RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

Are we somehow suggesting that the driver did everything he could to escape?

Locking the doors and nailing it would have gotten him out of there. It's a 2500 Kg SUV with several hundred horsepower and a single flat tyre.

He did do that, then got stuck in a traffic jam, with buildings either side.
He did do that, then got stuck in a traffic jam, with buildings either side.
Push the cars out of the way, reverse back and push the bikes out of the way, drive on pavement, keep moving backwards and forwards at speed so no human in their right mind will go/survive going near you etc.
Push the cars out of the way, reverse back and push the bikes out of the way, drive on pavement, keep moving backwards and forwards at speed so no human in their right mind will go/survive going near you etc.

Have you seen the video?
How many cars can one rr push out the way? Its not many. 20+ bikes behind + presumably cars as well, so no, it isn't that easy at all, don't you think he would if he could, he already did it once.
Fair enough, but until that point no one had tried gain entry. Further on its very much locked, which is why they smash the windows in.

i think a door might have been pulled open during the first stop, before he drives over the bike/bikes, the RR is mostly out of shot though
Watch the video, he cant turn round, its a street with buildings both sides 20+ bikers behind him(according to the police) and stationery cars in front.
Really looks like he can turn around
He should have seen the non moving traffic before he stopped behind it or reversed, running over some more bikers on the way. He was probably terrified and not thinking right though.
If it was me, I would have just knocked them all of their bike or forced them to crash, after all it is a rather fast and big RR.
oh dear, tongue up glaucus backside fail..

Cmoared to tongue up thugs backside, like you've shown in the rest of the thread. Posting other crap like not charged, yeah because he wasn't involved in the assault and wasn't even on the list of initial possible charges when arrested.
Still no charges against RR driver, Cruz still charged and police still looking for the other guys in the video who did so it.
He should have seen the non moving traffic before he stopped behind it or reversed, running over some more bikers on the way. He was probably terrified and not thinking right though.
If it was me, I would have just knocked them all of their bike or forced them to crash, after all it is a rather fast and big RR.

And where was the last turn off? What traffic was on that last turn off? When could he spot this traffic? You make it sound so easy.
Do you live in a city, traffic isn't good.
Cmoared to tongue up thugs backside, like you've shown in the rest of the thread. Posting other crap like not charged, yeah because he wasn't involved in the assault and wasn't even on the list of initial possible charges when arrested.
Still no charges against RR driver, Cruz still charged and police still looking for the other guys in the video who did so it.

Im not trying to prove a right or wrong here, Ive got access to exactly the same information as everyone else, I dont think we'll know whats right or wrong until we know what happened leading up to the video. Ive obviously got a different opinion to you but then that could all change when we know what caused it all.
Have you seen the video?
How many cars can one rr push out the way? Its not many. 20+ bikes behind + presumably cars as well, so no, it isn't that easy at all, don't you think he would if he could, he already did it once.
I have, and it's more than capable of ramming a couple and pushing them forward, bearing in mind these people will quite quickly move the crap out of the way of a madman in an SUV.

It is quite possible to maneuver a car, even in a tight space, to make it so you simply cannot be stopped by people on foot.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCeoGoL3QG0&feature=youtu.be&t=48s This section of video proves exactly how completely irrelevant the bikes are to the path the RR is taking. It's literally like a 6ft man weighing 400 lbs having a dozen 2 year olds in his way.
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And where was the last turn off? What traffic was on that last turn off? When could he spot this traffic? You make it sound so easy.
Do you live in a city, traffic isn't good.
He should have floored it on the freeway or reversed when he got stuck in traffic. There was free space behind him, just bikers behind him, reverse over them all and go another way.
I couldnt see it, i was wrong then (Housey, i was wrong)

Oh well, going back a few posts then, it seems he didnt bother locking the doors between the 1st stop and 2nd stop.
I have, and it's more than capable of ramming a couple and pushing them forward, bearing in mind these people will quite quickly move the crap out of the way of a madman in an SUV.

It is quite possible to maneuver a car, even in a tight space, to make it so you simply cannot be stopped by people on foot.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCeoGoL3QG0&feature=youtu.be&t=48s This section of video proves exactly how completely irrelevant the bikes are to the path the RR is taking. It's literally like a 6ft man weighing 400 lbs having a dozen 2 year olds in his way.

Its not motorbikes or people on feet though is it, its a line of cars and other vehicles, he ain't going to plough through that.
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