RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

She also went on to say, her husbands fear was substantiated after the attack at the end.. However, lets be honest here, if you saw your buddies being run over, you'd probably take chase too.. If not to attack, to at least not let him get away.

If they hadn't been mobbing and intimidating the RR in the first place, their "buddies" wouldn't have gotten run over.

Pretty sure I didn't see any of them stop to phone the police, which lets face it would have been the most sensible course of action.

Given that several of them had helmet cams, I think it's almost certain that at least one of them would have caught the initial incident, so plenty of evidence of what happened.

Of course, if the initial incident was your fault and you didn't want the police to have the footage, then you'd only have the choice of dispensing your own form of "justice"
If they hadn't been mobbing and intimidating the RR in the first place, their "buddies" wouldn't have gotten run over.
I agree.

At this point it seems like the biker that slowed is the instigator and, in my opinion, is responsible for the subsequent events.

I know America has some very different laws to us when it comes to criminal responsibility. I remember seeing on one of those cop shows an incident where 2 guys were robbing a store. The store owner shot and killed one and the other legged it. When the second guy was caught he was charged with the robbery, but there was also a charge related to the death of his accomplice. So there is a chance the break test guy could be facing more charges.
Still on the news this morning. Wife coming out now apologizing for the injury sustained to the guy in a coma, however still defending her husbands actions.

No evidence of the RRS being attacked though at the first initial stop. Yes there was no doubt intimidation. With at least one of the bikers, the one that's now been charged, and i think we all agree that he was out to intimidate. The question is the other bikes, where they out to intimidate also, or just following the rest of the group in stopping, more for investigative purposes, than lets all kick the crap out of this driver for no reason.

She also went on to say, her husbands fear was substantiated after the attack at the end.. However, lets be honest here, if you saw your buddies being run over, you'd probably take chase too.. If not to attack, to at least not let him get away.

I'm sorry but you're making this up as you go along and not citing any sources, clearly with a bias towards bikers.

The police have already stated that they believed the RR was damaged/attacked and had a tyre slashed at the first stop, which is what caused the range rover to flee.

Normal people would pull over to the side of the road, not stop dead in the middle and surround the car.
rather than flooring it, should have just driven forwards at a steady pace of 20 mph...too fast for people on try and open the doors or go on foot, but slow enough to give him lots of time to think about next COA. but then again in a panic most would floor it :p also if his wife was calling the cops too then that may have bought them enough time for the cops to catch up to them with blues and twos...

just give it a pop of throttle anytime one of the bikers got close/ touched the RRS. (then ofc open the window slightly and yell out to them "you mad bro YOLO?!" )

can you do doughnuts in an RRS? just keep spinning... they get too close they get a fat rear end side swipe xD (though I think from playing GTA games has made me think you can do it with anything.... likes busses.....YEEHAWWWW!)

Pop the Throttle, A RRS can not outrun a motorcycle, Even a 400 CC sports bike would leave a RRS for dead, They're crap, I know I had one.
I'm sorry but you're making this up as you go along and not citing any sources, clearly with a bias towards bikers.

The police have already stated that they believed the RR was damaged/attacked and had a tyre slashed at the first stop, which is what caused the range rover to flee.

Normal people would pull over to the side of the road, not stop dead in the middle and surround the car.

Want a source? Watch CBS news (which is National news in the USA) 7:00am -5:00GMT

I don't need to prove anything to you, by citing sources. What exactly would you like me to do? Film it and upload to Youtube just to satisfy you? :rolleyes:

While you're at it, show me the source where it says his tyre was knifed? Bikes have sharp bits, ride over one and you're almost certain to blow a tyre. Fool !
Want a source? Watch CBS news (which is National news in the USA) 7:00am -5:00GMT

I don't need to prove anything to you, by citing sources. What exactly would you like me to do? Film it and upload to Youtube just to satisfy you? :rolleyes:

While you're at it, show me the source where it says his tyre was knifed? Bikes have sharp bits, ride over one and you're almost certain to blow a tyre. Fool !

