RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

You also have to consider what he's willing to do in order to escape.

Mow down the scumbags who have decided to use their puny bodies as a roadblock? Yes, easily.

Plough through sidewalks and damage uninvolved people's property? I can understand not wanting to bring such charges upon yourself.

Yes the bikers didn't have a shred of morals or discipline in their deindividuised swarm-like state, but the RR driver still had every moral and discipline, remember he was just out on a regular day with family.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, give that RR driver a medal.
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Its not motorbikes or people on feet though is it, its a line of cars and other vehicles, he ain't going to plough through that.
You are making it out to be a completely solid traffic jam in all directions - it isn't, it's a bit of traffic in front of him, it was clear on his approach, he can turn around and take another route through the bikers. There's easily enough room there to turn around. People will move out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.
You are making it out to be a completely solid traffic jam in all directions - it isn't, it's a bit of traffic in front of him, it was clear on his approach, he can turn around and take another route through the bikers. There's easily enough room there to turn around. People will move out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.

Glad you got special vision and can decide whats there when you cant see it.
Not really, there was enough time to work out everything ahead was blocked and spin around quickly. Roads are wide enough to do that on one turn. At that point I wouldn't even care about the bikers.
Not really, there was enough time to work out everything ahead was blocked and spin around quickly. Roads are wide enough to do that on one turn. At that point I wouldn't even care about the bikers.

As Asim points out bikers are not the only users, and plenty of time to turn around, where you getting this from?

Its not just bikers on the roads, you know theres other cars and people mixed in as well.
Im so glad you lot have been in such a situation keep a calm head, can see through things and will ram incident people to escape.
Well I'm not in a blind panic so I would think like that, I'd probably think different at the time. I had some nutcase harass me on the M1 and instead of letting him follow me off at my junction where I'd probably have to stop and then deal with him banging on my window, I managed to put myself in a group of slower cars, forced the idiot to overtake, indicated for the junction, waited for him to pull off on the slip and then I just booted it to my junction. If someone is giving me grief the last thing I would do is drive into a built up area where I'd end up having to stop. But that wasn't with 100s of bikes swarming around me, just one very stupid Eastern European chap. I'd keep moving, even if it was in circles until the police arrive.

I see matt82 is still trying to make us understand from the biker's perspective, but I don't sympathise. If you want to ride around in a group and hang around whilst members of your group/gang attack someone, you are just as bad for letting it happen.
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Exactly it was a large group of bikers which you aren't going to lose, they're faster than you, smaller than you. And you have a flat tire which makes driving extremely hard.
Anyone with a brain can see the chimps on the bikes were out to cause problems. The RR guy was only doing what most would do in a situation like that. How much time would he have to plan what do do? Zilch.
It does, we are told this at private school, poor people are to be laughed at and driven over, page 12 of year 1 "dealing with norms." We all know this and people in cheap t-shirts without matching leathers and at least a Ducati should be run over twice.

Indeed :)
The closest i can get to sympathising with the bikers is the guy that's now in a coma.
He's going to spend the rest of his life regretting his part in this.

However, if the reports about him are true then he's made a string of bad decisions on his life so has nobody to blame but himself, unfortunately that's just the way it goes..
The closest i can get to sympathising with the bikers is the guy that's now in a coma.
He's going to spend the rest of his life regretting his part in this.

However, if the reports about him are true then he's made a string of bad decisions on his life so has nobody to blame but himself, unfortunately that's just the way it goes..

No he isn't. He's going to spend the rest of his life legally (or otherwise) persuing the RRS owner for money and compensation, then just wee it up the wall through his crotchless panties or get high on weed and crack.
You are making it out to be a completely solid traffic jam in all directions - it isn't, it's a bit of traffic in front of him, it was clear on his approach, he can turn around and take another route through the bikers. There's easily enough room there to turn around. People will move out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.
To be fair, I've made plenty of stupid mistakes in the heat of the moment whilst playing fast-paced online games, let alone with a bunch of nutters after me potentially threatening my (real) life. :)
rather than flooring it, should have just driven forwards at a steady pace of 20 mph...too fast for people on try and open the doors or go on foot, but slow enough to give him lots of time to think about next COA. but then again in a panic most would floor it :p also if his wife was calling the cops too then that may have bought them enough time for the cops to catch up to them with blues and twos...

just give it a pop of throttle anytime one of the bikers got close/ touched the RRS. (then ofc open the window slightly and yell out to them "you mad bro YOLO?!" )

can you do doughnuts in an RRS? just keep spinning... they get too close they get a fat rear end side swipe xD (though I think from playing GTA games has made me think you can do it with anything.... likes busses.....YEEHAWWWW!)
Still on the news this morning. Wife coming out now apologizing for the injury sustained to the guy in a coma, however still defending her husbands actions.

No evidence of the RRS being attacked though at the first initial stop. Yes there was no doubt intimidation. With at least one of the bikers, the one that's now been charged, and i think we all agree that he was out to intimidate. The question is the other bikes, where they out to intimidate also, or just following the rest of the group in stopping, more for investigative purposes, than lets all kick the crap out of this driver for no reason.

She also went on to say, her husbands fear was substantiated after the attack at the end.. However, lets be honest here, if you saw your buddies being run over, you'd probably take chase too.. If not to attack, to at least not let him get away.
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