She also went on to say, her husbands fear was substantiated after the attack at the end.. However, lets be honest here, if you saw your buddies being run over, you'd probably take chase too.. If not to attack, to at least not let him get away.
If they hadn't been mobbing and intimidating the RR in the first place, their "buddies" wouldn't have gotten run over.
Pretty sure I didn't see any of them stop to phone the police, which lets face it would have been the most sensible course of action.
Given that several of them had helmet cams, I think it's almost certain that at least one of them would have caught the initial incident, so plenty of evidence of what happened.
Of course, if the initial incident was your fault and you didn't want the police to have the footage, then you'd only have the choice of dispensing your own form of "justice"