If what you're saying is questionable (which it is), then you need to cite sources to have any credibility. Otherwise it just sounds like you're making it up and bias (which it does).

Here's an article dated Friday from CBS. I hear they're a pretty good source.


It all started when police said one of the bikers appeared to deliberately slow down in front of Lien’s Range Rover and brake hard, forcing Lien to rear-end him.

That’s when other bikers surround the SUV. Police said some of the bikers began damaging the Range Rover, hitting it with their helmets and slashing its tires, though it’s not clear from the video.

Oh and resorting to name calling doesn't exactly help your credibility either.
Bikers and normal in the same sentence? Ha

Easy tiger...we're talking about a gang of dysfunctional nobs in the US. Frankly most of them shouldn't be on bikes in the first place. They're not by any stretch of the imagination "normal" bikers.
Pop the Throttle, A RRS can not outrun a motorcycle, Even a 400 CC sports bike would leave a RRS for dead, They're crap, I know I had one.

haha yea, don;t disagree. didn't meant full on floor it, more just if the riders tried to grab/hit the car while riding can just accelerate a bit to deter them :) then potter along again until the next one swoops in. :p
No evidence of the RRS being attacked though at the first initial stop. Yes there was no doubt intimidation. With at least one of the bikers, the one that's now been charged, and i think we all agree that he was out to intimidate. The question is the other bikes, where they out to intimidate also, or just following the rest of the group in stopping, more for investigative purposes, than lets all kick the crap out of this driver for no reason.

She also went on to say, her husbands fear was substantiated after the attack at the end.. However, lets be honest here, if you saw your buddies being run over, you'd probably take chase too.. If not to attack, to at least not let him get away.

Motorbike gang was observed driving erratically by the driver of the SUV, lots of them with no plates on at all... that in itself is a fairly obvious red flag. They've swerved in front of him, swarmed his vehicle, forced him to slow right down and one brake checked immediately in front of him - inducing the "accident"... He's already surrounded by a group of them and when a bunch then come towards his vehicle he quite sensibly got out of there ASAP.... whether they'd attacked him or not had a chance to at that point it wouldn't have been a good idea to hang about

As far as the bikers in his way are concerned **** em - WTF were they doing mobbing a family in their vehicle in the first place... they weren't stuck in traffic, it was a clear road...

Going into the city was in retrospect a bad move for him - would have been good if he'd have been able to carry on along that main road until meeting up with a police officer...
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He should have seen the non moving traffic before he stopped behind it or reversed, running over some more bikers on the way. He was probably terrified and not thinking right though.
If it was me, I would have just knocked them all of their bike or forced them to crash, after all it is a rather fast and big RR.

It was probably the fact he was just an ordinary guy minding his own business and was absolutely terrified... I doubt he'd have wanted to just back into a bunch of bikers... I also doubt he intended to hit the first one on the main road - he was just trying to get away
He did do that, then got stuck in a traffic jam, with buildings either side.

His mistake was leaving the freeway.

Should have stayed in the outside lane and called the cops. Very hard to block a 3 lane freeway with a motorbike. But he slowed right down in the inside lane which led to him getting pushed up the slip road

Ignoring the ACAB aspect of undercover police officers standing idly by.

Consuegra even watched as one rider bashed in another window and tried to pull Lien's wife out of the car.

Consuegra told ABC News that the rider told her "you're going to get it, too," as he yanked on her arms. That's when everyone on the street started shouting "not the lady!" until the biker finally relented.

Lol that anyone had the audacity to try and defend the bikers.
However, lets be honest here, if you saw your buddies being run over, you'd probably take chase too.. If not to attack, to at least not let him get away.

The guy jammed on his brakes no more than 1mtr in front of a Range Rover - he didn't stop in time to avoid him. No surprises there. It's on film so at worst the driver could only get done for fleeing the scene of a crime. Bikers chase guy down with a view to revenge. If they'd have blocked him in, called the police and waited then at least they may have done that part right.

Seen this story come up on other forums and am astounded at the amount of people in support of the bikers!
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