it takes is for one of them to do something, then the one-upmanship kicks in and things escalate very quickly.

This probably makes me sound like a biker hater, but I’m really not, I just don’t have the rose tinted visor.

With regards to the video – I’ll give the biker the benefit of the doubt that he was just trying to help his fellow bikers regroup, as his actions were very clearly deliberate. If that is the case, it was still a pretty dim thing to do, and is just asking to get nudged. With all those bikes around him, the RR driver’s eyes were likely darting from mirror to mirror in an attempt to avoid hitting any of them. I’d also hazard a guess that a bike deliberately pulling in front and slowing was the last thing he expected.

Now we get into the perception of the driver.

What are these guys doing? What do they want? There are lots of them and they’re all around me and seem to be trying to force me to stop. Oh ****, I’ve bumped one of them and they’ve all stopped and are approaching me and my family in numbers.

If this happened in a Stand Your Ground state, that in and of itself would be justification to draw a weapon. Even if the bikers did nothing other than approach his car in numbers, I could still fully understand that he felt in danger and invoked the Duty to Retreat.

As for getting away, he didn’t have to outrun or outlast them, he just had to keep moving and call the cops. I’m pretty sure no other biker would have attempted to slow him again. I know, easy to say when calmy sitting in front of my PC.

Of course if something happened prior to the video, it could cast a whole different light on the matter, but my provisional opinion is that the RR driver acted reasonably
30 Jun 2007
No its not.

Everything is done for a personal gain, so by going on the hoon, taking out your non road legal bike, riding like a berk, speeding, the rider has a personal gain, they have fun.

What personal gain was there from victimising the RR?

same as the hoon...fun.
18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
In Florida the Castle Doctrine extends to your car, so anyone attempting entry to your car while you're in it, allows for the stand your ground law to come into affect. Not sure on New York, but generally those NE states (along with CA and so) have stricter self defense laws, with a duty to retreat... (a bit like England)
18 Aug 2005

These guys are complete Morons. Above is another video of them, from a year or so ago, attacking a Prius.
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